Lightning AI weapon idea....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by =ADK= Turrican13, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. =ADK= Turrican13

    Create a shotgun round for the lightnings.
    200 pellets
    med spread
    3.5 sec reload time
    75m range
    no splash.
    Minimal vehicle damage

    I've seen what tank flechette rounds can do and it's devastating. I want one for my lightning.
    Make it happen.
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  2. Halkesh

    I think it should better match to Vanguard.
    Shotgun secondary isn't enough. :p
  3. Hosp


    In the longer run, ES Lighting Primaries, I'm open to that idea...but no more shotguns!
  4. patrykK1028

    I agree for new Lightning weapon but olease not shotgun. I just hate shotguns
  5. ColonelChingles

    Oh man... tank canister shot is awesome. The M1028 out of a M1's 120mm cannon shoots over 1,000 tungsten balls out to an effective range of 200-500m. Also works wonders against light vehicles and can even shoot through walls to kill squishy infantry on the other side.

    Wall and infantry behind the wall:


    No more wall and no more infantry:
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  6. InoxGecko

    No, please not. For the love of god, no more shotguns :(
  7. norsewarlord

    The problem with canisters is that you will have no protection against other tanks or armored vehicles. But if you want to give up that ability then you can go right ahead nothing seems wrong to me.
  8. =ADK= Turrican13

    Would be a very specific useage designed to disrupt infantry out in the open or behind rocks. It is designed to be more lethal than HE or HEAT rounds as a straight shot.