Level of detail problem

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by blueangleofdeath, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. blueangleofdeath

    I'm seeing things shifting as you get closer to them. Example you'll see someone with a helmet and when you et closer to them it'll change into another helmet. I'm also seeing this with some textures on vehicles too. I was told that this could be a level of detail problem. My question to you guys is does this have something to do with my computer or something with the game itself?
  2. Vinakis

    It's not likely your computer, as mine does the same thing (custom helmets/armor up close, default helmets/armor at a distance).
    Most likely it has something to do with a graphics setting, though I've not messed with them to test it out.
  3. M2_Bradley

    I just run everything on max except the motion blur...Screws me up.I have not experienced this issue.
  4. blueangleofdeath

    I'm running on medium with max render, render distance, and max field of view. Kinda weird because it also happens to some of my other game too :(
  5. sicsoo

    it's been like this after the PU02. they said nothing about it, but you know, is just optimization.
    but anyway can't complain much, i really have good fps after pu02, all these little changes if they make your fps constantly over 40+ with an entire platoon around you, it's ok.
    now i'm worried about server response more, in real big battles it can't keep up showing friends a bit too late.

    btw you can notice some here, seconds 2:00 - 2:25.

  6. Gleerok

    I just think that should be different with vehicles...

    To be honest, I never noticed that with infantry. Since infantrymen are small, you'll only truly notice helmets/aesthetics from close. Now vehicles like ESFs, Sundies, Gals, etc. are big. And it really bothers me that some guys are running with lumifibers and details (shark fins, tiger fins..etc) and you only pick them up from close.

    Chrome fins/details should Shiiiiiiiiiine from very far away, lumifibers should too, and overall vehicle additional lights on tanks and stuff should be like "I AM ALL OVER HERE" at night.

    It feels weird to come close to a vehicle, or zoom-in and see its effects going on and off depending of your distance...

    Does that really affect performance positively THAT much?
  7. sicsoo

    i can make a comparison with Guild Wars 2 options. There are 2 options for Characters level of detail, one option works with Distance (so you can choose the distance of popping in and out of high details models), another works with the numbers of characters (so, many chars around you = more popping, less char = everyone at high details).

    if you choose the minimal setting for both, you will have like all ppl with same color and same model for each class.
    it's really ugly but you can gain (i talk for me, i5 ivy bridge at 4.0ghz) like 20-30 fps or more during zergs. when you start to use medium or high settings, you will notice many beautiful mdoels etc, the pop-in still remains and you lose fps of course.
    at ultra settings (so, almost no pop-in models and all models with high polygon count), the loss of fps is just insane, can go under 20 fps when there are zergs around.

    so i think Soe could just give the option to see models like it was before the optimization, but this pop-in is actually acceptable i guess (gw2 has chars with capes, big hats, it's really another level of personalization and the pop-in is noticeable).

    so we go forward and and this game will have many more helmets and stuff, soe team i guess is just preventing problems in the future, making "some spare space", for the new things.

    Tray says they are still working on camo texture too so we will see even more changes.
  8. Sliced

    This is a server performance measure.
    I believe there are 3 distances that the server will show animation / effects and so on.
    At close you see everything, then when you get to a certain distance it will only show basic movements, go further and you will only see one movement, holding one gun, one camo and so on. It doesn't matter what they are wearing or anything, it becomes stock for every faction.