Let's look at what GU9 REALLY is: A blatant NC Nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lucifer's Keyboard, May 24, 2013.

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  1. ItchySox

    Well, time will tell, eh?
  2. malden

    You had me at "wild flocks of glowing lobsters dominating infantry", you had me at "wild flocks of glowing lobsters dominating infantry"
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  3. Lucifer's Keyboard

    Still basically telling me "no u"

    Still totally worthless

    Last response to you, don't bother posting.
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  4. TintaBux

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  5. Loegi

    Seems to me that this is a "no u" post. I even asked what you meant by it, but instead I get this.

    Oh well, bye.
  6. Lolki

    New Enforcer:
    • One hit kill infantry
    • 10 round mag
    • 60 rpm fire rate
    NC response:

    New Saron
    • One hit kill infantry
    • 6 round mag
    • 86 rpm fire rate (when firing accurately)
    NC response:

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  7. Irondove

    man your intelligence is on the low side today...i recall en mass outcry over the phoenix when it launched..it got nerfed 3 times in a row in just 2 days. the outcry was ridiculous... Obviously this community is made up mostly of vanu and Tr who cry bitterly if the NC have even a slight advantage in 1 or more areas. But seem incredibly complacent...rather obtusely blind when they're own faction becomes stronger. You see the hypocrisy?

    I really wish the devs would stop listening to cry baby dimwits such as yourself...who proclaim to have a sense of "fairness". A term which in of it self has ZERO meaning.

    EDIT: btw loving the dumb snow tv effect every time the phoenix launcher hits its target...its comparable to the spinning drop pods in how disorientating it is.
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  8. Lucifer's Keyboard

    It's not that they're stupid. They clearly benefit from having their enemies gimped, there is no reason for them to argue for fair play when they have the advantage. Nothing but partisan politics.
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  9. PS2Freak

    they stealth nerfed jokehammer recoil. i hate soe now.
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  10. vaxx

    Now here is the REAL question. How much time have YOU spent playing VS and TR? Seriously? You see, without playing all factions, and using all the stuff you are crying about, you sir, have an ignorant view of them. Grass is greener. I feel lucky that I play all 3, and don't comment on things I don't know about. How about you? Show me your kill streak using a ZOE Max. Show me your TR lockdown Dual Burster max's kills.

    If you are just on one end of the fight, you don't know what you are talking about. It comes down to BOO HOO _____ killed me, its OP.
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  11. Lucifer's Keyboard

    Seriously? I did notice my jackhammer being painfully innaccurate under rapid fire yesterday.
  12. zib1911

    I could say the same for your super biased BS post.
  13. Beartornado

    How is this a bad thing? (Assuming of course the ridiculous claim that it is a nerf for NC is true).

    We have some of the best weapons available to vehicles and infantry. It's the fault of those who play the NC that we can't use them as effectively as TR or VS would.
  14. Dis

    With every update, the good players keep on truckin, the baddies on the other hand find more excuses to justify their badness.

    Pretty standard.
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  15. Irondove

    ah whatever...ill just throw c4 on every max and wait until they cry nerf the c4
  16. Lucifer's Keyboard

    Are you implying that I'm bad? Because I have similar stats to you, tbh. Better in most areas, even.
  17. PS2Freak

    and because it is. it was "better" before. i am writing bug report, but i think it is undocumented jokehammer nerf once again, as if it wasnt jokehammer before.
  18. Mindjacker

    The one thing is all his points are valid and correct sorry if you disagree but then that will only be to further your own goals - not in the honest interest of balance. One thing is for sure i will try get my moneys worth from stuff i paid for but never again will i use cash or card for this game unless things change rapidly. They really know how to screw a game up @ SOE
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  19. Xale

    I just want to know why they would nerf the Jackhammer.


    They nerfed the Jackhammer.
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  20. ItchySox

    Crying? I'm not crying, I asked for your opinion. Good grief.
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