Let's Be Frank: Is Emerald Really Any Different? Cuz To Me It's Mattherson 2.0, And I'm Not Too Fond

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Sep 30, 2014.

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  1. TheShrapnelKing

    I held out some hope that the server merge would create a different dynamic, but it didn't.

    Let's remember where we were before we merged yeah?

    Waterson NC and Waterson TR basically equals, Waterson VS both under popped and no longer possessing the skilled players it used to.

    Mattherson NC and Mattherson TR getting bashed around by the Mattherson VS as usual.

    What is Emerald like after the merge?

    Emerald NC and Emerald TR getting bashed around by Emerald VS. Just like Mattherson.

    The Mattherson mindset and meta have corrupted everything and it's now little different from playing on that server other than there's now more people and ZAPS makes the VS even MORE OP. VS win everything, NC both suck and can't co-ordinate because no one can stop fighting with each other, and the TR are often underpopped and their command is either unco-ordinated or non-existent. As of now, it feels like playing on Mattherson did, but with more people, and occassionally I'll end up in the same hex as TIW and then we won't get completely stomped.

    And everyone knows, I HATED Mattherson.

    I'm getting demoralized, how about you?
  2. Negator

    another solo player complaining about things that not soloing can fix.
  3. TheShrapnelKing

    I'll play the game however I feel like playing it.
  4. Konstantinn

    Feels fine to me. I played both NC and TR on Mattherson to 90+ BR, never for a second did VS particularly bother me outside of a few overpowered toys which got nerfed eventually, but every faction had those at one time or another.
  5. Negator

    Yes, you and so many like you. The problem is that you, and so many like you produce the problems that you are complaining about.

    IE: You are the cause of your server's problems. You and people like you. Fix it or don't complain about it.
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  6. LibertyRevolution

    Of course it is Mattherson 2.0... Waterson was basically dead by the time the merger happened..
    I would login in the morning and there would be 70 people to shoot on the entire server..
    If you played at primetime, you were getting overpopped by the NC until you rage quit..

    I don't know about everyone, but I had made alts on Mattherson long before the server merger happened..
  7. Epic High Five

    From the point of view of someone who leads platoons, the VS are like 95% punching bags right now. So are everybody else though. That's just the law of large numbers for you - +60 more MLG players and +2500 more average players and things are going to seem watered down. The VS win alerts primarily through indifference on the part of NC and TR. We won an Esamir alert once and the warpgates unlocked immediately and we lost the tech plant! Some victory, losing access to Vanguards, never again I say

    The dominant faction really depends on the particular meta you choose. A skygod will say NC, an alert hunter would say VS, a Harasser jockey would side with the TR, and smart and charismatic people would say NC
  8. Geneaux

    As someone who, likely hasn't put any significant hours into a toon(s) on Mattherson as to experience what the factions are like, has no right to form an opinion of them, really. Likewise, most Mattherson are not in the position to 'diss' Waterson players/factions if they haven't experienced their community either. In other words, your entire post is essentially drivel and bias not worth the attention of the PS2 community. Sorry for the heavy handed talk, but seriously...
  9. TheShrapnelKing

    There is no "right". This is the internet, I don't need your permission or approval.
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  10. TheShrapnelKing

    I can't fix it. And apparently neither can anyone else.
  11. Sixstring

    Some of the the Zergfits just need to be forcibly broken up and spread out which would be easier if the new mission system was implemented and fights were happening at more than the same few bases constantly. Right now it's the same story everyday the overwhelming dedicated Emerald VS outfits steamroll everything (usually with a lopsided population advantage) after the asian night squads have prepared the server for them the previous night which is totally unfair for the other factions with the ability to Lancer down any and all armor pushes if they're losing any bases and TR is only a real threat when all of AOD's would be randoms are helping them mow everyone down with sheer numbers. All this while the NC players who for some strange reason actually enjoy winning an alert once in a while just restarted a character elsewhere like connery where the numbers aren't quite as ridiculous. Also I saw something somewhere about limiting a factions population per server which I think is a great idea and needs to happen.
  12. xDesideratus

    lmbo that alert was amazing tonight guys, how do you lose a primetime Indar alert that hard, pops were even the whole alert and VS won with 50% territory. Shoutouts to the true MVPs of that alert, AOD! You guys gave me 9% of my CME auraxium tonight #Heroic

    I'd also like to congratulate BWC for getting Lancer farmed outside of Quartz Ridge, then delivering the certs more directly via angry galaxy drops, until we left to defend Rashnu (I think?).
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  13. Paragon Exile

    I think I've found the root of the problem your factions face.
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  14. LibertyRevolution

    Please, please, make a TR and join one of the AOD platoons for a night.. please.. you need to understand..
    Don't say anything, don't do what you would normally do, just fallow the leaders orders and do what they tell you.
  15. doombro

    The key problem is in the fact that Mattherson VS are a bunch of tryhards. TR and NC are not.

    Were you expecting Mattherson VS's intricate command structure to just go away with the merger? Were you expecting Waterson TR and NC to have such command structures?

    I see Waterson's farm meta alive and well on Emerald. I definitely wouldn't call Emerald Mattherson 2.0
  16. Hasteras

    No, not at all, because all VCO does is win everywhere we go. Okay maybe not literally every time, but sometimes it feels that way. I'm talking about winning the majority of our 50/50 fights with 48+ on both sides against some of the Vanu's best outfits, or capping tech plants with <50% pop. Morale has actually never been higher.

    Truth is you're quite a confusing fellow. If actually winning battles is what matters to you, playing solo is the perfect way to ensure you'll be constantly frustrated. Since this is a choice you've made, I don't really feel like there's anything I can do to help you. Other than to maybe say this: VCO ops are Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday at 8pm eastern, 9pm eastern, and 8pm eastern respectively. Send Aeflic a /tell and tell him you'd like to experience an evening with VCO. If you can't even be bothered to trial an outfit, well, there's nothing that can be done for you and your morale will continue to fall off until you quit the game out of frustration.
  17. Devrailis

    Why do these Mattherson threads keep popping up?

    They're toxic, unproductive, and any solutions that get posted and are worth a damn just get ignored in favour of tears and trolling.

    Stop it Stop it Stop it.

    Go play the game.
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  18. TheShrapnelKing

    I don't see how my joining will suddenly make me win more fights - said fights will still be won or lost regardless of my presence at them. My point is simply that this faction mostly loses fights.
  19. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Official song of Emerald VS

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  20. Hasteras

    I just... I mean...

    Someone complains about a problem, you give them a chance to be part of the solution to said problem, and they just straight up reject the chance. What do actually want then if not a solution? Somebody to affirm your perceptions and commiserate with?

    I don't get it.
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