Liberators owning my Vanguard with pinpoint accuracy

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JasonVoorhees, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. JasonVoorhees

    I was taking heart about what I read here today. I am a brand new tanker.

    I read that a good way to make bank as a vanguard tanker is to kind of go roam a little bit and find unsuspecting victims and kill..the odd prowler or lightning..maybe even a sunderer.

    I was south of TI alloys the main group was laying seige..I wasnt far. A level 100 liberator as I am going full speed with racer frame no less...and evading like mad in open terrain hits me with every shot. Remember I am full speed what else can I do.

    This happened twice. it was staying over so I could not hit with main gun.

    What can I do???

    These happens a lot...

    Am I supposed to pick my nose while the zergs farm ti alloys or whatever (can we say boring?) and be bored to tears or kind of stray away a bit and be owned by liberators ad nausem?
  2. Klypto

    The valley in front of TI alloys is a really tough place to fight in armor because you're so exposed.
  3. Hexcimer

    A Lib can keep up with your tank at 1/3rd throttle. You can't outrun it. Your best option is to 1)hit him while he's on the horizon, 2) get your tank vertical, 3)seek cover, 4)roll near AA, 5) go 90 degrees. If you're lucky, his gunner is just terrible, doesn't Q up targets, and communicates poorly with the pilot. If it's a solo lib using the nose gun, or an ESF, drive strait under them and past, since they'll have to pull up sooner.
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  4. JasonVoorhees

    No there is this one guy he is maybe cheating or maybe not, but a lib should not kill tank that easy. He gets me all the time even when i got a gunner with a walker on him..he like 2 shots me..every night he is griefing me. He is level 100 ..i won't name names...

    If he is not cheating then libs are way way way too strong. It is total bullsh!t.

    I am a mild mannered 40 year old man and this guy makes me almst want to rage..over a video game...

    I mean I have NO defense I have NO counter to this jack@ss.

    This dude owns me over and over and over...I can do that fun???

    That is not right man...IDC what anyone says.
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  5. Archiadus

    1 dual burster max is all you need, maybe even a skyguard that rides with you.
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  6. CDN_Wolvie

    Sorry dude, this isn't ********, you suffer because this is asymmetrical warfare with coordinated team work, not every match up is going to be "fair". There are things and in specific situations no less that the Liberator is going to be much weaker to as well.

    Read over Hexcimer has posted again, those are your options. Of those options the best one is rolling with a team which covers the areas where you are weak - that Skyguard partner is a natural fit, the Skyguard is weak against the things your main tank is strong against and the Skyguard is strong against the things you are weak against.

    Another method I see Hexcimer didn't post is getting the AA gun in your secondary slot and getting a second player to man it for you. Upgrade it. I've definitely helped a fellow tanker who had that before just wreck jokers who thought they had a easy tank kill.

    Also think of it this way, that Liberator is 2 players working together. Should you as 1 player be able to trump their teamwork as a vehicle crew working together? Bring better team work, compliment your load out by working with others. Its dangerous to go alone, bring friends - experiment with squad loadouts, not just individual player load outs, this is the kind of game that ends up 48+ vs 48+ vs 48+ at times after all.

    Another option: find out if your server has some dedicated pilots, like PREY or ZAPS on Waterson. Make friends with those who play regularily by informing them of the Liberator's position on the map, if they are the dedicated pilots they say they are, they will thank you and get the jump on that target by coming in on them from multiple angles and BOOM! Problem solved.

    But seeing as you don't care what others say, such as pointing out what the game is, maybe this isn't the game for you if you want to solo everything.
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  7. Utrooperx

    So there I in my ****** out Skyguard...ready for any "Sky Knights" that happen to think about pouncing...and here comes a BR-100 Galaxy...I was like..."Gotcha!"...

    He squished me...literally bounced on me...and flew away...not even smoking.

