little bit boring

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tonberry76, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Rawkzter

    Or a combination of both.
  2. WyrdHarper

    I notice you're not in a squad, there's your problem.

    (Also Instant action is terrible)
  3. Corporate Thug

    This game was advertised with large battles, but it is unrealistic to think that smaller battles shouldn't take place as well. There are many changes coming to PS2 that will help provide smaller fights in addition to just more infantry fights in general.

    Many people just don't get the frustration you get when you want to play as infantry. It's not that I wont tank or do what it takes, it's more that I don't want to do it all d*mn day. I want to hop out of w/e vehicle and fire my weapon at other infantry, but not from 100+ meters away.

    Those of us who want to fight for capture points and kill enemy infantry are told to go play Cod or Battlefield, but if we do who would give them their base capture XP because it seems most of them can't ever be arsed to exit their vehicles.
  4. Tuco

    yeah now you can be the one camping empty bases.
  5. KnightCole

    Running across the field only to be mowed down by a sniper, a plane, a tank or w/e else decides to shoot us. I dont find staring at the "respawn" screen every 5 seconds fun. Respawning to try and advance only to be mowed down time and again. Sure, you can flank, you can sneak you can w/e...but in the end its going to be amostly fruitless ventuer, unless your a cheesy SMG Infil...
  6. HadesR

    Few Engi's with UBSL can make a difference .. If ofc they know how to lay down cover smoke
  7. phreec

    Step 1. Stop relying on Instant Action.
    Step 2. Learn to read the map and finding evenly populated fights.
    Step 3. Indarside offers the best fights. Amerish and Esamir easily just become tank/air spam.
    • Up x 1
  8. GhostAvatar

    Problem is you are playing alongside random pubs, farmers, and those who care too much about there KDR. For your style of play you are better off playing in an outfit, who do actually care about objectives and what semblance of metagame there is.