Let exceptional weapons count towards standard directives as well.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gary the sewer hobo, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. gary the sewer hobo

    Gold and black weapons count towards normal directives, why don't the gold smg's, platinum variants or AE launchers? I shouldn't have to buy and auraxium the same weapon a second time just because I got the first one in a promotion.
  2. TheKhopesh

    I agree.

    I've been saying this since the directives came out on PTS.

    All "Exceptional" weapons (Platinum weapons, the AE ESRL's, flare guns, etc.) should count both toward the "Exceptional" directive and what ever weapon class directive they fall under.
    So if I Auraxium, say, the Phoenix AE ;).... I should get credit for it in both the "Launchers" and "Exceptional" directive tabs.

    These weapons are exclusively available for limited times (So they are ALWAYS full price, they're incapable of going on sale because they're only around for a short while.) and they usually cost quite a fair amount of money, or at least require a fairly sizable purchase (IE, the AE variant launchers required a $40 purchase).

    This would not only be extremely easy and fast to code, but would also increase the value of these weapons greatly.
    As well, this alone would be a considerable incentive to purchase "Exceptional" weapons in the future (Most notably, primary weapons like the NS-11P or the gold SMGs).
  3. Pingonaut

    I agree, it'd be great. However practically it wouldn't be a smart move because it would make directives easier to complete. I wouldn't complain, though.