LMGs for TR suck

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by krokolop, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. AlterEgo

    1. *Looking at 45 round magazines for LMGs*
    2. Make it so that the Terran Auraxium LMG is belt-fed Rambo-style, and an idea just came up on my mind:
    Make all other Terran auto-Auraxium weapons LASER WEAPONS. The VS does not use laser technology, only plasma, so it would make sense. What it does? All Terran weaponry can fire as long as they want (300% longer than the VS), only they still have an ammo pool that requires resupplying and these laser projectiles dissipate (Lose energy) over time. To be more exact, the lasers do NOTHING at longer ranges. Say, 75+ meters?
  2. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    1. We have a 200 mag Minigun and the butcher isnt better at the effecitve range than it.
    2. You´ll never use more than 100 bullets for a job.
    3. You think TR LMG´s are effective after 75+m? Mby with single shot or burst but then i could use everyone´s LMG.
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  3. AlterEgo

    1. 200 magazined mini gun? WOW, that's... 4,000 rounds without reloading!:eek:
    2. Spray and pray? WE COULD reduce the CoF of Terran weapons. That would be a very interesting concept, and it doesn't hinder VS "traits" (Like we have any).
    3. Okay, so shall I reduce the range at which these laser projectiles prove ineffective? So, how then is 50-65 meters?
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  4. NoctD

    Good question - really the VS are in no better a situation than the TR with LMGs. With the exception of the Orion, all the VS LMGs are just meh and blah.

    The NC have it all though - from the god mode SAW to the cheap but very effective GD-22S, the EM-6 which is simply a better TMG-50/Ursa, to the LA1 Anchor which is a CQC beast while still retaining more ranged versatility than the TR/VS CQC LMGs. About the only NC LMG people can complain about is the EM1, since its worse than its TR/VS counterparts, but with so many other viable NC LMGs to choose from, who cares really.

    NC rules for faction carbines, SMG and LMG choices, and to me they're on parity with TR if not even having a slight edge over TR ARs. NC 200 damage weps are just sick good ('cert maybe the Tross, no reason to bother with that given the DMR)!
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  5. iller

    most LMGs suck.... they're supposed to
    The HA has more virtual "health" than anyone else in a 1v1.

    If anything, it's the Anchor / EM6 / Orion / MSW etc's that need to be NERFED and HA's prevented from also carrying SMG's & shotguns. ...unfortunately all that would do is just result in way more BattleMedics running around who never heal or rez anyone else, or even worse, way more SMG'filtrators which is the last thing we need more of. So obviously that's not a real suggestion either.

    I think what we really need, is less focus on regular kills, and more focus on assists & objectives that everyone can be good at. This game can't just keep doing the same sci-fi Team Deathmatch crap much longer because Overwatch will come out and steal all its players if it sticks to that tired old route. Overwatch will even have payload. Does this game have payload? Nope... Now THERE'S a game objective that Chainguns & LMG's are awesome for....
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  6. GoyoElGringo

    Always funny to watch the TR and VC bicker about who's LMGs are worse.
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  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    sentenced to play with Gauss SAW this weekend
  8. Schwak

    TMG-50 general purpose
    MSW-R close range mainly buildings
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  9. GoyoElGringo

    Sentenced? The gun is an absolute pleasure to use. I don't even want to use use other LMGs to unlock the God Saw, but I force myself to.
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  10. Ragnarox

    Nerf Orion its too OP especially Vanu. ZOE them both !
  11. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    I don't play much TR so I only use the T9 Carv - but post-buff it is a beast if the other TR LMG's are anything like it I would say practice a bit more. I do in general love the TR guns - I have the ones I got through alpha squad and they all seem good. Very happy with the default ones too.
  12. Goretzu

    This isn't true at all, the TMG-50 is basically a slightly better SAW S, the NC have nothing like the Carv (the EM6 is the closest, but it is like an opposite Carv), the GD-22 is just a poor Anchor.

    The only thing the TR do need in LMGs is one of them changing to a 125/909 bullet tiered weapon.

    As for Carbines, TR Carbine perform exceptionally well, most likely due to RoF and mag size.

    The GODSAW is actually slightly worse than the NC6 SAW, if you use the NC6 SAW in the usual certed way, going to be an anti-climax. :(
  13. Tyrant103

    Hmm, well I personally would take the high RPM and low recoil over the VS and NC weapons. But maybe that's because I've heavily invested my time into playing VS only. TR are definitely my favourite for SMGs too, the low recoil whilst maintaining damage is quite superior to our equals (high recoil)
  14. NoctD

    TR weapons are HIGH horizontal recoil jittery s*it really - which you can't easily compensate for unlike vertical recoil. Give it a try just for laughs, the CARV will drive you nuts. The Gauss SAW is infinitely more controllable - even without a compensator and forward grip, you just can't full auto with it.
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  15. miraculousmouse

    Overwatch is a 6v6 game, I can find 6v6s or 12v12s or 24v24s to 96+v96+. This is still the most versatile FPS game out there and its ****** awesome. There have been plenty of shooters like Titanfall, Destiny and BF4... PS2 still isn't dead.
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  16. miraculousmouse

    Well when doing my Flare auraxium to become one of those "unlimited ammo farmers" (I finally unlocked the betelgeuse today :D) there were plenty of times when the extended mag I chose to use on the flare instead of the foregrip helped. Holding a room with a few friendlies against several more enemies, I'd need to reload more often with 75 rounds of course. Having a 150 round weapon with 143/750 damage tier is ******* awesome.
  17. GothicNightmares

    Orion God tier accuracy

    SVA-88 God tier accuracy

    NS-15M1(OR anniversary version) - Tier 1 accuracy

    everything else....

    Rhino/MSW (same ranking imo one has better ROF and slight less accuracy and the other has better long range accuracy but slower ROF)

    Anchor - the only acceptable LMG for NC imo....

    T9-Carv - the rattle pisses me off

    Gaus saw <--- this gun can be actually mid tier if you specifically use it and get great at its high recoil and slow *** ROF... but slow reloads will get you killed more often than not I also do not think the ROF evens out the damage from this weapon... i feel the weapon should have a bit more dps to compensate for its recoil...
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  18. iller

    exactly what EQ2 players tried to say about WOW but it completely buried them anyway. Don't underestimate bliz's market force

    In any case, that whole point was tongue in cheek. And LMG's are in too weird of a place for this game because the Devs made too many bases into drab modern military corridor arenas. There's one particular base that I'm always getting a CS_office vibe from, and that's one of the BETTER ones. Also that reiterates my point about team death match as PS2's primary "content" / focus. ...When it really needs to be about the entire region AROUND every base and all the lattice links that are supposed to make up the supply lines to that fight.

    Without that stuff... it just reverts to series of 6v6 corridor arenas happening next door to eachother 50 times every minute b/c Zerg-vs-Zerg, when the quintessential LMG really shines out in the field for escorting, KOTH, garrison, and other mobile duties
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  19. Feydakin

    No sir, TR LMGs are fine... I've used pretty much everything from all three factions and TR are in a fairly good spot, nothing over powered, nothing super horrible to use. The problem is that both NC and VS have clearly superior LMGs that need to be toned down some.
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  20. vanu123

    MSWR is better, yes crazy I know, but the attachment options are far better.