First off; I wanted to make clear my stance on this change and then I'll explain why, as personally I think this change will absolutely ruin power knifes and make them obsolete and inconsistent, therefor I am very much against it. I wanted to bring up the recent change in the PTS in regards to the Power knives as I feel there is a massive disconnect going on when it comes to it's consistency, use and impact on and by players. For that I will be directly quoting the Dev notes provided in the PTS change notes for the supposed reasoning behind this change, along with player opinions from a discord discussion on the topic. As the Dev Note claims here; "give players more time to react to the burst of damage when the user can't land a headshot" This is what I have the most issues with as it feels like there's some form of disconnect between the current (live) iteration of the powerknife, and what people (and in this case the developer note) perceive it to be. Mainly the following; When you're looking at "Time to react" in cases such as guns, it's clearly the moment a player starts to get hit and the other player run or shoots back, but this cannot be applied to Power Knives. The "Time to react" starts way earlier, say a knifer is running at another player from 100 meters away. The knifer cannot attack said player, and the player has a whole 95 meters "Time to react" to the knifer. Equally should the knifer go on a flanking route to get behind the player, then it's up to the player to have the awareness or precautions (recon darts, mines, allies, holding angles, Darklight attachment) to react to the knifer. Secondly, headshots. With a knife. If there's one thing inconsistent in this game already, it's knifing, let alone headshotting people with knifes. Which in some cases already has to be done in order to kill Shielded heavies or Engineers on turrets. There are plenty of times where the armor model, or any movement causes an aim for the head to hit on the body instead. Not to mention the horrid hit detection, server latency, and the animation that slows you to a crawl whenever you try to hit somebody with a knife. Having any sort of Headshot Ratio when it comes to knifing is more do to luck rather than skill, and expecting players to consistently hit headshots with a knife is an unrealistic expectation. The current perception by players on the receiving end of a powerknife and proponents of this nerf is that it OHKs them without time to react, what they don't see is the myriad of issues that have saved them countless times beforehand, and the countermeasures/equipment the game gives everybody access to, to prevent such stabbings from happening by giving them plenty time to react, at which point it's simply their choice not to use those countermeasures/equipment and so the Power Knives should not suffer the consequences, get nerfed and be made obsolete because of the choice the players on the receiving end are making to ignore them. If any of the former arguments may not have convinced as to why this change shouldn't happen, allow me to further emphasize some of the current issues/mechanics Power Knivers in general have to deal with; - You have to equip it (which takes time), which also means you have literally no ranged capabilities. - You have to activate it, which is loud. And having it on is loud. Making it easy to be heard. - You then have to manage to flank enemies via a flanking route, without getting seen, heard or detected on the minimap. - And once you're finally able to get within striking distance, you better hope nobody turns around and shotgun OHKs you. (Or your friendlies hitting who are also shooting at the enemy) - The hit registration often doesn't work, especially true for Headshots which no-one will pull off on a consistent basis. - The overhead arcing slash is way smaller, slower, and harder to hit than the sidesweep arc of a quickmelee. - If they catch you running after them, they can literally keep running and there's nothing you can do because: - The animation of a melee hit slows you down to a crawl (you can't run whilst hitting an enemy), and more often than not enemies who are running will be out of range by the time you get to the "hit" part of the animation, combine that with already questionable hit detection and latency. You'll never hit them. - This isn't just a small change where you reduce the Max damage of an LMG by 1 point per bullet, by changing it from a OHK to a 2-hit, it's literally doubling it's TTK, doubling it's issues per kill, which just eliminates the reason for using it in the first place as you might as well use a quick melee/normal knife. Here are some quotes from the discussion on our Outfit discord in regards to this change; ~M ~P ~S And finally my own: ~Sumowning As last; Thank you all for reading this, I think it's important to talk about these changes in detail and not just say things like "It's OP, nerf this.." Or "no nerf pls" so that we can help shape the game and propose meaningful changes, whilst preventing mistakes that would make something completely obsolete such as with this Power Knife nerf. See you all, Planetside.
