Liberator REALLY OP now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rockhead101, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Trudriban

    Oh ya, good example. Edited my thing to appeal to that trait of thought too

    though who expects picture perfect realism in a game where there's an entire faction of latex butts with frikkin laser guns
  2. Apples

    It seems a lot of people are confused about the liberator patch, it only adds a small survivability buff across the board, against an actual effort of defense there isn't much change to the liberator. If you are overwhelmed so much that you can't fight against the liberator now, it would have been no different before.

    As for tankers complaining about not being able to take them out with main guns anymore, perhaps SOE thought it was silly to have tanks trying to ram their tanks into rocks/hills so they could shoot rounds up into the sky. I really don't think they ever intended that type of behavior and perhaps somebody in the office got tired of watching it. I can't say but really is it such a bad thing? If you want to fight air in the tank stick an AA gun on the top and focus on the ground fight while your gunner watches the sky. There should be infantry or other armor backing you up for the AA part anyway. You are not a one man army!

    You can't always win, you can't always kill it, it wont always kill you either... learn this people... it's a good lesson, success in this game revolves around using teamwork and being a team player. Squad/platoon up, talk to each other and pick classes to work in tandem to take down the enemy. If you're stuck in the spawn room and taking fire from all around then you already lost the battle there and it's time to leave that base and mount an assault or defense at the next, call in support if you need it. To those that call air an easy farm, running as infantry or tanking often provides a more fun, easier, and faster cert gain with less down time than air does. I've played against libs and flown in them since patch and the difference between before and after really isn't all that much in my opinion, although the coyote missiles on the tail makes for a nice fighter deterrence.
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  3. Daedalus272

    The changes to the Liberator are not the problem. Slight buffs here and there ultimately would not change their utility once the novelty of the first few days wore off. The problem is this slight buff to a tough target and the outright nerf to teamplay rewards by reducing assists which make tackling such tough targets unrewarding and largely a waste of time. No one enjoys AAA and those forced to engage in the task are now kicked in the nuts by having the few and far between assists and rare kills worth a fraction of what they were.

    This patch benefited a small minority of players (Lib pilots and their gunners) and harmed a great deal many more. I don't care if the Liberators have new toys or are a little tougher if my effort to bring them down is properly rewarded. Infantry now have harder targets to deal with Libs as more are flying, have fewer tools to remove them, and at the same time are less rewarded for the effort to attempt to engage them with the boring tools of lock on launchers, unguided shots, and inaccurate MAX bursters. Ground vehicles have a similar disincentive as they are tougher to deal with and also unrewarded for the effort outside of basic survival which they have little capability alone. Even ESF who would seemingly relish a more target rich environment are denied the fruits of their labor unless they have the magic bullet often poached by some other lucky individual.

    Changing the assist experience destroyed what little incentive anyone has to engage in tough targets. It rewards luck much more strongly rather than skill and effort Liberators and Galaxy's are the toughest target in the game in terms of firepower, armor, maneuverability and yet, you are ill rewarded for your efforts as 95% of the time the guy inflicting them most damage doesn't get the kill and the paltry assist experience might as well be nothing. Why should I spend several minutes attempting to kill a tough target when I have a greater chance of killing a infantry soldier or two and getting much more xp and enjoyment in the process?

    You can leave everything you gave to the Liberators. Just give us the reward to all who participate in the effort to kill them as it is a rare event that a single player brings down a Liberator or Galaxy. And if your going to toughen the hide and increase the lethality, how about increasing the reward rather than minimizing it.
  4. Yasa

    Considering its supposed to be a high explosive airplane mounted cannon built for killing people, its **** at killing people.

    I handwave the reasoning behind a lot of things in this game by assuming that the United Nations of Auraxis enforces the rules of engagement for the factions.
  5. Catch23

    agreed, vipers are even more ridiculous. Since the totally unneeded buff to this thing it becomes clearer where SOE is heading with PS2. But until now it doesn't work for them as we don't see COD Players coming over but PS2 Players leaving. mabe they want to compete with Titanfall by doing this.

    and it doesn't mean either that Libs aren't too exploitable as a weapon system. The patch is fresh and it will take a while to get cert lines changed on average + additional players start playing liberator - what always happens when classes get a buff. It's not only the capibilities of the weapon itself but also the player numbers which are drawn into it.
    This means if they had only added shared exp, you would see more (fully manned) libs now, thus making this weapon system more powerful because this "class" wasn't played to it's full potential because the average Lib farmer plays for certs. even as a pilot (switching seats/ taking turns/ dual accounts before)

    When the viper buff had just came out, I made a thread about the outcomes and, of course, got flamed by the naysayers. when you have played this game for a while it's sometimes pretty to easy to predict things. that was a no-brainer and this is a no-brainer too.
  6. maudibe

