Life and death after game crash

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by faykid, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. faykid

    So, my client just crashed while I was in my lightning but my Recursion Stat Tracker was still running.

    Game closed, and suddenly I hear Recursion say I killed someone. In a couple of seconds it says somebody C4'ed me.

    Again, game crashed and closed. When I crashed, I was inside AMP station. According to killboard, I ran over somebody and then someone C4'ed me.

    Has anything like this happened to any of you guys? I wonder what it looked like, what was my bot doing there while my client was closed. Weird.

    UPDATE: apparently, GSD sunderer. i can understand being c4 while my lightning is still in game, but road killing someone while the client is closed... wow
  2. Tommyp2006

    When the game crashes, you don't immediately disappear, you usually freeze in place for 10-20 seconds. So in that time people can still kill you and it'll count as death, or if say a vehicle runs into you and explodes, like a flash, then it would count as a kill, etc. Ever see aircraft freeze midair? That's usually what happens.