Its because a cloaker who decloaks in your face can knife you before you even hear the knife activate or see the decloak due to the latency system. The problem with power knives is entirely because of the Infiltrator. Especially in large groups a single infil with a power knife can wreak havoc and get a big killstreak before going down. Just because your outfit mates dont seem capable of doing that does not really matter. Since power knives sacrifice quick knifing speed and need to be wielded with activation* it needs to do more than the exact same 2 knife hits to kill. For example it could cause a concussive effect on the target, giving them some chance to react but also rewarding the user for landing a wielded hit. This is especially useful since the opponent wont be able to simply run to prevent another hit. OHK on these knives is too powerful due to cloakers and should not be kept, but it should be rewarded. * which I just bound to a macro, since it gives me utility rather than maximising my firepower like with burst weapons I am OK with using a Macro for activating knives, which to me is the baseline for wielding the knife.
Whilst I understand what you mean, a cloaker isn't invisible by any means, a running cloaker is quite visible to anyone who isn't tunnel-visioned by the enemy. Which simply is the majority of cases when it comes to knifing, they don't pay attention to the map, or their sides and get stabbed in the process. As for a cloaker who stabs you in the back, recon darts, mines, awareness, allies, and other counters still exist. As for the 'killstreak', this exact point was brought up in the conversation to which the following can be said; "Since power knives sacrifice quick knifing speed and need to be wielded with activation* it needs to do more than the exact same 2 knife hits to kill. For example it could cause a concussive effect on the target, giving them some chance to react but also rewarding the user for landing a wielded hit. This is especially useful since the opponent wont be able to simply run to prevent another hit." Whilst a concussion effect would make this nerf slightly more palpable, the speed of a quick melee or wielded non-power knife would still be better in most cases. There's plenty of OHK, in this game. A shotgun, which has an even bigger OHK range than a knife, and is more reliable for example. Or I could equip a sidearm, hit > quick melee for the same ttk. All of this doesn't change that people still have plenty of time to react before they get OHK'd, and also have plenty of tools available to them to deal with infiltrators. But they opt not to use those tools, then it's their choice. It's also their choice to ignore the possibility of getting knifed. This is not the fault of the infil, or the power-knife. In my bolting loadout, I have the thermal implant. Whilst having that equipped cloaked infils become completely invisible to me, this is a drawback to my loadout, and there's plenty of times where I died because of it, but that's a calculated risk I am taking. Pros and Cons of my loadout, that's not the Infils fault for killing me.
This will make power knives playstyle completely unusable for anyone with lag, delay, or performance issues. I know I'll never be able to use this playstyle again, and since it was such a fun one I'm pretty annoyed and will probably play planetside less as a result. There's not even a point of buying power knives compared to just regular knives now. Completely killing a playstyle in a game is not good for it.
