1. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Does anyone else get in there lib and it seems to fly more sluggish and slower than other times. Sometimes i get in my lib and it feels fast and nimble , but most of the time it flies like a slow turd with wings. My Dalton shots look like they are flying in slow motion. Is this connection or game mechanics .
  2. z1967

    The air mechanics affecting the Lib seem to be fairly inconsistent from an outside viewers standpoint. I have no idea what it is. It could be related to server side movement calculations (if those are a thing). It can be experienced on a more minor level with ESFs.

    The Dalton feels slow because you are firing a 250 m/s projectile from probably a very high distance up in the sky. It will probably take ~2 seconds to reach your target on average. Account and plan for this, aim an appropriate amount of meters in front of your target to hit them (for example, a tank moving at 80 kph will need a shot planted 44.4m in front of them at s=0 to get a hit at s=2). You learn speeds over time, helps to be on the ground to get an idea of what speed is which.
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  3. Pirbi

    I've lately been working on my flying. But my ESF feels like it is flying through molasses sometimes. That plus the hitching and occasionally seeing other ESFs warp back and forth. It all makes dogfighting seem to be for masochists.
  4. Jake the Dog

    Not had that problem in my mossie. Was dogfighting taking down better pilots than me despite flying mossies only a few times a month... (which I guess that means... I'm the better pilot???)