    I was a Sad Panda :(...then he shelled me with Bulldogs when I spawned at a nearby base...just high enough my rocket launcher wouldn't lock on...switched to a dual burster Max with Flak 5...died amid a rain of HE...


    Darn OP Sky Knights...
  8. Jeslis

    Camo. That is all.

    (No seriously, make sure you have a camo for the area your fighting in... Makes you almost invisible to air unless your actively firing.
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  9. Flashtirade

    You're not supposed to win every engagement.
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  10. eldarfalcongravtank

    people like you are the reason the liberator is in this dire state in the first place

    "oohh i cant drive alone into enemy territory without gettin blown to bits, PLEAZE NURFF LIBBYS NAO!"

    ask for air support, roll with anti-air (skyguard, heavies with rocket launchers, burster maxes) or just find a place to hide from this guy (like under bridges, works perfectly against libs, not so much against ESFs though). seriously, i have been a tanker in this game right from the start and even i understand that liberators are the DIRECT counter to heavy armor on the field. so stop your crying and adapt
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  11. Dunkman

    There is a prominent player on mattherson that aimbots with his dalton, he bought soe off i guess since he still plays...high level guy.

    He never miss with might be who got you?
  12. Monkeydmomo

    If you were on Waterson than you probably ran into our sky whale, Cswic.
  13. blackboemmel

    imagine this: you played this game for more than 1 year, you feel good because you managed to become one of the best liberator pilots/gunners on your server (maybe in the whole game) - but you're still not able to take out a lone-wolfing newbie-tank with your anti-tank equipment..!??
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  14. Kid Gloves

    There's a fairly small number of galaxy pilots who can pull that off regularly. Maybe a dozen? Consider it an honour to have been owned by one of the best. :D

    But to the OP: yeah, hard counters hurt. A liberator is a hard counter to a MBT. Expecting to win solo is like a sunderer expecting to win a hit-trade with a Vanguard. Just ain't happening.
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  15. DukeFlash

    1.) Roaming tanks on their own are often picked off, especially by air. Whoever told you yo 'roam' in a Vanguard is an idiot. Sneak, maybe, roam no way in hell. Vanguard's strength is not to roam, it's to shove their main cannon right down someone's throat, usually front-on and with the special shield well certed.

    2.) Open terrain is a death sentence for most any tank. If it's not air it's AV Mana turrets or even lock-on rocket launchers.

    Know where cover is, be ready to ramp up an incline to shoot back at aircraft if needed or even reverse under them to make them pass you over (then you shoot them). A tank on its own in open terrain, with a Lib chasing without interference?.... yeah, you're dead. Every time.
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  16. The Shermanator

    Liberator is a hard counter to just about everything. On Waterson, literally the first vehicular response to a fight gearing up is for a libby to spam it down. I don't get why liberator pilots say they can't do anything; nothing can be done to them unless you have a disproportionate number of people with lock ons.
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  17. MFP_TK_01

    You win some and you lose some. I seriously doubt that this guy is 2 shotting you unless you were already half dead. And Hex is correct, you may think that you are zigging and zagging and being all that at racer 3, but as a pilot I don't even have to turn, and leading a MBT is not that hard to lead with the gun, not like a harasser or something.
    You were exactly the person this level 100 was looking for. He's not going to go near the main convoy where AA most likely will be. No, he's looking for quick and easy kills. You strayed from the safety net and you payed for it.
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  18. Chipay

    The fact that a few infantry units are able to kill a Liberator without it able to react might be a reason
  19. Cinnamon

    Lock ons are no defence for tanks. All libs have to do is raise their distance from ground above the range limit and take out the tanks that still render.

    I think the single biggest thing that makes really skilled lib crews quit is that they quickly earn more certs than they ever want to use. Since they only play libs and earn certs so fast. Once they do that they get sort of bored as they lose the feeling of challenge and progression.
  20. Klypto

    Dude, it's a floating Anti-tank platform in the sky.

    Blowing up tanks is it's job.
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