Let me offer some counter points,but before I do ,I would 100% be up for daybreak to adjust how melee works Most whom use power knives have them equipped prior 100 for standard inf,Not their main users (Infils) so from 100 down to a max of around 28 if cloaked and such ,even without cloaking it is more likely 50 or less at best (Mainly see knifers in or around bases ,or spawn camping/teleport camping) I've seen people setup macros to equip and activate to further decrease time needed They are not exactly loud in a fight
Excellent post, I've been complaining about exactly that for years when people claim the TTK is too low ignoring that i have to get within breath odor distance for the knife to work. Ive already uninstalled for good this time. I think the bigger issue is that the devs (especially Wrel) arent dumb and with a few rare -and notorious- exceptions the weapons are plenty balanced from the outset. While powerful, actually using the power knife is a huge risk/huge reward proposition and even with skillful stalking you will die more times than not. The devs knew this, and while the knife is powerful the cloaks are simply not effective enough to waltz into a base, or a firefight or a control point being squatted by enemies without getting killed and in short order. It takes skill to use and can be countered easily. Since the kill-cam (another anti-infil change) people that you killed can immediately equip their "infil-revenge" build and come after you with a flashlight and a light assault, or a heavy requiring two knife hits, or a max, or a vehicle if you are in the open, or another infil with darts and a flashlight. If they can be countered, why are infiltrators being nerfed because other people are choosing builds that benefit their playstyle and only counter infils when it suits them? The problem is, who is using vs who is suffering from specific weapons and who complains the loudest about it. As a knife only infiltrator that usually plays without a squad for me this is game breaking. With almost 30k combined knife kills for my current and deleted character (BR 115) the nerf makes it out like I'd have a 10:1 K/D because its an I-Win weapon but I've averaged closer to 2:1 on a good day when all the stars align. Random things that are ignored when people say 'Its OP Please nerf power knife and infils i hate this game': Radar ANTS, radar sundies, radar darts, radar Valkyries, flood lights on updated maps, floodlights on vehicles, pain fields, cloak-defeating incendiary munitions, 'burning' base shields, cloak defeating friendly fire, darklight flashlights, getting clipped accidentally by enemies aiming at friendlies behind you (virtually guaranteed death), not knowing if you have shown up on enemy maps depending on how you were detected, horrendous hit detection where some enemies simply dont register the hit, light assualts that fly out of knife range and kill you before you can pull a ranged weapon, spray and pray TR with 50-100 round clips (they need only hit you with one bullet and your outed), particularly enraging- when you see the damage taken 'flinch' animation from a power knife 'hit' on the enemies character but you still die while they live even when its not an overshielded heavy. I could go on and at length but I wont. Posted elsewhere but tldr, most of the games spenders (easy for DBG to poll) are HA/LA. Infiltrators with wielded knifes were identified as something that causes those players to rage quit/complain loudly or uninstall. This nerf solves that problem, it will alienate infiltrators and the even smaller subset of mostly knife using infils but it will assuage the concerns of the much larger group that has complained. Balance doesnt have anything to do with it, they are catering to their paying subscriber base which I understand but dont piss on my back and say its raining with this "time to react to damage". They arent nerfing all weapons with a one-hit kill ability to balance the game, they are nerfing a weapon with SERIOUS drawbacks that was complained about by the people who dont use/benefit from them. From another post as im actually pretty bummed as there nothing quite like Planetside: Something about the power knife nerf irks me. They are NOT the only one hit weapon in the game, but they are used effectively by the weakest class vs all the other OHK weapons used by all other classes. 'Oh but you can headshot heavies then its one kill', yeah for those of us without aimbots against moving targets and a weapon with a cof of near zero means headshots are rare. If they nerfed all the one hit weapons "to give people a chance to respond to a wide swath of damage" great but this is lopsided, all the other one hit weapons arent even up for discussion. Reductio ad absurdum, they will eventually resolve the game down to fortnite levels of making HA/LA superior to all other classes. I've heard of heavies and LA player complaints actually impacting gameplay updates, but the whole point of Planetside is that we dont want two classes dominating because everyone will just pick those two classes. Delay powerknife use, increase sound profile of activation etc, so many ways to make it LESS effective without making it a death sentence. Unless its a 1v1 with another infiltrator, it will take a serious n00b to allow for a double-knifing. So basically in lieu of a light nerf its now unusable. Good luck with everything, low-key happy i didnt renew my membership
Even though its too late I'll disturb this echo chamber. You cant say "just detect them" of a class who's ability is specifically to make them harder to detect. CQC infils are arguably the most powerful class in the game and all your anecdotes dont change that. Hell you even admit it: even in your twisted world a OHK knifer can wade in against overwhelming odds and score 3 kills!!! Try to do that with any other CQC weapon while out in the open like a powerknife. And you try to pass it off as weak. Also that kinda clashes with your "just detect them" rethoric. You also dont seem aware of how they achieve this. There is no way the entire group can aim and fire at the infil simultaneously, the whole point of such attacks is to hit groups that are already engaged. Some players might know the infil is there but most wont, letting the infil move through enemies, cloak, decloak, stab, move again to keep the group from shooting him due to friendly fire. Then there's just stalkers, who have been using this by sitting still and letting enemies come to them. As much as this echo chamber might say the sound gives it away, that is only to people who have already altered their sound settings to make specific sounds louder. For people who dont change the sound the activation is already barely audible unless they are already in stabbing range. OHK knives were a crutch weapon, and the people complaining now are the people who loved their crutches. Should the knives get more than what they have after the nerf? Yes! But not OHK, it was cheap and easy.
