
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jessewhat, May 22, 2013.

  1. LowTechKiller

    If they're going to revert, please do it now BEFORE I waste time installing this behemoth of a GU.
    Sheesh...2 GB's for this?
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  2. SgtScum

    Wut? Mine was only 105ish mb. How long has it been since you last logged in? :eek:
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  3. Wafletofles

    Damn it man, you stole my thread title. But in all seriousness, I think its great!
  4. pascalli

    The homepage still says "STRATEGY ON A GLOBAL SCALE!"

    Um, is that going to be changed soon now that this is no longer true? I mean we all have set paths of where we can go now, that kind of takes the global strategy out of it.
  5. jessewhat

    Nobody forces you down any path. No invisible walls are constructed. You have every bit of freedom you had.
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  6. haldolium

    What the hell?


    srsly though, it'd been 2gig
  7. Bolticus

    The Lattice was a great change.
    I'm sensing that you are a ghost-capper or a pubbie embedded in a zerg. That likes to avoid large fights.
    The game as it was before was just zergs dancing around each other. You also had to go to a base that was under attack just to find a lone infil capping the point.

    So...PLAY PS1.
    Witness the awesomeness that was PS1.(Even with the lattice)
  8. pascalli

    I do? Every bit of freedom? So after we cap NS Material Storage we still have the freedom to go right next door and cap Crimson Bluff tower... no we lost that freedom. Now we have to go down south to the biolab, it's only option.
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  9. ent|ty

    There was so much to do when PS2 started. I could pretty much play how i wanted, WHERE i wanted and as the class I wanted.

    If today was any indicator of the changes to lattice, it was Zerg vs Zerg all day. wow boring.

    Give me back ghostcapping, making an annoyance of myself behind enemy lines, small to medium battles. Wow this sucks so bad.

    I usually log out of the game cause I get pissed off at something. Today I was more bored than pissed off.
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  10. SgtScum

    Seems like a value added bonus for the rest of us. Sorry your grief play was nerfed. :p
  11. ent|ty

    I don't grief anyone or grief play at all. My point was there were more options on how you wanted to play, now there are less.
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  12. lootandshoot

    Did you add the dressing of TR/VS/NC tears?
  13. HadesR

    Not yet .... I was a big skeptic of the lettuce but atm I'm finding myself enjoying the meal :p
  14. jessewhat

    If your team has been tactically supporting you by owning the nexus of communication and logistics that is the Palisade, then yes, by all means, you can attack and cap Crimson Bluff. If, however, an enemy platoon has been valiantly holding the Palisade against seemingly endless onslaughts, then, no, you don't deserve the right to cap Crimson Bluff. Nothing stops you from going through Crimson to outflank that valiant enemy platoon, and NOTHING stops you from ambushing those spawning at Crimson trying to reinforce the defense of Palisade.
  15. AudieSmurfy

    It's the single best thing that's happened to this game. Love seeing all of the ghost capping crybabies who want to see it changed back. Deal with it. You don't know what's good for the game, so you should probably just stop talking.
  16. Macchus

    somehow it's not right . in ps1 it was great ... but in ps2 with the 8900 facilities per continent it just feels off ....
  17. pascalli

    But you said we have every bit of freedom we had before, I was pointing out we don't. The freedom to decide what to attack next and the whole strategy on deciding how to advance forward was a huge selling point for this game. It even says so on the homepage as I was pointing out. Sure nothing stops me from attacking the base but I can't capture the base right next door if its not on SOE's "path" they make us follow. Thats a freedom we lost. The game just lost some of its appeal to me because of that lost freedom.
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  18. LowTechKiller

    Sorry, just got back home.
    I log in daily...probably too much.