Actually, this is a bit of a troll post. LA's annoy the crap out of me - they fly straight up while shooting down, or they leap like the hulk completely away from my attack, but that's part of the game. I'm not about to post giant threads about how they're ruining the game, or how flying has to be nerfed, or (most embarrassingly) stuff like 'Planetside is dead - long live LightAssaultSide', etc. Quit whining. If some other class does some stuff you don't dig, suck it up and learn to deal with it. For every angsty whiner on their dad's 'puter whining about cloaking or harassers or HESH spam or Mags or ScatterMaxes, etc., there are hundreds of other players who somehow soldier on, killing those that annoy them as often as they can. WTF do you guys want?? Every class to be the same, to have exactly the same strengths, the same weaknesses, the same weapons? Weapons are already 99% the same anyway, due to the clamoring for 'balance' over the last 5 years. I play an inf most of the time - yes, I absolutely catch people unaware and stub them, and it's a Great Time™ - but I generally die horribly when I choose wrong, or when it's an HA, or (God forbid) I come at an LA and don't get that perfect knife strike -- fly up, shoot down, I'm dead. About every 50 times or so when I kill someone, though, I get something like 'Do all VS use that ***** knife?', etc. I imagine it's pretty much the same 1 in 50 who keep posting the whiny threads about 'blah blah game dynamic is killing PS2', etc. It's not the game's fault, though; it's not a balance issue, and after all these years, the classes are, whining aside, pretty well balanced. You guys doing all the whining just happen to be the easiest kils, that's all.
I am definitely not on your list of easiest kills. Infiltrators are easy snacks to me since 90% of them are lazy players who crutch on the cloak and rarely even bother firing at the LA that never stands still even behind cover. However that does not mean I cannot recognize a problem with the balance. For all that I will defend C4 for example against tanks, I do recognize that making C4 a jack-of-all-trades weapon without any real alternatives is a bad idea. Splitting it up into an AV and AI variant would already do wonders, as would adding additional options to the utility slot so players do not always have C4 with them as the perfect weapon of opportunity. I also recognize that too many vehicle players are too lazy to really defend themselves and that it would be good for vehicle players if it were removed, however since C4 is the only AV capable of truly dealing with vehicles before they just drive out of effective range or get half a dozen attempts to OHK you before you get close to killing them an outright removal is not possible. There are plenty of things that have much more complexity that you have to take into account. That is why cloakers are an obvious thing we need to change. Their fire-from-cloak ability takes away too much from the opposition and gameplay, and with a 2-second decloak for example they would still be plenty powerful and able to perform their tasks, but with a skillcurve a lot closer to that what the other classes already have. I would be fine with giving Infils their 10% health back if they cannot decloak and fire as fast anymore, since the 10% health was specifically taken away to balance out this ability. I would also be fine with increasing cloak energy and even recharge, since the infil would need to rely more on its preparation phase for its advantage rather than the "anywhere is fine because I can decloak and fire quickly" technique that is present now. Its so easy that when I snipe I'm often in the middle of the road or something because cover isnt that important due to the cloak while staying in cover makes it easier for others to find your position.