A true rework has been needed for a while now, with the boatload of issues currently there such as the ones I've named in my post. There's no denying that, but they can't nerf something that was pretty much dead already due to said bugs. The OHK is the only thing that made it somewhat viable, and even that's highly debatable since to actually OHK you need to actually hit someone, which with the current hit detection is abysmal. "100 for standard inf,Not their main users (Infils) so from 100 down to a max of around 28 if cloaked and such ,even without cloaking it is more likely 50 or less at best (Mainly see knifers in or around bases ,or spawn camping/teleport camping)" I'm not really sure what those numerical values relate to, could you elaborate?
Good thing you reminded me, I just cancelled out on my recurring membership as well. I got the bundle with the NSO power-knife to be able to use a cool power-knife on new characters and on my main. Which is why this nerf irks me so much, because it currently feels like I paid/supported the devs who are currently throwing a beloved playstyle of mine and quite a few others under the bus for this perceived notion of a 'low-skill floor' perpetuated by a constant echo chamber of HA/LA's who're upset getting knifed once hurts their KD. It's a huge time/risk/reward undertaking to go on a knifing spree to begin with and 70% of runs at the very least just end up in instant-death, because one single stray bullet can reveal you, dead. 1 anti-personnel mine, dead. 1 dark-light, dead. etc. And you bring up a very good point, and it's also why I'm frustrated by this nerf, the Devs know that this change doesn't make sense in terms of balance, they've added so many mechanics to counter the playstyle and Infils in general. Or at least I hope they know, and didn't just go over to PTS VR and power-knifed a bunch of weak AFK bots in the face and said; "Ah yes, this has now been tested and feels right." Because that's not how that works. Also glad you brought up the damn killcam, I remember back then when killcams weren't a thing and you could see the rough cone of fire where you got shot from. Now whilst Killcams make it a lot easier to identify and out actual cheaters and exploiters, it was a big big anti-infil change. You spend several minutes to get into position, get a kill, re-cloak. The guy gets revived, and isntantly knows where you are. Or worse with snipers, where back then you actually had to figure out where a shot came from by using your eyes and the rough cone of fire, now it's just oh I got killed by a sniper, let me drop on him and kill him because the game held my hand and told me exactly where he is. There's a reason why I play Battlefield on Hardcore only, because there's non of that handholding stuff for people that can't figure out not to peek/run in sight of a sniper hotspot, I miss those PS2 days as well. That pretty much sums up my entire point to people complaining about infils, the game is holding your hand, even pointing towards who killed you. And yet, they still choose to not counter infils or in any way shape or form acknowledge that they have the ability to counter infils. You made a choice to not equip that darklight, you made a choice to have your back turned to another entrance and get stabbed in the back for it. This is what I was referring to when talking about the horrible hit-detection, it's infuriating and has been brought up countless of times. But you never hear about it, because for the receiver it's like it never happened, they just killed a knifer, that's all they know. Yeah, that whole dev note felt pretentious to say the least which is why I mentioned it in the original post. To say "Time to react" when you know they have counters, issues AND you're literally bringing a knife to a gunfight. Not to mention the "Oh, just knife them in the head" felt like insult to injury. Anyone who's ever played with a power-knife for more than 2 hours can tell you that is simply not how they work with the current issues outlined by me, and others such as yourself. Not to mention the entire change to Nano-armor cloaking that was done, so that Infils could be reliably "OHK'd" makes it really just seem like more biased against Infils.
