Light bridges, I want more!

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by AnotherNoob, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. AnotherNoob

    The light bridges that are on the interlink facility is hilarious, and I would love if bridges like them was added to other places, and preferably longer ones so it would be more exciting to run across them :)

    That's about it, I want more!
    • Up x 4
  2. Takoita

    Also, note the bridge terminal graphics that show a warning sign if someone hacked them but reverted the color to gold to ambush some unwary MAXes.
  3. Puppy

    Light bridges can be used like doors. (hint) ;3
  4. AnotherNoob

    Would also be lovely if you got awarded the kills for people that fell down because of you hacking the bridge, but I guess that could be a bit tricky to code :p

    An interesting idea could be to have the capture point floor as a bridge that you could hack, for glory xD