Liberator REALLY OP now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rockhead101, Mar 13, 2014.


    I still don't see what's OP about liberators. I've been killed by vipers about 3x more than liberators.
  2. Keyski

    what game are you playing because I would like to play that game
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  3. AdmiralArcher


    sabot rounds hit the armor or a tank and the tip turns to plasma, this eats through the metal nearly instantly and the sabot round slides through like a hit knife through liquid butter, this has the capacity to tear through engine blocks and heavy armor.

    as for the ammunition, in today's tanks the Ammo is decently safe unless you get a fire, the crew would die from overpressure and concussive force. but it depends on where the round hits, if it hits the engine then the crew will probably live. if it hits the turret the gunners might live since the turrets are very heavily armored, and if it hits the driver section the drivers still have a chance to live

    it all depends on the angle and trajectory of the round on whether or not it will be asuccessful hit, if the sabot is fired from a long range and the angle is off it wont penetrate properly, this is very similar to an RPG in the sense that a 90 degree contact angle is the best for optimal penetration and detonation. however most tanks (M1A2) use either APDS rounds or HEAT or FDPS or a combo or sabot or canister rounds to combat both MBTs and infantry.

    yes if you stick your head out the window at 200 MPH it will hurt but this is different, its overpressure not simple force
  4. grazr

    Because being able to pierce something doesn't mean you're able to kill it. Bullets are designed to wound badly, so that the wound from the bullet will cause you to bleed out. Armour piercing rounds pierce human flesh like jelly doing almost null collatoral damage, you could take ten through the abdoman and be little worse for ware unless it caught an artery. Whilst a single hollow point that doesn't even hit a vital point can still cause you major problems without immediate medical aid.

    The same is true on a macro scale, unless a round hits a vital part of the vehicle or the crew, it essentially has no real affect. AA rounds are smaller so that more can be fired and thus increase the chances of something hitting something important.
  5. Aelyn

    My main problem with the lib update is the way it's basically 100% proof against MBTs. Sure, it's all about circumstances - There MIGHT be a skyguard Lightning somewhere around. There MIGHT be a small chance he doesn't see me from 700 meters away and I can land those X amount of AP shells on him, if I'm REALLY lucky (how many was that again...?) I mean, MBT's have no real advantage against Liberators. I'm "sort of" a new player, so my suggestion would perhaps not be the best, but I would love to see that you could angle secondary weapons higher instead of being limited to like 45 degrees like they are now. Maybe then I'd be more interested in spending a 1000 certs on a Vulcan or something.
  6. Dinapuff

    Are you implying that you cant pull an esf, use basic aim and beat a lib? If 3 people can't kill a lib they must be mentally handicapped.
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  7. jackrandom

    You only see one lib by it self? Must be cool, on my server there is like 3-4 flying around taking out air ground and pretty much anything in the game. With or without there ESFs with them...
  8. Killuminati C

    I don't think that Libs are as indestructible as the OP suggests but I do agree with the overall tone of the post. I don't understand why they buffed a vehicle that completely drains the fun out of most engagements for 95% of the playerbase.

    I understand that things will die down when people get tired of the flavor of the month that is the Lib at the moment but it seems like every fight that's not 1-12 vs 1-12 has 3 Libs overhead which isn't enjoyable.

    And yes I understand what counters air so please save yourself the time of listing them because when 2 out of 3 people leaving the spawn have their shields immediately taken out it results in ****** gameplay.
  9. MurderBunneh

    Required excuses for op weapon: check.
  10. MurderBunneh

    Last 2 updates Sniper and Libs. They say they want to limit our exposure to helpless deaths. But they are going about it in a real fuced up way.
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  11. Bl4ckVoid

    Lib spam is really, really tiring!!!!!


    On Ceres, in every fight against TR, they bring several Libs, it is totally boring and kills the gameplay. On small bases there is no counter, AA MAX dies almost instantly to Lib.

    On larger bases the AA turrets are very vulnerable to enemy tanks and their survivability is very very low.

    So there really is no counter to Libs, unless you are in a zerg with heavy AA assets. Small scale fights are almost always ruined by Libs. Most annoying is the fact that if you can counter them they simply fly away.

    My suggestion
    - Fix the flight model so that it at least resembles real life physics. They fly in unreal directions, this should not be possible.
    - Make AA turrets (all turrets really) more resilient
    - Make separate pilot class that CANNOT REPAIR
    - Lower Lib speed, they should be significantly slower than ESF
    - Give us better protection in small bases, buildings with no doors are annoying like hell, we need more doors, more windows and / or roof

    Lib is totally useless where it should be used: zerg fights. What is the point of this AC, I just don't get it.

    I bet that what drives the most newbies away from the game is bombardment by tanks and air.

  12. Dinapuff

    Read the thread and understand context. I responded to someone saying three people could not beat a 3/3 lib, and then gave me a mouthful by saying the lib would still win if they were 3 people in esf's.

    If you are being farmed by 3-4 libs then pull AA, or take to the skies yourself. If neither works you were outpopped severly and would have lost the base anyhow.
  13. Bl4ckVoid

    - Lower AC ammo significantly across the board.

    And do not tell me to fly an ESF, I do not want to fly AC in a game where the devs missed physics class in high school. AC behaves counterintuitively and unrealistically. The flight model is a joke.
  14. Bl4ckVoid

    Ground based AA cannot kill Lib, it can drive it away, but cannot kill it. On small bases it is not possible to pull Skyguard lightning, Max has close to zero survivability against Lib.

    And what if there are 12 people there against 5 enemy + Lib + Esf? What if the 12 people do not like/knowto fly? Redeploy? Basically on my server TR always comes with inferior infantry numbers but prowlers and Libs, while VS prefers infantry fighting generally. Prowlers are annoying, but can be killed, but Libs just ruin the fight.
  15. Dinapuff

    You can stack inside the capture point building and kill those 5 enemies repeatedly.

    Infact you could pull 6-8 burster maxes and still hold off those 5 enemies on the ground from capturing the A point by virtue of swapping the equipment of the maxes.

    Join a better outfit.
  16. Bl4ckVoid

    Because you are hiding on a hilltop cloaked. :p
  17. Bl4ckVoid

    Lol, what base has 1 capture point that is indoors? VERY FEW.
  18. Dinapuff

    Most of them? There are a few exceptions, but those are not in the majority.
  19. Trudriban

    Still out in the field in my skyguard, still bathing in the blood and tears of mediocre pilots, still confused as to why y'all are going "This isn't realistic and I hate these libs" and not "free certs via air shipping hell yeah grabbing my AA"

    And for you guys still complaining about a lack of realism, I have a thousand word essay as to why it really shouldn't matter:
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  20. Bl4ckVoid

    Actually realism does not suck, eg. Red Orchestra is very very good game and it is one of the most realistic shooter.