An echochamber would be a closed off space with no room for outside opinions, it's almost as if the purpose of making my post in the first place is to openly talk about an objectively bad change in the game. If you can't handle that, then by all means feel free to return to whatever echochamber you hail from that caused this mess in the first place. Anyway, to address your ramblings; I can say 'just detect them' since the game literally gives you a plethora of tools to specifically do this. Whilst Infils try and remain hidden, it's a game of cat and mouse. You should read back what was being said, as I said when you do get those 3 kills it takes you about 5 deaths to figure out a gap in their defense, depending on experience of course and the moment you do, they'll forever be on alert and a smart squad will figure out where they have come from and close that gap. You're not out in the open when you're flanking, also you can pull off the exact same thing with a shotgun and a LA. Whereas Infils are more a horizontal flanker, LA's are your vertical flankers. It's almost like the game is designed in that way. Most evaluate a threat, yes you might hit a few friendlies whilst shooting the infil but that's a small price since usually you can get them up anyway and in a squad of 12 people there's bound to be at least 3 people that have a proper angle on the infil that doesn't involve shooting friendlies. Then again, this is still a non-argument since using friendlies against eachother is perfectly valid, for any class either way. It is literally a loud chainsaw reffing up, that you can hear across the room or the VS/NC equivalent of the powerknife. Anyone with default sound settings can hear that, and if you can't that again is not on the Infil or the Powerknife, try changing your sound settings. You're logic also seems quite skewed in this regard where you mention the equip time/activation time isn't long because of a macro. That might count for you yes, but not everyone uses a macro, and most MMO's forbid you from using them, or players rather not use them since they are in a cheat/not-cheat grey zone that might get someone banned. Changing a setting to better hear sounds has been around in every shooter, especially where stealth is of important, footsteps, cloak/decloak, knifes being equipped/activated fall under that. That being said, I among many can hear/see knifers just fine. The people complaining now are rightfully pointing out a nerf that's targeting a very small group of people unjustly, a nerf that makes the weapon and playstyle completely pointless, a nerf that was perpetuated by a bunch a salty players who refuse to adapt and use the tools available to counter said playstyle because it doesn't suit them to do so, a nerf that comes from a bottomless echo chamber. It was never cheap or easy. Should it be reworked? Yes. But this is definitely not the way to go.
Its an echo chamber as everything is presented as if the knives are terrible, even the "99% of the time you only kill 3 people before 9 enemies shoot you!!!!!!!" Is framed as if its a bad thing. Couple that with the incessant stupid anecdotes "THEY HEARD MY KNIFE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT! HOW DO I KNOW?!? BECAUSE I COULD SMELL IT! YOU WERENT THERR YOU DIDNT SMELL WHAT I SMELLED!". How many times do I have to repeat to people that just because there are tools, they dont have to be EFFECTIVE tools? Take the Darklight. A short-ranged item that illuminates maybe 1/3rd of your screen but reveals your presence from much farther away. And to make matters worse, this item that has more downsides than upsides and can only be used against a single class in the game even takes a slot where universally good items like laser sights can be attached. Thats not even mentioning the fact that they are bugged and at close range it doesnt even spot infiltrators anymore, which for its piss-poor range means its virtually useless. The Darklight's design screams "we just added this so you cant say you dont have tools to spot them!". Its also nice to see people still ignore that the Infil is also the one actually placing the spotting equipment, and that people rarely place it to cover their rear and tend to place it as much forwards as possible as thats where the enemies are right?!? I always wonder how other people play infils. "Cat and mouse" is not really what I envision, mostly "one serial killer pn Halloween with a bunch of stundents in the forest" the way I play. Because the moment that "cat and mouse" game stops because they found each other, its stopped because either a knife or bullet was just rammed into someone's ribs. I know some Stalker