Let's discuss the c85 changes.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ronjahn, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. ronjahn

    C85 Canister
    Still could use improvements in the anti-personnel and anti-light armor rolls.
    Removed CoF penalty (pellet spread remains) (Yup we track pellet spread)
    Downward elevation range increased from 17 degrees to 35, (25 to 35 degrees on Harassers) allowing the close range weapon to hit stuff at close range
    Stock magazine size increased from 8 to 10
    The following changes are intended to extend the range of 2 shot kills by a few meters
    Headshot multiplier increased from 1.5 to 2
    Legshot multiplier decreased from 0.9 to 0.95 (No seriously there is a legshot multiplier...).
    Minimum damage range increased from 40 meters to 42 (30 to 31 on Harasser variant)
    ESF resistance to the C85 canister lowered from 80% to 75%
    Harasser resistance to the C85 canister lowered from 72% to 69%

    After a few hours of using the buffed c85(harasser version), I am happy with the changes. The removal of COF penalty is beautiful. The ammo capacity and range buffs are incredibly noticeable and effective. Overall these changes are in the right direction, but I am still not convinced that enough has been done or that I will consistently trust this weapon.

    My recommendation would be to give the weapon a tiny blast radius or allow it to once again do minuscule damage to heavy armor(having no ability to defend against essentially every vehicle makes me sad), anyone else have thoughts on the changes or have any recommendations.
  2. Klypto

    Heavy armor damage like that would be a gimmick at best. It's not worth it. The gun seems better, though I've only driven Alarox arround with it for a hwndful of minutes since the change. He would know a lot better than I would.
  3. dstock

    This gun dumps on Harassers now. I'm enjoying it, though the AI doesn't seem much different.
  4. Alarox

    There are only two reasons to use an AI weapon.
    -You want to farm infantry.
    -You're soloing and want a reliable secondary that can protect you from infantry in a pinch.

    The Canister can only be used as a defensive weapon since trying to farm with it means putting your Vanguard into extremely dangerous situations. Even when used as an emergency AI weapon there are better options.

    So how can we fix it? There are three possible routes to take:
    1.) Make it the strongest close range AI secondary by far. It must be able to defend against every threat infantry can pose at close range.
    2.) Significantly alter the way it works. Suggestions include adding splash damage like the Air Hammer or adding choke fire modes.
    3.) Completely rework the weapon and remove the limitations of a shotgun.


    I wanted to keep the above concise, so here are the specific problems with the Canister that make it a poor choice as a secondary.

    - It lacks ranged potential. It is even less effective than AV secondaries at defending yourself from infantry in many situations.
    - It has a low angle of elevation. It can't aim high enough to hit LAs attempting to C4 you.
    - It lacks sustained fire compared to other AI secondaries. Kobalt, Basilisk, and PPA all have extremely long fire times.
    - It lacks precision. Hitting HAs shooting out of windows is unreliable. Infantry can stand behind partial cover rendering the Canister almost useless.
  5. Deschain

    What can say, its still a mediocre secondary in regards to Infantry and would never put that on my Vanguard. Players see the C85 on a Van and i can here them chuckle with bemusement, that or 'm paranoid.

    Well I do know one thing and that is most of my outfit have been using the Harasser version (almost exclusively) after the Buff (What is a Halberd/Fury :D).
    I have the Vanguard version however I have not started using it yet (I need certs for the correct loadout).

    Maybe a slight spread reduction (10%).
    Maybe Velocity increase. (But it's not meant to be long range, maybe the other 2 factions can get this buff instead).

    Along with either.

    Splash (for better mid range usage). (It's the only Faction AI gun without splash (PPA and Marauder have it)).
    Light damage to heavy vehicles.
    (Maybe 1/2-3/4, of what it use to do against Vehicles though (I have taken out too many sundys with it being a very big help :oops:) Although I may have an idea on how it might work).

    I personally would like the Spread reduction (for more mid) and not too sure about the other the ability.

    Splash means that Infantry are doomed, however it won't be fully unique.
    AV damage is something that the other 2 guns don't have so it could be considered too OP.

    However if it was a limited AV that you have to get within 100m of to be able to do ANY damage or 30m to do full damage I could see it working.
    Gun attachment - AP Rod Flechette ammo; In return for the ability to only do half damage to infantry, it can now damage heavy vehicles (85% of the Bassy bullet damage PER pellet). Light Vehicles (ESF, Harasser) take 10% more damage while equipped.

    OR if that won't work, what about an anti air version. (or have both, but the tank one cannot hit air).
    Gun attachment - Flak Cannon Ammo; Whilst it cannot damage tanks, it shoots out 50%dam Ranger rounds in a shotgun spread. Also takes 2 times longer to re-fire and to reload. 75% velocity while equipped, 5-10deg more elevation.