[Suggestion] Little things I would like to see in the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Saool

    Something I would like to see. It's not the big stuff like continental lattices, battle islands or continent wide underground systems, more small embellishments...

    No helmet

    Now that we have face paints and such, how about a simple no helmet option as per the old pre alpha screen shots?

    Different heads/faces

    Sure this is a FPS as heart, not a RPG (although I wish it had more RPG elements to your 'characters', but I get tired of the same faces (usually the same one face). Lets have some more customisation?

    Different armours

    IE more than Composite or Composite with a few bits taken off (Drakon). Keep the empire styles, but lets have four or five different sets per class.

    Squad camos/helmets/armours

    Have some new camos that the squad leader can set to 'squad camo' in the social window. When set all the squad have the same camo as the squad leader. How about extending this to the same armour and helmet? It would only apply whilst you are in that squad but would help create a squad identity. Or just have the option of using whatever the squad lead has available (as opposed to new items needing to be purchased).

    PS(1) style looting

    The ability to grab a weapon of a foe and use it for the duration of that 'life'. (Que 10 TR TKing each other over an Orion).

    Accent voices

    We have slightly comical ones and various American ones. How about English accents, German ones, Spanish, French, (serious) Russian, Norwegian etc. Or even down to regional accents. (of course, I'm from Yorkshire, so I don't have an accent).

    Custom decals

    Give Outfits the opportunity to add their own Outfit Decals

    Add your own...
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  2. Spoof

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  3. FateJH

    It's be sold in the store, even if they offered one.
    There's no point is having your own camo if someone else can provide it for you. There's also no reason having camo if it automatically gets overrode by someone else's options.
    There are so many basics to this mechanic that we don't have implemented for this system to work that it'd be mind boggling to try and have it up and running in either the short run or the long run.
  4. Saool

    Yes... and is that a problem?

    Of course there would be. Do you always only play in one squad with the same squad leader all the time? I think that player would be in the exreme minority. Most players, in my experiance, mix squad/platoon play with solo play, and play in many differing squads from there own outfit, if they are in one, and others in general.

    This would let squads that want to, have a quick, simple unified look that only last as long as that squad lasts.
  5. Whatupwidat

    Weather effects - nothing even too drastic, just visual. Rain on Hossin, sandstorms on Indar, snow on Esamir, that kinda thing.

    Better sound design - playing BF4 this week reminded me how bad a lot of Planetside 2's sound design is and how much more immersive it is in BF4.

    Fixed wing fighter aircraft - I don't want to remove the air we have now, but the ESF is what I would consider a "jack of all trades" aircraft, ie it's capable of air-to-air and air-to-ground in pretty much equal measure. Now, we have the liberator as the specialist air-to-ground aircraft - what we need now is an air superiority fighter to be the specialist air-to-air aircraft.
  6. FateJH

    I gravitate towards squads where I trust the competency of the leader, which usually answers your question as "yes." At the very least, the forementioned leader being a non-leader squad member already raises my opinion of the squad's capabilities.
    But none of that has anything to do with what we're discussing. What I am talking about, anyway. I'm talking about having a camo you prefer yet having whomever is your sqaud leader super-impose their choice over your own. A simple opt-in or opt-out toggle is easy to say "yes, let's include this;" but, at some level, someone's cosmetic risk ending up being disenfrachised by another person's decision, and cosmetics are foremost personal things. Since squad leader options are usually for other people's benefit at the expense of the squad leader's time/certs, I assume the opt-in/out suggestion wouldn't be out of line in that respect.
  7. Whatupwidat

    Also, a scope for the Commissioner :p
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  8. Lord_Avatar

    Aside from looting - good ideas. :cool:
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  9. PWGuy93

    Yup, not into the looting idea at all. Works for other games designed around loot.
    I would love to see weather as suggested. A good fog or rain to mess with game mechanics would be awesome.
  10. LegioX

    I want more armor for inf. take my money soe
  11. FBVanu

    Add nothing, don't touch anything.. do not nerf, do not buff, no cosmetics..

    nobody at SOE PS2 is allowed to touch a single line of code.....

    unless it is absolutely positively fixing a bug..

    Fix the bugs.. (the crowd is chanting: 'one of us'),
    fix the bugs... (chant: 'one of us'),
    fix the bugs.. (keep chanting...)...
    fix the bugs.. (you know.. )
  12. eldarfalcongravtank

    long hair for female soldiers that sticks out the back of the helmet :3
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  13. Lord_Avatar

    Actually that would be awesome. ^^
  14. patrykK1028

    And half naked armor like in TERA or Aion.
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  15. Fatal_Finn

    Increase one TR carbine's rof to 800+ with 143 damage. Don't touch Lynx though.
  16. DatVanuMan

    Keep talking...
  17. DatVanuMan

    Make the factions look more different.
    Make NC weapons feel more retro-electromagnetically futuristic.
    Make TR weapons better than modern counter parts.
    Stop making VS weapons look and function like frozen fish and Terran weapons.
    Remove aircraft.
    If you don't, make them explode with a single dumb fire shot.
    Remove MAXes.
    If you don't, a single SR headshot kills them.
    Allow me to buy camo with certs. I need 4,000 to buy a single camo which only applies to my infantry or vehicle, i.e. I bought with my HA, it could only be used with my HA, nothing else.
  18. patrykK1028

    Its impossible. In real world guns usually kill with 1 hit - it would have to be 1000 dmg in PS2. RoF - M16 fires 800 rpm, WW2 PPSH41 was firing 1300rpm and MG42 1200 with rifle-caliber bullets cutting arms and legs. Real weapons have 900+ m/s velocity. PPSH had something like 600 and it was enough to.. pierce through metal.
    So, to make TR weapons better than modern guns they would have to be:
    1000+ dmg
    800+ rpm
    1000m/s + velocity
    And also better accuracy probably
  19. DatVanuMan

    I don't mean all those things. I mean definitely better RoF, probably lower damage, and MUCH larger magazines. The lowest rate of fire should be 750. The highest? A good 1,500. It could be done, it would be epic.