I thought maybe it gets better after the Warpgate rotation, but it is still the same old. A huge share of NC is fighting at the Crown, and we lose our big bases. Right now we do have 40% population and 25% territory. Would you please once in a time go away from the useless zerging at the crown and actually do something usefull for your faction? Like defending or attacking bases that give us a good supply in resources? When i log in i check the map and hope that we dont have the crown, because everytime we conquer the Crown the same thing happens, Vanu and TR cut trough our lines, take our big bases (Zurvan, Tawich, Rashnu) now it will be Dahaka and Mao and the rest of us struggles to get them back, because a hundred people are up the Crown defending a useless rock.
I'll just use this thread to say the same to the VS and TR. I really wish the Crown would go. I hate the place. It's the reason the other continents are almost always rather empty and sucks 25% of the population of Indar into meaningless fighting that never ends. The Crown is a nice display of the futility of war. Many die, no winners as it's not worth anything besides +2 (two!!!) aircraft supplies that are often not even connected to the warpgate. PS: Where do you guys all come from all of the sudden? Server population used to be even but for the last two weeks NC very often has something around 40% population.
I put it down to the warpgate rotation, since it happened almost exactly at the same time. I then attributed that to either: 1. NC coming back to play as they now didn't have the ****** warpgate placement (we have that now) 2. Lots of VS and / or TR abandoning ship to join NC as they now didn't have their beloved warpgate positions Having read the above, I can see neither were correct. I'm amazed at the droves of mindless numpties who leave when their "leader" leaves high quality supportive PS2 gamers YouTube bring in.
From what i'd heard on the server, an NC outfit called [Dopa] transfered or sprang into life on Lithcorp, which is why you now see such a marked increase in NC population vs VS and TR ( rarely see NC below 40% server pop). This has had a strange effect, both VS and TR now see the massive NC population as a threat and tend to let the other low pop fation live in peace so long as there is no obvious agression, the greater incentive is to pin back the NC in the north. Personaly i find the imballence strangly good for me, i dislike fighting the VS and thier super accurate weapons, and i'm always glad to have the more even and fun fight with the NC (had a great battle over Helios Solar with NC today, the battle raged for nearly 45 mins, felt like PS1 for a while, we lost in the end, but it was fun). Thanks to thier huge and threatening population imballence, i get this all day every day now.
The crown? Please... We at SolTech be fighting at TI Alloys now, that's a whooping 200M away from the crown atleast! But no seriously - that's literally where all the wars are for us >_> Sure, sometimes it's Allatum Lab or whatever that lab in south-east is, but most of our battles are at TI alloys. Whoever is there gets flanked by whoever owns the crown and whoever wants to get to the crown. I honestly wish I could fight in the other 2 continents, but with 5% of the entire population making up those 2 continents, that's kinda hard to enjoy >_> Personally not much of a fan of the KDR > all mindset - more so that there really is no where else to go to find a decent fight. I could go solo, and cap 13 areas on the map before 1 lib team would come in to kill me and cap them back. That's how bad it gets at the worst times.
Dopa, now i know why this guys are everywhere ^^ my outfit was defending the rashnu biolab for hours and we pull the smurf´s back. Dopa everywhere. It was fun, because we captured also the crown, and we let them take it back, just an act of compassion. I think i dream today of Dopa wtf...
confirming that the NC have experienced a sudden surge of new players with the [dopa] tag there are pro's and cons to this. suddenly there are a huge number of new players into the lithcorp server which is the equivalent of a surge of toddlers into an army camp. This has actually made little difference to the NC- other than the fact that we are new easier to kill and have attracted attention from vanu and TR. Either two things will happen 1: DOPA guys will stay and get better 2: DOPA players will mass rage quit, leaving the only other organized outfits to try to lead an already poorly balanced race. Ironically enough, the NC are really suffering because of a sudden increase of new players and an already idiotic zerg mentality. With TR holding three continents for the past two weeks. not surprised TR + VANU are picking on NC- it happened before the map rotation and it is happening after the map rotation. I checked my stats yesterday and I have died 10% of the time to NC blue's... Unfortunately, it sounds like these new DOPA guys are large in numbers and when they aren't led by their leader- which is 90% of the time, they are just dust in the wind- and are mostly teenagers. From fighting with lately, their tag should be [DOPE} just my two cents...
