[Vehicle] Liberator After Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Macho, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. Macho

    Unlike a lot of other pilots, I'm not disenfranchised with the changes to the Lib. Even after 1000+ hours flying the beast, I think it was good to make it significantly less lethal for solo pilots and I appreciate the attempt to allow it to participate in larger battles. Still, there are some QoL issues that warrant a second look.

    1. Instrument Control Panel Blocks View for Gun Swivel

    The new optics are a pain in the ***. The biggest problem is that you can't see anything when you look down. You literally look directly into the instrument panel, which is zoomed in or glowing white because of TDO or NV. It is almost impossible to track a target with guns as it becomes hidden behind the cockpit control.

    2. Gun Angles

    The Lib is supposed to be a team oriented vehicle that is best utilized when it's gunners are on the same target. However, the pilot's gun can't be a part of the team. It doesn't have enough angle to shoot down at vehicles as it passes by. Simply put, the current angles require the same pre-CAI type of style (pilot first, gunners second) even though the weapons are no longer tailored for that type of flying. With all guns nerfed on the Lib, giving the pilot's gun more downward angle would:
    - Give the Lib a little more punch that it currently has.
    - Allow for a more fun team experience.
    - Synergize with the extra belly resistance

    With the nose guns nerfed so hard, I imagine any change to angle would be akin to what happened when the Valk's gun was given more angle (basically nothing bad). That being said, the Lib doesn't need the Valk's angle, it just needs to be able to look further down (~100-110 degrees). Also remember that when the pilot toggles the free look guns, they loose the ability to maneuver.

    This would also help alleviate the problem that the main guns have been nerfed pretty hard and that the tail guns pretty much have to be AA (because of how much more effective ESFs are against Libs). Not having an AA deterrent is pretty much out of the question now, even with friendly ESF escort.

    3. Afterburner/Defensive Slots

    Like the ESF, afterburn (level 1) should be standard on the Lib and the defensive slots should be revisited to give the Lib better options for how the crew is going to use it. AB is too important for survivability to not have it, and I imagine the equip rates for other defenses are significantly lower than AB.

    4. Toggle Optic Free Look

    Let's put it this way: When I toggle my optics, I CAN'T FLY. When I fly, I CAN'T TOGGLE MY OPTICS. That's just silly.

    It's really annoying to toggle my TDO and have my screen rotate out of control to the left (because I was banking when I turned on the optics). Meanwhile the Lib continues on it's path with no pilot input because the mouse is controlling the optics, not the Lib (and it will stay like that until I release my optic button). Unlike ground vehicles which use the mouse to ONLY look around, the mouse controls where you're going when you're flying. Having the mouse switch back and forth between flying and looking is EXTREMELY awkward, especially when I just want to toggle my optics to get a better look at something I already see in the distance.

    I think these changes would more or less keep the Lib where it currently is but provide a bit more fine tuning that would make it more enjoyable to fly.
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