Now I may just be missing the reasoning behind this spawn mechanic but why is it that you cannot spawn at every base your faction owns on a continent? Lets say I am on the south east side of the Amerish, I see that a base on the north side of our Amerish territory is being ghost capped, I have the option to either: A. Spawn at the warpgate or nearest base, pull a disposable harasser/flash/reaver, go to the base, remove the threat and likely lose my vehicle in the process. B. Spawn jump my way there and probably lose the base by the time I arrive. What is the reasoning behind this? I mean my empire owns it, its on the same continent as me, why can't I spawn there if it is under attack? Making me waste a vehicle is annoying, making me spawn jump is annoying, it only ever serves to take from the fun I am having because no one likes watching loading screens or driving a vehicle for five minutes through peaceful territory to stop a single dude ghost capping your stuff. If I have missed the purpose please let me know, I just feel that it makes the game less fun, I feel like the goal is to have us spend less time on loading screens and uneventful travel and more time in the fight and this mechanic directly contradicts that.
The main issue with spawning wherever you want is that entire platoons can teleport across the map nearly instantly to rescue a base at the last second, which makes well-coordinated surprise attacks futile. In fact, this is already pretty much possible with the current redeploy mechanics, much to the chagrin of most serious players. Many people want redeploying removed from the game altogether, so that a platoon has to actually use transport vehicle to rush to the defense of a base.
That would make troop transport vehicles mostly useless (including valkyrie, galaxy, sunderer or even a flash). Also it would make many attacks useless. A territory is under attack? Just spawn a zerg there in 5 seconds. Now at least there is a chance the attackers have the upper hand if the defenders cant spawn there right away, and it takes them 1-2 minutes to get there. I would be happy to see the logistics aspect of the game more pronounced so I cant support the idea of spawning where ever you want.
There is a couple of mechanics that would be nullified by this. For example, a base under heavy assault more often than not can be deployed to from anywhere in the continent. However this ability stops once your faction has 51% pop there. At that point you need to redeploy hop, Gal drop, or drive/walk. Another way for there to be reinforcement is if a squad leader requests it. In addition squadleaders' presence in a base means their squad can now directly deploy there. To give an example of something else. Biolabs.. once defenders are dugin, are hard to crack with even a 55% vs 45% ratio. So what many platoons will do is disable the SCU first, before touching the points. See the base isn't deployable from any location as long as it isn't 'under attack'. By going for the SCU first, the defenders have to redeploy hop or gal drop in order to defend, making the base easier for the attackers to take. But once the SCU is down the defenders can only get there by other bases or gal drop, they can't deploy there since the SCU is down. All of that would go out the window if you could deploy anywhere. It'd make the request reinforcement certs meaningless. And attacking anything of worth nearly impossible.
Sundie, Gal and Val are all amzingly good to spawn in good locations. Making defenders spawn in any base they want will never change this. Pops of the 3 factions are equal. If an ennemy spawns a zerg to defend a single base, that means you have that many people somewhere else that can take the remaining 3-4 bases undefended, or you can send equal amount of troops to even the odds. No matter how you see it, redeploying anywhere you want increases the amount of skill required both for infantry, vehicles and leaders. People who say ''redeployside'' are those who are afraid to fight with other odds than ones in their favour. L2P then you'll love the redeploy mechanic and want it to be even faster. With a perfect redeploy system, all forces will be split correctly making all fights be 50% vs 50%, leaving the actual better players win. Right now there are 250+ player zergs capping against 20 players because the redeploy system is too slow, making incompetent players useless to the faction by all being in the same base while the rest of the faction loses all its territory. If you look at the faction on your server who has the most alert victories, it will most likely be the one who can distribute their troops best.
I personally don't use a galaxy, valk, or sundy to go to bases my faction already owns, I just spawn hop to them, I use troop transports to get to enemy bases and capture them.
I'm of the mindset opposite of OP... Remove spawn jumping. Goto PS1 Spawn type rules. 1) Base you're closest to (Or at). 2) Base your platoon/squad binds to. (yes a platoon could bind to spawn at a specific location and always spawn there so long as it remains in empire hands). For PS2 though, would have to prevent spawning from another continent. 3) Bind to an AMS to always spawn there. (Not very applicable now. as you can spawn at any number of deployed AMSs) **) expand this a tad and allow both squad and platoon level binds, thus allowing 2 bases to spawn at. This would require a Command Terminal be placed at bases...most likely in the spawn room or nearby the CC. For outposts/bases with multiple CCs, A Point. Thus transports are actually useful and necessary, but allows for some amount of re spawning for defense.