Lets talk motion sensors and EMPs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WUNDER8AR, Nov 30, 2014.


    Alright I gotta say I love EMPs. I really do. I primarily use them to destroy enemy equipment. The thing is, EMPs vs. motion spotters and sensor darts is completely out of whack at the moment.

    Motion spotters and darts are game changers. They may cover a huge area - an entire base even if placed properly, while they come at 0 nanite cost. At max rank one person can carry up to 5 spotters and I believe 6+ darts and you can resupply them at ammo packs for free, which nullifies all of my efforts to get rid of these things with EMPs and yes I run bandolier and I'm still feeling screwed over.

    I know you can shoot darts and spotters, but what if you're say attacking Subterrain Nanite Analysis, the shields are up and there's a spotter on one of the lower levels? Or any other base for that matter? A decently placed spotter is basically invincible to gunfire, and even though EMPs operate through walls there's still the range and dart/spotter spamability problem.

    Not to mention darts. Seriously who takes their time to destroy enemy motion darts with gunfire? Anyone? I'm doing it on rare occasions, but basically only if its right up in my face because more often than not it's simply not worth the time looking for these things because chances are that you will get shot during the process. And it's just pointless if there's a guy spamming it straight from a terminal anyways. That's also when I quit spamming EMPs to get rid of them. It's just...pointless.

    The only other counter there currently is to motion sensors is the Sensor Shield implant, which is utterly useless in its current state, and it will continue to be useless even after the introduction of the tier 4s for the simple fact that it's a tier 4. Not to mention that the community convinced the devs to nerf it before it even went live for whatever absurd reason. I mean it could have been viable but it ain't gonna happen I guess. (Tier 4 Implants)

    OK with all that said I think it would be neat if the default amount of EMPs would be upped to 2 to compensate for the spamability of free to use equipment, particularly motion sensors since they have such a drastic effect on gameplay. And Imo EMPs should also affect ammo packs and engineer turrets, perhaps by disabling them for a certain amount of time.

    As you might have concluded yourselves, the primary issue I'm seeing here is how motion sensors currently work. There's probably better ways to go about this, especially since EMPs as a counter also affect costly deployables such as mines and C4 so increasing the default amount of EMPs to 2 might not be the best idea in the world. Though since I'm not in favor of nerfing and seeing that EMPs could do with some love anyways I was tempted to make this suggestion.

    Feel free to share your thoughts and leave constructive criticism. It is very much appreciated.
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