players like to sit around and do nothing, hoping that sitting still wont get them discovered (with varying levels of success) but any time I'm about to be discovered, I'm not going to wait and find out but start fighting which almost guarantees a kill. I read back and it does not say that at that point. Also again, how the hell do you PLAY? 5 deaths to figure out a gap? This is more you telling everyone you suck than reality. Also I want you to describe a situation with a "gap" and how to close this mythical "gap". I mean here's my knifing setup: pick armor cloak so I have an SMG for those pesky people who might spot me prematurely. Dont run straight to the front but go to the flanks, walk into a building and hurry to the frontline which you now approach from behind, start stabbing and shooting depending on how bunched up they are. Oh noes, so difficult to pull off! Takes zero lives to find the "gap"! And anyone trying to close this gap would need to look out for an SMG in the face because SMG infils are arguably the strongest class in the game. There's also the whole thing of macro's, which you dont need I just streamlined it with them but you can just use the instant-wield button and mash the activation to get it to work in mere moments anyway. Or that the "chainsaw revving up" isnt that loud actually unless you specifically alter your sound, or that the people complaining are unjust in their complaints because they dont just say "2 hits for activated knife is a bit unfair" they go on to say that OHK's should be the norm, which it should definitely not because its cheap and easy to pull off for anyone not acting like a 15 year old who managed to get their hands on alcohol. And if by some miracle you are right and everyone is as incapable of it as you claim, then its basically the ZOE waiting to happen. Just because people might take a year (or several) to figure out how to use a cheap and easy tool does not justify keeping it OP. As I mentioned its pretty easy to make this weapon worthwhile without making it a cheap OHK knife, by letting it nerf the enemies you hit and by changing the wielded knife hit mechanics to the regular quickknife hit mechanics which make hitting easier.
That's not what an echo chamber is, that would be a closed off space with no room for objective opinions. Just because it's something you don't agree with, doesn't mean it's suddenly an echo chamber. The reason why I brought it forth is because this change is an objectively bad change, much like the removal of the passive 100 shield on the Nano-armor cloak, and the Ability energy gained on kill for the adrenaline shield. All of these changes have one thing in common, they make using said weapon/ability slot useless compared to the alternatives. In this case the knife is particularly bad, due to the sheer fact in completely removes the whole point to have a powerknife equipped for a very small minority of players that enjoy the playstyle, only because people who got knifed felt it bruised their ego and their echo chamber led to this nerf. Also to further elaborate, you should again read what is being put down as I stated; "99% of the time you only kill 3 people before 9 enemies shoot you!!!!!!!" is ONLY when you actually managed to get close enough, which means in melee distance. Getting to that point is about a 20-30% Succes rate. Spotted? Dead. Guy has a shotgun? Dead. Friendly fire? Dead. Hit detection failed/clientside? Dead. Literally a KNIFE-ONLY main, has a KD of 1.4 If we could consistently pull of 3 kills per death, wouldn't you say his KD would be higher? They are effective, as someone who literally hunts Infils as an Infil with my Commie that has a Darklight. The range of the darklight extends beyond the visual range of the light, it is literally a cone that extends outward from where you aim for a good 12 meters, by default but I'm sure it reaches up to at least 15m. It reveals your presence from much further away.. What? You're not the infil, why should you care.. And yes somebody with a searchlight on their gun, can be seen.. Surprisingly enough. "And to make matters worse, this item that has more downsides than upsides and can only be used against a single class in the game even takes a slot where universally good items like laser sights can be attached" My brother in christ, you made the loadout. You made that choice to put a laser sight on there vs a Darklight, you chose not to be able to highlight infils. You claim that Infils are such a widespread problem, yet you refuse to use the tools provided because you want your gun to have a laser sight? You're contradicting yourself, and proving my point. Make a choice, and