[Suggestion] Let Infiltrators Dual Wield Submachine Guns

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ClampFlash, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. ClampFlash

    Was given this idea through one of the loading screens, which shows a TR infiltrator holding two Armstice submachine guns, one on either hand.

    Before everyone starts raining hate on this post, let me make some things clear.

    • Infiltrators shouldn't be able to ADS when Dual Wielding
    • Recoil is increased significantly
    • Attachments cost twice the price than on an average submachine gun
    Would this addition benefit the community? Why or why not?
  2. brutes359

    Meh. Its just like when they added the stupid ninja sword armor for the VS infiltraor. its eye candy and nothing more. I would much rather them add a counter to cloak spam fiist. Thermal optics that actually work. and anti-cloak field generator deployable, and such.

    If they did that, then yea, I could see it then. It would give the infiltrators a good response to be detected. As it currently stands though, SMGs like the blitz already rival the GD-7F and the Serpent-VE92 in killing potential. So until we have a counter to regular SMG cloakers, I dont think we should make them any better than they already are. It is a cool sounding idea though.
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  3. OldSchoolD

    Great idea as long as they shoot backwards
  4. ClampFlash

    Going a little off topic here, this man is pretty toxic.
  5. Soul_Shinobi

    Don't think the class that can go invisible needs more close range firepower. There's a reason you can't even use a primary with one of the cloaking options.
  6. Tormentos

    Dual wielding SMG? Or are we talking about Akimbo style dualwielding of sidearms like the Emissary? I mean we have an ASP skill of sidearm primaries, so Akimbo style could be something for that specific build. The thing is: This would only make sense with few sidearms. If you want to have a dual wielded Blackhand... Forget it. That thing needs to be aimed...
  7. BlackFox

    Who needs primaries when some of the sidearms easily outgun anything else ingame already? (Shotguns aside)
  8. Exitus Acta Probat

    Anti-Overshield deployable would be cool, as well as Overshield penetrating ammo, or a flashlight that turns overshield off?
  9. CatFoodEnjoyer

    It would be pretty cool, but I'd rather have dual wielding side-arms. They would definitely need to ramp down the damage quite a bit on both weapons.
  10. FastLatvian

    I already see reskin with MAX crosshair and Hailstorm stats in next anniversary bundle - only 100$ and it is yours.

    To be honest, even double sidearms would be either: 1) horrible balanced or 2) useless, cause single is more reliable.
    But in dreams - it would be fun to equip double Presidents with KCAP and to get 2 seconds of MAX performance. Right 'till someone with double Commi oneshots you without headshot. ;)
  11. darktr00per4

    This would be a terrible idea as we have enough problems with the Infil class now while we trying to figure out a better solution amongst the players and community. The infil IMO has too much firepower and not a well defined purpose. With shields, health, cloak and weapons that it can use to engage targets ANY range effectively makes it already a difficult problem to balance as is compared to other classes that are mostly locked into a set roll and have a primary purpose that changes with the battle.
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