LF Outift who are active, non zerg and 18+

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Penty, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Penty

    Like the post says guys.

    By active I mean be able to field close to a squad (or more) every evening (four people does not count).

    Following the zerg or where the cert points are ie "let`s stay here at the Bio Lab, don`t kill the spawn gen and farm them for certs" is a no-no for me. Ghost capping on a dead continent is crap too.

    18+ means well.....like it sounds. Be mature, the odd F-bomb is ok - just no sick ****.

    I`m 40+ years old. I enjoy a beer while playing. I cuss. However I think I can play a bit and am a TEAM PLAYER. I can offer you team play, a sense of humour and regular online appearances.

    All I ask for is don`t tell me "ooooh yeah our outfit is for you" if you have 7 members who are never on or are zerglings. Don`t waste my time and I won`t waste yours.
  2. Tshapedvisor

    Please check out Imperial Reach. http://imperialreach.com/ sounds like we are an outfit that meet your needs. Also feel free to jump into our TeamSpeak channel to check us out.
  3. RedOak

    I'm going to back up Tshapedvisor in his post. We are 18+ with training in air, antiair, armor, and infantry to get our guys organized and run squads every day and night with ops being a platoon minimum. Drop by if you have any questions!
  4. cgudemon26

  5. ({x})Kyoji

    lets see here. Team player. Not looking for a zerg. Are you sure you didn't mislabel VS for TR?
  6. Borokov

  7. Penty

    LOL !
  8. Penty

    Appreciating the replies lads but hoping these aren`t just auto cut n pastes by recruiters - remember - don`t waste my time I won`t waste yours ;)
  9. Tshapedvisor

    No run of the mill recruitment post or outfit here. Imperial Reach is hands down the best group of guys I have found to game with in years.
  10. RedOak

    You are fiery today. Can't wait for Friday on Amerish.
  11. ({x})Kyoji

    Should be fun. We will be outnumbered all to hell, but that isn't anything new. 26% to 42% provides quite a bit of comedy. Reminds me of PS1 with VS always being outnumbered.
  12. Penty

    You obviously weren`t on Emerald server on PS1. I remember the days of the TR being 25% on a good day and the entire evening was an attempt to get to the first tower and base on (if my poor memory serves) Ishundar. If we did somehow capture it then it was a seige for many hours.
  13. ({x})Kyoji

  14. Penty

    Doesn`t mean too much. Doesn`t mean any of those outfits you have listed above (TR, NV or VS) fielded comparable numbers to their membership. TR was so low in pop if I recall SG (Serious Gamers, who were somewhat renowned), an NC outfit moved to TR just to balance the server. I`m talking 2003/4 here I can`t comment in 05 I was gone by then.
  15. ({x})Kyoji

    I was responding to your claim about the Emerald server and not knowing. We were there as well as one of the top outfits. I recall the VS being outnumbered in the beginning 02'. No one likes purple. :(
  16. Penty

    It`s not the purple ...it`s the spandex ;)