Listened to the noobs/whiners

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gfoceRETURNS, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. gfoceRETURNS

    Nerfing liberator while buffing multiple AA platforms. :cool:

    Congrats. Y'all made the same fatal mistake PS1 did... you listened to the noobs and gave them exactly what they wanted. Liberators are good because of team work, communication, and years of practice by gunners/pilots alike. There was nothing inherently un-balanced about them pre-patch. You, the devs, listened to the idiots whining when they were ganked driving their lightning in an open field. Or the people who complained that a skyguard couldn't insta-gib a 3 man crewed vehicle.

    Now y'all got what you wanted... I will certainly unsub. I'll still play. I will still find ways to farm the dipsh1ts out there. But the long time cash you had from a 15 year customer of the planetside franchise is gone. I'm tired of y'all pandering to the half wits in this game. It has a learning curve... don't punish the rest of us because lightning zerglings get owned out of sheer stupidity.
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  2. Liewec123

    well then you should have nothing to worry about!

    you'd only need to worry if you crutched off the ridiculous durability.
    but as you succeed based on being sooooo skilful in your flying tank
    and not because of its previous ridiculous durability, you'll be fine!
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  3. ican'taim

    If AA is sooooo insanely, game breakingly, cancel-your-subscription levels of overpowered, explain this

    Looks like you're just another crybaby, just like when everybody screeched like a three year old refused candy about BEC ammo.
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  4. gfoceRETURNS

    Thanks for that video gem. I didn't realize the idiots would actually announce themselves. You are literally the exact person I spoke about in OP. Complaining you can't instagib a 3 man crewed vehicle. Meanwhile you sit in one spot in a lightning just unloading on a lib thinking you should be able to defeat any aerial threat. You don't even try to throw the lib's angle off, take cover and attack with a fresh mag, or anything.

    You, sir, are the idiot I spoke of. Congrats. FYI -- I hopped in an AP mag rider a couple weeks ago (pre patch) on emerald and solo'd a 3 man lib crew piloted by one of the best (aaPheva). Lib wasn't OP. You just have the situational awareness of a blind cave snail.
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  5. gfoceRETURNS

    Big question for you... if it takes no skill to fly a lib... why didn't more people do it? The way I saw this game is a handful of excellent lib pilots dominated. Random noob lib crews weren't taking out vast armor columns.

    Lib was only OP to y'all because that's who you faced-- veterans who dedicated years with the same crew to fighting together. Let's be honest... if those same people played together and did nothing but heavy assault, tanks, ESF's, literally anything... they would be just as deadly.

    The elephant in the room is ESF A2G. Which is admittedly OP. I don't see much done there.
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  6. Liewec123

    because it takes an upfront cert investment,
    noob libs (while possessing the second highest dps weapon in the game, shredder.)
    (the first is Tankbuster btw, so 1. and 2. are both lib weapons.)
    won't be able to do much, the default nosegun sucks, their handling will suck,
    they won't have fire suppression, no hyenas to deal with tailing ESFs etc etc.
    a noob lib won't get much done if they get targeted by even a single esf.

    once you have a lib kitted out though it is freaking easymode.
    (not played mine since patch so i'm referring to prepatch)

    for the amount of damage that they can dish out they were ridiculously tanky,
    and the damage hasn't been touched has it?
    they still do more damage than any other vehicle in the game. (not counting outfit stuff.)
    but finally they might not be the one of the tankiest vehicles in the game.
    there was no need for something that does more damage than any other vehicle
    to just be able to facetank whatever it wants, and it freaking flies!

    you've still got your damage,
    but finally you might need to act like you're in an aircraft and play a bit more safely.
    don't worry though you can still laugh at skyguards while they tickle you.
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  7. ican'taim

    That's not my video, I don't have membership, I don't have a skyguard, and I'd never join VS. (yes, faction loyalty still exists in 2020)

    Anyhow, you've missed the point entirely. Did the guy play terribly? He played worse than a toddler! However, the video shows in a (mostly, except for the end) raw DPS race, a dedicated AA platform, which, is garbage against all other units in the game, doesn't even set the lib on fire. When that happens... yeah something is wrong.

