Let's talk about "Charge cancellation system".

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blueps, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. blueps

    "Pressing the Reload key will now always cancel a charge-up weapon's charge"

    An accurate description of the function

    "Charge can be canceled with reload button only in full magazine state"
    (If the magazine isn't full, it becomes a reloading action.)

    I can say that this change is excellent.

    Weaker than "hold charge permanently."and stronger than "cannot hold a charge"
    It almost completely accomplished the elements I had in mind.

    Previous Issues,It cannot be pre-chargeing in Roaming situations,
    because charging means it will fireing soon.
    However, this patch has almost resolved the issue.

    I would appreciate this. Thanks.
    Currently as an operational problem.
    After canceling the charge,mouse button must be pressed again.
    The function should be restart chargeing without releasing the mouse button.
    Actual operation and effectiveness

    Let's think about Peri.

    Roaming while holding down the mouse button, But if it is not the firing situations,
    Press the reload button to cancel. Continue to do so until the enemy target appears.
    (It is somewhat tedious to press the mouse button again.)

    The second shot is charged in 1 second from the start of the charge.
    Two seconds after the second shot,ready to fire three shots.
    The three shots can be held for two seconds.

    The perfect motion will be a 5-second rotation.

    This means that for four of the five seconds, two or more shots can be fired.
    This is a clear advantage over the past, when it was not possible to charge in advance at all.
    Depending on the timing, a three-shot burst can be fired as the first round even in a totally unexpected engagement situation.

    (Since it can be bothersome to do it continuously, it might be a good idea to only do it in contested area.)

    Note that the ideal timing for firing in a 3-shot burst is a little shorter
    because of the additional time it takes to press the mouse button again and
    when re-chargeing and need cancell action somewhere in the 3-shot holding state.
    The problem with the cancel-action becomes a reload-action is only during in-combat situation.

    As far as Peri is concerned, there are few situations that are extremely problematic with the cancellation mechanic.

    The case of 3-shots chargeed, It can be cancelled without any problem.
    If only one shot is left, the charge is meaningless.

    The only time it becomes a problem is when the magazine has two rounds.

    "I fired only one shot and charged the other two, but then I had a situation where I wanted to cancel it."
    It is only in this situation that the cancellation mechanic becomes a problem.
    This is quite limited.
    It is now much harder to do than when the charge was held permanently.
    However, since it is cancelable in many situations, it can at least prevent a wasted or reloading from an unexpected shot.
    At the very least, it was quite overpowered to be able to hold the charge permanently.
    As a conclusion to the discussion on balance and charging systems, I feel that it might be a reasonable outcome.
    personal opinion

    It is "possible," but it will take a lot of practice to master the charge and cancellation systems.

    I would not want to do this if I could about the element of constantly holding down the mouse button while driving Magrider

    The magrider can use the burner to make movements to avoid enemy bullets,
    In doing so, the mouse is manipulated in a rather large and abrupt motion.
    At this time, it is difficult to operate the mouse if the mouse button is held down,
    and concerned about the burden on the mouse buttons.
    Other Weapons with Charging Systems

    For Lancer

    In the case of a lancer, if you want to cancel, you can change to other equipment such as a pistol, or swing a knife.
    Cancel system is somewhat faster only when the magazine is full.

    If it is not in the full magazine state, it will reload.
    Lancer is in this state more often than in the full magazine state.
    Therefore, this cancellation system is not very useful for the lancer.
    For Vortex

    The "cancel function" only works with a full magazine.
    The vortex has quite a few opportunities to initiate a charge when magazine isn't full.
    There is no alternative like the Lancer.
    However, there are not many situations where Vortex has to cancel.
    Even if you only one hit a full charge, it is rarely the deciding factor.
    It is faster to talk about it if you hit it single shot repeatedly rather than worrying about whether to charge it again.
    So, with or without a cancellation like Peri's, it's less likely to be fatal situation.

    about Scorpion.

    Surprisingly, the cancel function is enabled.
    And you're right, it doesn't make sense, surprisingly.


    Welp.This is the only one that has a permanent charge.
    And of course, you can cancel the charge, as you'd expect.
  2. blueps

    After all, the element of holding down the mouse button ruins the feel of the operation.
    Some people say they dislike the element of releasing the mouse button to fire.

    I propose change to the shooting mechanism.

    "Charge on the first click, and fire on the second click."

    such an operation would improve the feeling of shooting.
    However, Lancer and Vortex, you need to click twice for each shot, which may not be to your liking.
    It would be better if the firing method could be changed or selected in the settings, etc.


    And I would then ask for a different specifications.
    Charge behavior when charging past level 3 and continuing.
    It must not be automatically fired. And I propose the following changes.

    Proposal #1 "Charge level returns to 1"

    This simplifies operation.It is especially effective during Roaming.
    Currently, it is possible to create a similar situation, so the power balance will not change.
    However, the current operability is very poor. So this proposal can solve the problem.
    Also, in this case, if you want to abort the shooting, you can use the cancellation system.

    Proposal #2 "Charge is canceled and set to zero."

    When re-charging, it is necessary to click the mouse button again.
    It is a little bit more work, but it is also a good option.
    In this case, if you want to stop shooting, you do not have to do anything.
    And vortex is difficult to do with the current cancellation system, but this will solve the problem.

    Proposal #3 "use middle mouse button for cancellation system"

    It is not my idea, but someone had the idea of making the cancel system independent to other buttons.