[Suggestion] #Let's Make T16 Rhino Great Again !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by targreem, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. targreem

    Why T16 Rhino has access to 'High Velocity' ammo and not to 'Soft Point' ammo like other faction specific Rhino variants (NC - EM1, VS - VX29) with 20 max dmg range ? Is it a bug or a feature ? Don't you think its kind of unfair that EM1 and VX29 have 'Soft Point' ammo access but Rhino doesnt ? Also Bull is a superior choice right now compared to current Rhino with 'High Velocity' ammo access because it has less damage drop at range. Rhino as it seems was designed for mid range fights and 'Soft Point' ammo would really help to increase those mid range capabilities as well as it would give some more reasons to use it over Bull.

    #Let's Make T16 Rhino Great Again !
  2. Crash Bandicoot

    I would not say it is unfair because the other faction equivalents do not have access to high velocity but just to a different ammo type. You could argue that soft point ammunition is more effective than high velocity with these weapons but it really depends on the situation. In my opinion it makes it stand out from the others and makes it more versatile. This doesn't mean that it's better or worse but just different.
  3. JustGotSuspended

    The rhino is fine, it's advantage over the bull is the higher capacity magazine.

    Just aim for the head.
  4. targreem

    Rhino has only 40 more rounds and it's kind of married to that advanced forward grip because of really strong horizontal shake so you can't use extended mags and even with that grip Rhino is not really able to shoot at distances longer than 30+ meters where Bull would be much better choise by all means. Just to be more competitive at range where Rhino is still good it needs that Soft Point ammo
  5. OneShadowWarrior

    I used to bank on both the Rhino and TMG-50 when I ran TR, they did something with horizontal recoil on the weapons that just does not feel right.

    There is a reason why I have 2 NC characters and 2 VS and only 1 TR.....

    I want to spray and pray with my weapons not do short controlled bursts, barfs.