    Funny you're the one making a massive fuss over a 500 health nerf (which isn't even the right way to go because nerfing crap is why we're in this state. You could have buffed AA and leave libs alone wrel.... oh wait this community has such a ridiculously painful hate boner for the word "buff".)

    Unrelated but I'd like for the shredder to have a 500 ammo clip. It's an anti infantry weapon, having to reload every three seconds isn't fun.
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  8. OneShadowWarrior

    I am glad they are listening.
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  9. iller

    This is almost as self-calling-out as people who are now noticeably MISSING from their Harasser chain pulling routines post update.

    ...and there's a crap load of those people now M.I.A. because before this update, you run straight into the next Harasser gangbang barely 1 minute after sending them all packing the first time

    EDIT: in other words... nothing fundamentally changed. The PERCEPTION of a nerf is usually more potent than the actual nerf ever will be
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  10. ican'taim


    Remember 3 weeks ago when everybody was typing on here and the subreddit essays on how the condensate grenade and BEC ammo would kill the game? This post reminds me of that, just another planetman overreacting as usual.
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  11. Liewec123

    And it PROBABLY still is a terrible addition,
    maybe if the s**ty campaigns weren't bugged every step of the way we could find out.
    So it not very relevant.
    Libs are present in the game, but i've still not seen anyone with BEC ammo yet.
    I was looking forward to trolling with it, but after several days of trying to finish the bugged campaign i've given up.
    I'm at 1100 and I need another 700 for BEC ammo, and it's apparently temporary and will be gone in a month,
    I literally can't go further in the campaign because Bio Analysis consoles don't work.
    So screw doing that horrible healing support mission 7 times for something temporary!

    So yeah, we don't need to worry about BEC because it is locked behind the crappy bugged unfinishable campaign.
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  12. Zipr

    It sure sounds like gforceReturns speaks for many a lib pilot... So it sounds as good a time as any to explain some of the best game experience time I have seen I do believe it was BF3 that for a time had lockons for tanks to deal with enemy air Good to great deterrent for most pilots (Real fun to school overly aggressive noobs) Before we get into things like such a shell having the damage of a heat shell against ground armor etc. OR We even talk about how many certs to cert such a Gun How about it being a teamwork based feeling lucky today standard add-on issue of two -five shells requiring an ammo tower/sundy to rearm Lib requiring two shells but near insta-lock ESF having some warning but a OHK Also do not confuse things I'm only referring such capability for an MBT (Main Battle Tank) However, fwiw I do believe BF3 required both a gunner and driver for proper operation

    P.S. Think it would be a nice perk for gunners to have such a feature when a tank is equipped for anti-air which normally makes them feel like a passenger on a boring suicide mission Gunner acquires lock Driver shoots for an "assist" (Gunner take both score and kill)
  13. Twin Suns

    Everyone never go full Libtard son.

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  14. gfoceRETURNS

    V Ko
    All of y’all keep talking about DPS as if it’s the end all be all. You mention shredder as being some unholy **** machine... yet the best crews don’t use it. Tank buster is undoubtedly a beast. I am on the leaderboard for accuracy with the tank buster. I should know— it is a beast— if and only if you are literally within 100 mtr of a target. What does that mean? It means being in easy range for AP tanks, rocket launchers, the gamut. And a lib is an absolute neon target screaming “shoot me.”

    What needed to be done was to give people a fighting chance against ceiling libs using shredder/drake or the like. I had no problems buffing aa to account for select tactics or situations. But to simultaneously buff aa and nerf the lib? Idiotic.