Also thats ironic coming from a [trid] member Its a rare treat to see you guys get out of your magriders- Us Jesters run out of targets when you guys are walking around though.... lol, rocketspam ftw
It all makes sense now. Those [DOPA] guys are mainly badbut sometimes they come with tons of Vanguards steamrolling everything or drop with multiple gals, especially at Ceres Hydroponics. The Jesters I've seen from time to time, they tend to be better players. [TRID] is kind of like [DOPA] in that a lot of them don't know what they are doing and you see them quite often alone. Besides a smaller core of members, a lot of them don't seem to be there on a regular basis. I can't fully judge their skill however as I never fought them of course.
Groups like DOPA tend to disappear as soon as their streamer stops being interested in the game. They will just follow him to another game after that, for the most part, and the rest will probably join one of the other outfits. As has been said though, they're pretty much target practice for both VS and TR at this point. The bigger problem of the Crown being the place where all the zergs go is not something that will disappear regardless of maps. The kind of players that spend their time there don't really want to go looking for fights or try tactical operations. They enjoy the meat grinder, and that's alright as long as they're having fun. If the developers just deleted the Crown, some other location would take its place as being the place to go for guaranteed drawn-out fights. On another note, killer, there's no need for name-calling on outfit forums. I understand you take pleasure in thinking yours is the best outfit and that players getting into the game are idiotic, but you can keep it to yourself.
In [Dopa]s defence, some of them have clearly played this game before (maybe they were already on this server), as they are already up to 40+ after only a week. I agree some are new, but they seem willing to fight out in the field, rather than the crown. I wouldn't call them all a walk over, that seems a little disrespectful, they are tenatious and what they may or may not lack in experience they make up for in effort. I don't know about the rest of my outfit ( [AoTR] ) but i've only seen a positive so far from thier involvement. As for the crown, i think thats something every faction can probably agree on. I dislike it intensely, and mourn the tunnel vision that certain members of my faction display towards its aquisition or defence. I can recall very recently (wednesday i think it was) where during prime-time, we were pinned back to 2 bases away from our WG, and it was clear we needed to all get back and push out again, but over 50% of our meager 23% world pop was sat at TI alloys hurling themselves at the Crown in the vague hope they could be anything other than a walking cert bank for the defenders. I would gladly forsake the crown for the rest of the games life if only so that the percentage of playerbase that is deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a map bigger than the size of a base gets to expand its horizons and finaly appreciate the magitude of this game.
I like the Dopa guys, yesterday when half our faction was at the Crown again, and we were loosing everything they dropped a Platoon out of 3-4 Galaxys over Dahaka and took ich back. I think they add to our side. But i sometimes feel sorry for TR/Vanu trough the population imbalance.
I actually like being outnumbered all the time. Sure the TR doesn't hold all 3 continents anymore, but I really don't care. Because now I don't have to look for a fight, the enemy is everywhere and some of the new guys make really good farming material.
Well i guess we can't expect all freedom fighters to be trained or good at what they are doing right? The only thing NC now has is numbers - unstable, unreliable numbers..... of meatshields.
DOPA DOPA mindless zerg god these guys just dont care. their pilots cant turn and their infantry ALWAYS shoot at me even when it is certain death and they get nothing out of it. almost like bots tbh.
THIS POST,my post.... is dedicated to all the nc that were farmed by at ti alloys today(and for all the small sons that called me a hacker)!Keep it comming boys im always hungry for more!
DOPA members are mindless. Not every single one of them obviously, but most of the time they seem to flood you like creatures of Moria. Not to mention their 14-years old mentality (Oh, the obscenities they like to throw at me in polish. Delicious.) I wonder what will happen after their guru leaves.
I am from DOPA. We are trying to change the management of the outfit. Now we have 40 + regular players Please do not insult us, we are not zerg! . Sometimes this is only due to live stream of the outfit's founder Vonzay. And it has anything to do with members who play all the time. We are new and we are learning. Look at your BR 55 ! wow ! my only 27 to let you insult me, I do not think. Players who play often DOPA does not offend anyone. If you see that this is a report to me his nickname. Lithcorp: [DOPA] Gahllager Miller : [DRKG] AcidGen