    Worse than that, in a small base you cant take out a tank so no skygaurd (dont have a 1000 certs into a skygaurd anyway). The worst part is that the LIB can just hover over the spawn room and kill eveyone coming out of it. Just try and get a lock without getting killed, Get a burster Max and step outside and see what happens. In small manned attacks on minor bases, 2 Lib and a Sundy with 4 guys can lock down 10 guys in a spawn room. One needs a teleporter room to launch the attack from somewhere else to get the hovering libs. So even tho NO ONE COMPLAINED about the Lib needing more protection, it gets buffed? What is up with that.
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  7. maudibe

    Ya but can it hover in the air? Lose one wing and still hover in the air? Get blasted by a main battle tank and still HOVER IN THE AIR?
  8. Torok

    What is this I don't even.
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  9. InsaneLinguist

    This situation reminds me of launch. At the time one Liberator could completely deny defenders a chance to fight. IMO Lib's survivability was over-buffed (Harrasser says hi) but it also exposed more pressing issue that's been largely ignored since launch. Seriously they are not even affraid of multiple AA in the area anymore, they'll just dive behind terrain, repair, and come back with vengeance. Repeat as many times as necessary.

    The issue is in awful base design that largely favours attackers. For example if you look at Tawrich Tower base that has A point some 150m (I don't have precise distance) away from spawn when defenders have to cross a sizable patch of open terrain to get to it. If attackers have at least two brain cells to rub together, they can stop defenders to get to the point with little effort. And before you ask: yes, I'd like to see original Planetside's base design back; that one at least made sense.

    P.S. English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes in advance .
  10. MrK

    I'd advise to go visit Amerish then and stop Indar-siding 24/7
    Situation is better there
  11. HadesR

    While I do agree totally that base design in general was and still is in a bad place ( Amerish revamp was a huge step in the right direction though )

    I think another issue is one that is highlighted every day but more so when vehicle X or Y gets a buff .. And that is how detrimental to the game it's been to allow everyman and his dog the ability to pull every vehicle.
    I really wish they had gone with a dedicated Tanker / Pilot system or a branching cert tree that only allowed you access to either Air or Ground vehicles, not both ..

    Hopefully ( but I'm not holding my breath ) the resource revamp will help and that revamp can not come quick enough ..
  12. InsaneLinguist

    Sure, I'll do that if there are some fights going on. (my time in game is split roughly 40/40/20 between Indar/ Esamir/Amerish) Now to figure out how to get more people to come to Amerish. Even alerts aren't helping anymore.
  13. InsaneLinguist

    I think you could be both tanker and pilot in PS1 (if you managed to scrape up enough certs), but it also meant once you were out of your vehicle you sucked as infantryman i.e. anything could just sneeze in your general direction to kill you. Not to mention you needed a gunner to make your tank useful (and a secondary gunner too if you were TR). Not to mention there were enter/exit vehicle animations not this instant switching seats inside vehicle nonsense.

    Ditto on resource revamp.
  14. Catch23

    not from my experience. less tanks and therefore less threat to libs on Amerish because tanks have to drive roads more on average. I see at least as many 12-24s getting dominated by incoming libs on Amerish as on Indar, but actually you can do it on all continents due to the libs ability to hover directly above spawn. only tanks can take them down in this case, less now than before the patch.
    just made a thread about this.
  15. Bullborn

    Worst update ever. Lib spam everywhere. No point in playing under these circumstances.

    And in addition a ton of other bugs.
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  16. Reaver027

    The current incarnation of Libs in combination with the Lib spam and flying sideways to shoot is really killing the fun for me at the moment.
    I can't fly in this game i have tried it several times and i just can't handle the flight model here. So i got pretty much every AA there is in the game to counter those that can fly. The best i can do to a lib is scratch its paint and force it to retreat to get a new paint job.
    Even in groups of 3-5 Burster Maxes you will hardly get a kill on a Lib.
    It is just boring right now because every base you defend or attack there are 5 - 10 Libs above you. And AA is so boring because most of the time you will not get the satisfaction of a kill.
  17. Pikachu

    Most I ever saw was 3 at the same base. Most of them are still solitary animals.
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  18. Kriegson

    Thread is full of useless hyperbole and whinging. The changes were EXTREMELY minor in regards to survivability. We're talking like 10%-20% with composite armor or against tanks. Tanks should not destroy planes unless they have AA secondaries and even then it is a tertiary function.

    AA and superiority fighters should destroy planes, but too few bother to cert for lockon launchers or AA because it is largely a thankless task. You hit a plane a few times, he runs off and comes back with full armor a few moments later. That's not an issue with survivability, they SHOULD have some time to react with a crew served vehicle that costs a few hundred resources. That's an issue with AA being a thankless task.
  19. CrashB111

    If you are flying so low and slow that a Tank is blasting you out of the air, you deserve to die and they deserve to get that kill.

    Making it take 4 Titan AP rounds to kill a Liberator, or 7 Prowler AP rounds is insanity. They can literally just sit there and ignore a 150mm or 120mm cannon blasting holes in them.
  20. PsyStorm

    Yeah no offense but it was an idiot move to buff liberators even more. They do just fine prior to this patch and giving them more resistance just means they can sit and spam longer. What is going on with you guys I think you need better leaders to make decisions like this or some internal changes. Never seen so many pissed off players in a game that I have played.
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