    All of your DPS arguments seem to forget this is an MMO. Not a small scale TDM game. My entire point is that it’s never one sky guard against one lib. And if it is, you need to really reconsider your tactics as the sky guard. Prepatch, I’ve been lit on fire from a volley of one rockets from a handful of infantry. Prepatch, a charged lancer shot took out 2/3 of my health. Prepatch, 1 AP round had me running, 2 had me dead as I’m making the strafe run on vehicles.

    On top of all that... you mention certs as if that’s the only thing keeping noobs from using libs as effectively as me. Dude... it’s not that hard to get a lib certed. They don’t use them because they get ***** in them. I could pull my lib, give it to you, and guaranteed you will do just as poorly as a base vanilla liberator— unless you practice and run with a communicating/good crew. Certs have nothing to do with this. What a cop out.
  15. Zagareth

    Your comments here only show your lack in understanding how a "balanced game" should work. You seem to think that the air domination over the ground vehicles should last forever, especially 1-pilot Libs, being able to shred a single tank to pieces within 2-3 seconds, while tank can't do ******* **** with his guns, no matter what tank we are talking about (Collossus does't count here).
    And YES, if you fly close to a tank, no matter what aircraft you get, you should always take the short stick in your aircraft - only distance and speed should grant your survival - on short distance, a tank should always succeed.

    Galaxies roadkiling tanks is also a joke, ESF hoovering over infantires and don't even bother to be attacked by an accurate Skyguard is another...

    As for Skyguards, the Devs should make it more skillbased. Remove the proximity damage (Flak), tighten the CoF and make it like the Walker. 40mm AP rounds at 800-1000m/sec, that cut through any armor like a hot knife through butter. A reasonable damage falloff beyond 100m, but at least 250 damage per hit at lower range - deadly against close Air, deterrent on higher distances (but needs skill to aim) and also being abke to defend itself against threats (Harrassers, other Lightnings, Infantry) on the ground.
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  16. MonnyMoony

    The point is - the lib can shred ground targets (vehicles and infantry alike) as well as hold it's own against aircraft - all while being able to afterburn away as soon as things get hairy to repair.

    The lightning is running a dedicated AA platform that is almost useless against every other type of target (as most AA options are), yet even at almost point blank range - the lib wasn't even set on fire.

    Dedicated AA platforms need to be deadlier at short range to stop this type of piss taking by air - or made more versatile, so that when air invariably sods off the minute something shoots back, the AA player isn't left high and dry.
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  17. Novgdea

    It's not only the "skyguard buff", we also need a vehicule with an AA lock-on launcher. Or a short-range one, like a giant striker with wheels (TR dream here ;-)
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  18. User8888

    It's not the lib that is the problem, just the good pilots. As well as good tank players with 100% hit rate. I stopped playing in prime time due to them, can't be bothered to be farmed over and over, the game is not fun when you have 0 chance, i'd rather play on a different server dedicate for people with less than 1kdr.
  19. Zipr

    You mean as opposed to pulling a burster max? Feel free to expand on "short range" Sounds more than confusing to me considering current air capabilities
  20. Demigan

    It's always so strange to see the airbois complain about "whiners" who "get listened too". Aircraft in this game have always had a massively favored position starting from launch, when all AA weapons were downgraded to deterents for the express purpose of getting people to fly, which worked out as quite the opposite as time went on.
    Liberators and ESF especially have received numerous random, sudden buffs for no reason at all, and have whined to get things into OP status, keep their OP status or change something that is about to make the airgame accessible into a mechanic that hunts down newbies. The best example there is the ESF Engagement radar, designed to help Newbies learn the game but due to the heavy proliferation of Stealth and Engagment Radar being auto-granted it means it basically signals everyone who is a Newb and who has enough experience to at least get Stealth equipped. And those "honorable" flybois will happily gank anyone who hasn't got stealth equipped.

    So Gforce, if you don't want the Devs to listen to whiners... Have every flyboi shut the hell up.
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