I don't see any reason why they don't already have AMS. This would add a whole new element to the game and would make galaxies a lot more useful. Using them to attack Biolabs would be especially fun and wouldn't be OP at all. There's all these landing pads all over the place just begging for an AMS Galaxy but the only purpose the serve atm is re-arming aircraft.
On a related note, it would be good if gals could re-arm and repair other vehicles from the air like the sundys can from the ground.
...and it was a great change. Spawning from the gal was too easy in that they were quick to take off and relocate if they came under fire. They had an additional dimension of movement that a sundy does not have.
Youll get no argument from me. I was happy about the change. Though I think a few of the issues could be sorted with a cloak for sunderer AMS.
it better no run on batteries from 1999, i mean seriously everything on Auraxis is powered by the trillions of nanites floating around in the air yet
Only reason they removed it from the Galaxies is due to the fact that back in beta three things happened. 1. Engineers did not have guns that overheated. they could point and heal nonstop. 2. There were multiple bugs/exploits (triggered bugs) which caused vehicles to instantly heal to 100% hp, or be repaired by the DRIVER while he was inside said vehicle. 3. AMS equipped Galaxies had so much damage resistance and HP that the only way to actually kill them required 3-4 drop-pods. All 3 of these have since been fixed. So i say give the Galaxies back the AMS ability and see how they work 'now'. It would definitely make areas like the point at the south of Indar 'attackable'. (cant think of its name but 99% of the time the VS own it)
They also removed it due to the fact that it completely ignores any obstacles on the ground, making an assault on a base 30x easier
only because that giant (shoot me) target, couldn't be killed. Its a hell of alot easier destroying a galaxy sitting on a roof with a tank from the other side of a base, than it is to kill a Sunderer parked in a valley 5ft away. It wasn't their maneuverability that was the problem, it was being unable to be destroyed.
I saw the post about it from SOE, it included the fact that i just stated, and based on my own usage of the galaxy in its current state, it would make it tons easier to assault bases, mainly large ones, i will admit that it is a massive target, but getting a galaxy killed that is repaired by multiple engineers on a place that is hard to reach, say the top of a techplant or a landingpad on a biolab, is a problem.. (and while next to smaller bases it would be too large and hard to "hide" and defend for a smaller squad) And do note that galaxies have more HP than a sunderer
It was taken out cause the galaxy was normally ripped apart only after a few moments after landing, the sucker way to big not to see and thus everyone focused fire till it gone, the sundy on the other hand could find cover.
This was already done in beta. Lets break down how it went. 1. Inform my outfit that I am landing a battle galaxy on X, Y. Equipped with fully outfitted bulldogs and walkers. 2. Deploy galaxy 3. Order 12 engineers to continuously repair galaxy, using its wings and large size as a shield. 4. Other 36 members of the platoon assault. With a constant stream of outfit reinforcements + any pubers that happen to join in. 5. Many lulz to be had as my invincible galaxy murders scores of infantry and aircraft and we drink the tears of the opposing faction's QQ on forums.
I really rather not see this again. Lets face it, guarding bases is boring. You can never be sure how long it will take for the enemy to swing by a particular base, or how effective your allies will be in delaying them. There is rarely enough defense loitering at the average base to fend off a couple loaded AMS gals, making setting up and digging in that much more of a cakewalk as it would be much faster and easier than getting some sundies in there when you can ignore all that inconvinent terrain.