Level3 issues? Post some info here

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 12, 2014.

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  1. lionsta

    Can someone tell if there is something wrong with this log?

    Computing statistics for 375 seconds...
    Source to Here This Node/Link
    Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
    0 Lion []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    1 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    2 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 95-65-110-1.starnet.md []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    3 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    4 2ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 95-65-1-126.starnet.md []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    5 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% 37-233-0-62.starnet.md []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    6 17ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    7 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100%
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    8 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100%
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    9 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100%
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    10 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100%
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    11 46ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% xe-0-3-0-1.r02.frnkge03.de.bb.gin.ntt.net []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    12 50ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% ae-0.level3.frnkge03.de.bb.gin.ntt.net []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    13 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% ae-0-11.bar1.LasVegas1.Level3.net []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    14 218ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% SWITCH-COMM.bar1.LasVegas1.Level3.net []
    0/ 100 = 0% |
    15 215ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%

    Trace complete.
  2. Napsterbater

    Try running a pathping/trace to a real server IP and not to lp.soe.com
  3. lionsta

  4. DLL2

    When planetlag 2 do somethink i am lazy to be killed by lager player!!!!
    When do change your datacenter it is easy to say this problem is about level 3 but level 3 don't care about!!!!
    Change datacenter!!!!!!!!
  5. Napsterbater

    No one yet, not enough information.

    What server do you play on?
  6. Napsterbater

    Datacenter =/= Transit Provider.
  7. DLL2

    I know it is different but if we change server to german country or a other it will fixe german player.
    Crying and says it is the fault of level 3 will not make the experience better game.
    Pingbreak must do somethink!!!
  8. GeneralButtNaked

    What I find even more disturbing than there OBVIOUSLY being some sort of problem is the sheer fact that DBG doesn't provide ANY information on the matter.

    Whohoo Level3 Whohoo!!!

  9. DLL2

    They are problem with level 3 but server are overflood when pingbreak do somethink for euro player!!!!!

  10. pnkdth

    • Up x 1
  11. GeneralButtNaked

    Thanks for the Info. Might at least help SOME people to understand. But I doubt their backbone in California has anything to do with our bottlenecks here in Europe.

    We're suffering through this for weeks now, and we already had similar problems at the beginning of the year.
    • Up x 1
  12. Rockit

    Fellas as long as the PS4 players are happy that is all that counts right now!
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