Leveling Medical Applicator = Less Points?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by PS2 MEDIC, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Grantrithor

    imo there are more points to gain with a maxed applicator, because since you'll be reviving people in the heat of battle, better to get 4 guys up and going rather than just 1 and then getting shot.
  2. Pinny

    If your decision to upgrade the Medic's heal/revive tool is based solely on how many points you receive, you're playing the wrong class IMO. Higher level applicator = Faster healing/reviving with less chance of you dying = more healing/reviving = more points captured = more enemeis killed = more points.

    Also, if you're ONLY using the applicator, you're also doing it wrong. Know when to fight and when to heal, don't only pick one. There is no reason you shouldn't rank the applicator up.
  3. TheStratovarian

    Healing, eh, isnt as important as the revives. Doubly so from the points you get from a revive. I went medic because it seemed no one else wants to (sadly.) And the tool revive speed means your actively gaining more as folks go down, and brought back, because of the fact you immediately start shield regen on a revive, so if they go down, its 75-96 xp (A sub will land 100-125 id bet for a revive) for about a 2 second revive maxed out and from hard cover too, over 13-65 for a 4-7 second lengthy heal and likely being exposed to whatever killed the guy. That also gives you more time to shoot, and defend actively. Revives are going to be where most of the xp arrives from in your healing nature. (and when you can revive maxes at 20% They are still very combat capable of saving your hiney from alot of small arms fire, especially if they a nanite repair system that kicks in immediately on reviving)

    You have one of the better infantry weapons, and being able to use it, in the grand scale of things, also helps your squad and you gain much much more. If you need to heal a group, hit the aoe, seriously, that aoe healing when you get it up there, can land you the ability to take 2-3 more hits if they are spaced, especially with the extra health suit option. That and prevents infiltrator sniper kills on headshots, which are a big worry as they love seeing that green beam about for priority targets.

    In summary, it may seem like less points, but while you lose out on some healing, you gain on active kills and revives which helps you out in the longer run, just seems counter-productive in the short term.
  4. Ashur

    You get less points for healing but you revive faster = you have to stick your head out less = you live longer = more points in the long run.
  5. Snarkyfoo

    Besides, you can think of it in terms of revives as well. Less time healing, more revives per minute. more people around you to protect you/die so you can revive again!
  6. Ashur

    That and it really isn't all about points. Without a well upgraded revive tool you need to heal everyone you get up otherwise you just brought back 1/3 of a soldier. At the end of the day a well upgraded heal tool helps the team a lot while still getting you good points, much more than any other class.
  7. Snarkyfoo

    Yeah, I mostly talk in the perspective of points because it elicits a response from the xp-wh*r*s (no other way to describe them, sadly.), while the people who play the game for teamwork and camaraderie don't need it explained to them, as it's an obvious boon to being helpful.
  8. 71dana

    As a full time medic, I couldn't care less about the revive points, for the pure speed of the revives, & the fact that I can move on without the "aftercare". If you are primarily a medic, maxing the medi-gun is a no brainer. In large fire-fights, I rarely need to draw my gun as the newly ressurected become my meat-shield. Good players DO remember who revived them time & time again & protect you, send you friend requests, invites to join your/their platoons. It is very satisfying to join a random squad to hear, "hey dude, thanks for res'ing me the other night at Allatum". As an older gamer, my reaction/twich aiming isn't as good as it used to be, but I can still be a high valued player by PTFO'ing the medic.
  9. Cirion

    I agree with most people, I don't care about "losing" the points from the heals and in a hectic push/defense I don't have time to heal the ones I get up anyway. I just get the revive in and move on to the next downed solider.

    My applicator is now at level 5 and I love it even more now, just the sheer speed and range it has over the slow standard one makes it worth it, that's why I am saving up for the final 6th step, I can do it faster, I can do it from further away and let's face it, in a push/defense it is vital that you stay up there just behind the frontline and keep it going.
  10. Ack0n

    Maxing the Medical Applicator has its benefits in battle. Yes you are correct on a 1 for 1 basis, we lose points. But the time it takes you to ress and heal at lv1, you can likely ress 5 players with it maxed.

    So in a situation where there is 5 dead players and 2 medics (1 default and the other max lvl) one player will get 105 xp and the other would get 300.
  11. Lucidius134

    Revive multiple people with non-leveled medic gun. AOE Heal for more points.
  12. Ashur

    The range on the level 5 applicator is insane, you can res people from very safe distances instead of the "right above them" at levels 1-2. I'd say, from a purely selfish point of view, that the level 5 is still the best bet to gain points as you don't have to poke your head out to actually res people.
  13. Daswen

    Agree with Ashur, seriously, the rez speed is clearly insane at rank 5. You can revive more ppl/min so you get more points overall.

    Every medic should max revive first imho.
  14. Locke

    Agree about the med gun even if its stupid certs for level 5. It also adds an extra 2m to your range which is very good for not getting you killed which means more revives and more xp long term.

    Triage is totally pointless. I only got it as I didn't realise it had been nerfed and if I could I would get my cert points back although I suppose I may make them back in xp if I play the game for a few more years doing nothing but riding around in Sunderers. They should of just removed it.
  15. Kyle_Katarn

    I feel that if you upgrade to Level 6 Medic Tool, it should give you a base 100 experience instead of the regular 75. That way it feels like players are rewarded for grinding the 500 certs for it (even though L1 medics can probably get double this). It would seem fair, I mean, you get 100xp for taking a life, why not get 100xp back for bringing a life back at 100% health?
  16. d3k0y

    I don't see why they don't just make it where you Revive someone you get the revive exp, plus the experience for the healing the higher level gun does on the revive. 75xp for Revive + healing for 70% of their life (base gun is 30% life on revive).

    It would be like making Heavies get less experience for kills with better guns because it took you less bullets, so you can kill faster and survive longer so you get more overall.
  17. Silrace

    Here are my findings for having played around a while now with the maxed Medic Tool. Posted this in another thread originally.

    - Revival takes approx 1 second and can be done from 5-6 meters away. I can stay in cover and revive people around me. Thus I die less and am around more to revive more people when all other medics with low level tools, who have to run in to revive from close by, have already died off aswell.
    - The target comes back at full health, meaning I can revive people I would not otherwise revive as they'd get shot again. They can get to safety and I can heal them up again.
    - Taking bases is faster because you can keep the infantry push moving, thus point gain is increased overall.
    - I have more time to shoot things, as I don't always need to stop healing people I have revived. Assist and kill exp replaces the healing exp very nicely and also helps taking and defending bases much more, thus increasing overall point gain even more.
    - People will accept your revive more readily than anyone else's once they find you are not reviving them just so they can die and you can revive again, as in you're not farming them for points, you are actually giving them a chance to fight right away again, thus helping them earn points aswell.
    - People are much more likely to protect you once they realise you're a valuable asset and not just trying to gain certs by playing Medic. This makes you survive longer and thus gives you more points overall.
  18. Logri

    I love the fact that you can heal and rez while moving, i'm only tool 5 and I tend to rez and heal on the move, can't wait to max out the tool for even more run rezzing :p