Light Assault vs (CQC)Infiltrator - Team contribution

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Protovex, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Protovex

    What are the opinions of team contribution out of these 2 classes? What would be preferred in team play considering both classes are played by equally skilled players? Perhaps one class is preferred in a certain scenario?
  2. Lord_Avatar

    For pure killing potential I'd go with LA. A well placed Motion Spotter, or a few Recon Darts can be priceless though.
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  3. BlueSkies

    Infiltrator... gets you recon darts/dildar and EMP. Which are incredibly useful, but that is also as far as the infil's usefulness to a team goes.

    Light Assault (assuming the point is in a multi story building or an area that is walled off) will force the defenders to cover not just the obvious entrances but all balconys, windows, stairways, walls, etc. If coordinated with a normal infantry entry team this can seriously screw up the defenders. Beyond simple point capture, LAs are fantastic in many situations for breaking up entrenched defensive positions on walls, towers, etc..

    These are just generalities and of course it depends entirely on the skill of the player involved. Furthermore, your average SL or PL will discourage these classes as the SL or PL generally lack any actual tactical concepts beyond "CHARGE!!!" and ... "CHARGE AGAIN!!!!"
  4. Lemposs

    The LA by a long shot, they actually exist for other players and puts a real threat between you and your objective, infiltrator will just scurry around find a good kill and then scurry back into nothingness and attributed nothing substantial to the fight/frontlines.
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  5. Meeka

    You don't know how to play Infiltrator at all, if that's how you think they're played.
  6. Meeka

    I'd take the Infil any day, and I do.
    Particularly in CQC; the LA is good for quick surprise attacks from above or below, but that's it... that's it's only real advantage.
  7. Geddes

    LA can have big impacts on fights when used right, for instance a galaxy based fairy squad that just flies around big fights, drops and drifter jets over enemy spawns and armor and removes them, though for most instances in a squad of proper composition, LA has no place, its heavies maxes medics, 1 or 2 engineers dependent on maxes and 1 infil for hacking/emp/dildar/motion darts and sometimes betties.
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  8. Lemposs

    If we are talking about a CQC infiltrator in a base, I could agree they have a lot of utility that is useful, and can pick some targets off. But when it comes down to holding a point or trying to push, infiltrator is probably the last class I'd want with me.
  9. 0fly0

    That's funny because if its for holding a point or push, LA is probably the most useless class you can find...
    LA are good when you attack a point, you grab a cqc weapon and move fast using a window or somewhere where the ennemies don't expect you to be, clear the point and move secure the entrance from outside on the roof or in a tree.
    LA have nothing to do at "holding a point" , you have no ability for that and are just a regular infantry on the ground, even if infiltrator are not heavy or medic they can scan the place, use mine at the entrance, hide when someone get in and kill him in the back, so many thing a LA can't do.
    Want to hold point spawn HA or medic engi for support.
  10. Liberty

    Spend some time getting good with your factions 1x scope BASR (Ghost, TSAR, I always forget NC) and play it as a QCQ infiltrator. You get the utility of giving everyone map knowledge through darts / radar and the ability to OHKO anyone from 10 M to 100 M comfortably with the 4x scope.

    Nano armor cloaking can give you that boost in survivability while you transition. EMP grenades let you 1 shot body shot during big or frantic pushes.

    The skill cap is definitely higher, but with a good bit of consistent practice you will be hard to beat.
  11. Lemposs

    Okay, holding a point was the wrong terminology. Protecting the point, which means any rooftops, trees or any high points near the point or any hard to reach flanks. Which I will add, is often quite crucial, seeing as enemy LAs will have a good time if they can willy nilly just rain fire upon the floor peasants, or any flanks that can give an opportunity of fire upon a choke point that they will crowd around.
    I don't think I have ever seen an infiltrator that did a substantial thing that most other classes couldn't do better, outside of spotting darts or sniping.
  12. FieldMarshall

    If i didnt have a LA or Infil in my group i would pick the Infiltrator ofcourse.
    I would rather have a BR30 stalker with sensor than a BR100 MLG LA.

    Im surprised how low people value situational awareness in PS2.
    Though looking at some of the arguments for bringing the LA over radar, it explains why people get farmed.
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  13. Lemposs

    Honestly, if infiltrators actually did the spotting dart spamming or plunked down their motion spotter in useful places, at a consistent basis, I'd vote for them. Until then, I prefer LAs firepower and capability of being a threat.
  14. Raysen

    I feel like they have roles usefull only in determinate cases. I mean, whatever I do, I ALWAYS want an engie for ammo/repairs and a medic for heal/revive. But LAs? Usefull only to C4 vehicles (and sometimes to flank enemies camping in a building if the place is right).
    An infiltrator? I feel it's helpful only in the case you are assaulting in small group an enemy base, and you need to take out their defensive turrets and terminals without too much noise. But generally, to win a battle you need a team, and with a team you can solve all problems without needing to hack stuff.

    Though while I believe infiltrators are okay like they are for the multipurposes they have (hacking, flanking, spotting, sniping, etc.) the LAs are currently broken. The real problem is the HAs playing their role when they shouldn't. HAs shouldn't be allowed to use SMGs or quick cqc weapons, it breaks their role of support fire...
  15. stalkish

  16. TheDarSin

    An infiltrator being able to put down motion spotters is pretty substantial. Being able to tell your squad/empire mates not only where the enemies are but where they're looking and aiming is massive during battles. Yes a light assault has the ability to get into positions where you would have the advantage but as soon as the light assault gets spotted, that position is very quickly compromised. An infiltrator on the other hand has the ability to get rid of that "spot" to keep repositioning and flanking by cloaking.

    I'm surprised people still believe that infiltrators don't have a high CQC killing potential when we have access to scout rifles and close range semi auto snipers. In a lot of cases infiltrators can still get into good positions, people just need to learn how to get to them. Taking the biolab for example, the light assault class doesn't have the monopoly on the roofs when everyone has the ability to climb on top of them. At that point it would fall to player skill. The light assault is an easier class for less experienced players but both classes have a pretty high skill ceiling. I would argue that for less experienced players the LA is better vs the Infiltrator but for very experienced players, both are pretty equal.
  17. LodeTria

    For co-ordinated squad play, 1 infiltrator with dildar is far more valuable as the radar is a extremely useful thing to have with your squad. LA's don't really have much in terms of team-play, and what they can do can be filled in by other classes.

    For pubsters, ehh I'd say the LA is probably better because it's easier to get kills with than the infil. Unless you happen to be lucky and get the 1/10 infiltraitors that know they have a tool slot and actually use it.
  18. Casterbridge

    You always want a decent infiltrator or two on your team.

    A light assault is occasionally great, but by the same token occasionally pointless.
  19. Meeka

    This is my Killboard for holding down A Point last night as VS against TR which outnumbered us 3 to 1:!/5428041429971175105/killboard

    If you have solid aim, Infil is the most effective class you can take in CQC... That killboard is not from a distance, nor as a stalker cloak. This is just me and a semi-auto scout rifle holding a front line, holdin' the point. My Infil dies less than most LAs and Heavies do.

    But, to each their own playstyle. I prefer living longer. ;)
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  20. HamOnRye

    Recon darts and Motion Spotters are a major force multiplier. EMP is also a powerful tool for dealing with entrenched enemies or taking the steam out of an offensive push to your location. SMG damage is reasonable, so are scout rifles, and if your skill is high enough the bolt action (TSAR/Ghost) is lethal.