List the Evils.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DatVanuMan, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    Well, say what you believe in, man:)
    Lots of people like different things, and I can understand that. Instead of arguing about which game is better, we just have to agree that each one is amazing in its own ways. PS1 is to you a remarkable game full of depth, while PS2 is to me a game full of epicosity, war, and an overwhelmingly fun way to glorify spandex.
  2. Reclaimer77

    The OP asked and he gave his list. It's a very GOOD list. So take your trolling punk self somewhere else. Nobody asked you what you thought anyway.
  3. DatVanuMan

    I AM the OP, fool>:] I control EVERYTHING:D
  4. Reclaimer77

    So instead of good convo, you're trolling responses to your OWN thread...

    Are you 12?
  5. PanzerGoddess


    Soe should probably just close down PS2, develop it for two more years and re-release...that would no doubt solve "your" problems for sure. PS1 vs compare????not even sure thats possible atm, I loved PS1(played in alpha and beyond) but I also love PS2(left ps1 for ps2 alpha and still here)......from then to now...Im more than ready to enjoy modern age technology/graphics/gameplay.....eventually games have to evolve....just sayin....

    Three things for me:
    nerf the nanite....good greif....lock a continent...225 for MBT....lose a tank, np wait 4.5 minutes x_X
    liberator attack jets....flying liberators like they esf's lol x_X
    c4....please make it unthrowable lol...the moments where your in a max suite thinking man im doing great! FWAP....DAHELL.....oh riiiiiggghhhhtttt, the light above my hovering throwing c4 like its candy in a parade....
  6. Verviedi

    He's the OP. He's allowed to moderate his own thread, and is in control of the discussion on his threads.
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  7. PurpleBeefer

    is normal :p
  8. DatVanuMan

    No. I'm 19. Jeez, man, why are you such a downer?
  9. DatVanuMan

    YEAH! PLUS ONE POINTS FOR YOU! Thanks, man. You got my back, I got yours;)
  10. andy_m

    Hiya dood :)

    I'm not sure what your personal stats have to do with this, other than you are playing PS2 and probably enjoying it, noting your kill rate and infantry accuracy. K/D ain't that impressive... That stat can be padded any number of ways and even someone as crap as me can get an average of over 3 ~ 4.

    I understand the intention of your OP. But I read "dislikes" as something that ends up as whining, as can be seen here.
  11. NBA JAM

    ^ This. One of the biggest issues with this game is the one shot kills. C4 is a close 2nd. If sniping required ACTUAL skill to do, nobody would complain. But it doesn't, any idiot can pick up the bolt actions and start head shotting away. Its even easier now with the Hold Breath implant. It also makes it impossible to for engineers to use AI Mana Turrets (seriously, why do those have their head exposed?).

    The role of the sniper is to pick off weaker infantry and to make the enemy feel "suppressed". Head shots just need a change in general, but they should first address the ******edness that is OHK Bolt Action Sniper Rifles.

    Its been a joke since beta.
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  12. MetalCotton

    It's funny because an infiltrator is incapable of doing anything remotely useful as a sniper other than killwhoring or ending overly eager farmers. Get your head plinked by a bolt-action? This is usually what happens afterwards:
    Oh hey a medic is picking me up the sniper is over there with his slow-firing bolt action lets kill him

    This isn't CoD where a sniper is basically a hitscan camper tool(Unless you're Vanu), things like bullet drop will come into factor based on distance and it takes time to figure out exactly where to aim. Because no matter what sniper you're using, a bodyshot is almost never a OHK. Unless you're in the middle of a W+M1 zerg and your shields are dropping faster than an apple falling from a tree, then yes: That sniper just shot you in the foot and deprived the 20 other people and 50 tanks firing in your general direction the satisfaction of killing you.

    That being said, do I think snipers are cowards? Yes, use an SMG and hack everything or go home. Do I think they're overpowered? They're about as powerful as everyone's idea of a nerfed PPA.
  13. Peg

    You say that a lot, infact I think you're the only one who didn't like concepts that PS1 had.

    Your arguement is basically, "this is PS2" .....2 is different.

    Thats not an argument? Your argument is so weak and hollow it's actually annoying.

    Do you not think many vets, who played the game for over 6 years know what they are talking about. As opposed to..... you who played it for a short time.

    I actualy had a PS1 moment in game today, it only took 2+ years from release. There was me and a medic defending the SCU in a bio from hordes of TR with less than 20 seconds left on the clock. We died and they resecured with about 2 seconds left.
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  14. andy_m

    You plonker Rodney.
  15. ZBrannigan

    it's not modern age gameplay though. its the same as FPS's have been since quake.

    it de-volved but got a makeover.
  16. Verviedi

    Add a new evil.
    Lockons and flak (The Skilless family of AA weapons) shooting out of spawn rooms.
  17. DK22

    only thing wrong is continent locking, forcing people to play a way they don't want to.
    Its just crap off peak hours, everything is locked up, 2 continents locked and a little over pop of
    one faction takes a third. its not fun.
    I really miss the openworld concept of PS2.
  18. Midnightmare

    90% HA population = borring.
  19. Bassett

    The Internet
    Ground Vehicles
    Situational Awareness

    seriously it's bs

  20. Pootisman

    1. Lack of variety:
      • Your only real objective in the game is "capture point A". No strategic obectives like "destroy the bridge to stop enemy tank zergs". Nothing.
      • The factions are very similar, there are very few unique abilites like the magrider's hover technology.
      • Most bases are boring. There are also too many of them, which means little space for tank fights. SOE should put quality over quantity. Amerish has some really good bases, devs should use those as prime example for good base design.
    2. Lag:
    3. Hit detection:
    4. Annoying bugs (which sometimes take months or even years to get fixed), for example:
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