live with it. Not having a laser sight on your commie isn't gonna be the end of the world. "Its also nice to see people still ignore that the Infil is also the one actually placing the spotting equipment, and that people rarely place it to cover their rear and tend to place it as much forwards as possible as thats where the enemies are right?!?" It's almost as if, working together is the main focus of this game. Also Engineer Hunter QCX Crossbow, detection bolts. You can put anti-personnel mines behind you. And also no, the enemies also flank you, if you expect the enemy to just be in front of you at all times, then you need better awareness mate. Besides what are you looking for, a bloody floodlight? An Ubisoft indicator on your screen when an infiltrator is without a 50 meters of you? A swissarmy gun? This is just silly. That is called fight or flight.. You either engage the enemy about to find you, OR you move. And yes, that game stops when there's a knife or bullet used. That's kind of the point. You're also facing off against an enemy with 10% less HP, if he chooses to engage you when there's 20 other people around them, they're dead. The moment they are revealed, or reveal themselves, they are as good as dead. "It's a huge time/risk/reward undertaking to go on a knifing spree to begin with and 70% of runs at the very least just end up in instant-death, because one single stray bullet can reveal you, dead. 1 anti-personnel mine, dead. 1 dark-light, dead. etc." Averaging it out, my man. There are times when you kill 3-6 people 2 times in a row. There are times when you straight up get smacked 8 times in a row without a kill. 70% of runs end up in failure, with the 1st-3rd having the most chance, after which it drops drastically as people know you are coming and good players actually prepare and close the gaps in their defense. A gap in somebody's defense, not 'closing the gap' smh. Squad is holding a point, left strairs, right stairs, maybe 1/2 watching topside. You find an entrance in the balcony that nobody is watching, allowing you to get right in there without much contesting. Thus, a gap in their defense. I don't even feel like addressing this strawman argument, either that or it shows your complete lack in knowledge of the infiltrator class by ways of presenting some kind of warped fantasy where only the people inside of a building exist. Furthermore, the topic is knifing. To add to that, you mentioned stalker cloaks. SMGs, and Armor cloak are not apart of this. Not to mention, like you can mow down more than 2 people with an SMG, unless you shove it up their mouth. Then why do you use Macro's as an argument? People need that technical knowhow, be wanting to use it, it being allowed to be used, etc. I literally never altered my sound except for the settings in-game, which is all I needed, I can hear the damn revving sound of a knife miles away, so can like.. Everyone else. "It's cheap and easy to pull off" is subjective, and derived from the constant echo chamber of 'salty vets' who got their ego's bruised because they got shanked by a knifer once and felt upset. They don't know how to play anything but what they're used to, they don't know how much preparation or rate of succes is of a succesful knifing spree. Anyone who plays on a regular basis with the powerknifes can actually tell you what that is, and frankly I provided proof of such above. People aren't 'incapable' of it. People, and by that I mean the ones on the receiving end of a knife REFUSE to use the tools available to them, because it disturbs their farm, REFUSE to acknowledge that their awareness needs work because their egos are bruised, and REFUSE to want to deal with it because they're acting like spoiled kids so they do exactly what spoiled kids do and they go and whine on the forums and in their little echo chambers until it gets nerfed. Also.. "Just because people might take a year (or several) to figure out how to use a cheap and easy tool does not justify keeping it OP." If it takes several years as you claim, that means it's not easy. Again, you contradict yourself, which seems to be a common trend. "by letting it nerf the enemies you hit" What even does this mean? At least this makes some sense, which also has been said before that it should be made easier to hit liek the side-sweeping arc of a quickknife. But funnily enough, until that is a realization. The power-knife is pointless. Which was the point of this post, the power-knife in it's current state after this nerf is pointless.
Seeing as the power Knife is a 2 shot which is the same as a normal knife in most instances can I get my certs/DB Cash refunded on that item please?