Legion XIII: Effective Tactics, Overwhelming Force.

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Dagonlives, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Weatherford

    TRAF is an application outfit and we try to stay away from The Crown grind, too. :)
  2. doombro

    How did you like the warpgate meatgrinder on esamir, NC?
  3. Dagonlives

    Bump for the new Striker. Been ambushing NC armor columns with teams of Strikers all weekend.
  4. Posse

    So I asume you're afraid of us? :D
  5. Dagonlives

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  6. Gumbs

    Legion Thirteen gives some good fights that frequently turn out to be a bit different than the usual headbutting of large amounts of soldiers and armor. They use Roman numerals in their name for some reason and that reason is probably stupid. It is composed mostly of people that weren't good enough to be in Legions 1 through 12 but that hasn't stopped them from being a pain in the *** on the battlefield. I have played with them in off-prime time hours with my stupid TR character and it certainly was a unique and enjoyable experience. If you are a person who is morally bankrupt and has proven that point by making a TR character then you will not find many outfits to join up with that are better than Legion 13.
  7. doombro

  8. LieutenantHuge


    These guys are bros.
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  9. doombro

  10. Vptorch

    If you enjoy kicking *** and forcing vanu and nc tears to fall like rain you shall love us!
  11. Dagonlives

    Fought across the breadth of Esamir yesterday. Highlights include fighting across the TR warpgate to rescue one of our squads whose galaxy was shot down by a flak trap, and the assaults on the various biolabs. Joined up with HSTL afterwards to look for Mar Mar and SgtAngrybird.

    If you would enjoy an outfit that promotes a competitive attitude tempered by moments of occasional hilarity, join Legion 13.
  12. Dagonlives

    Bump for saturday operation
  13. doombro

    If you are NC and regularly (try to) fly on esamir, there is no way you don't know us by now. ;)
  14. Lampjaw

    Nice try taking The Ascent tonight, EZC. What was that, four large gal drops or five that we repulsed?
  15. doombro

    We even dropped our AA, if i recall correctly.

    And that last second save was undeniably impressive on our part.
  16. PandemicLegions

    That's pretty harsh/rude; someone gives your outfit a compliment, and you turn around and start bashing them and their outfit? Are you sure you are following #2 (Be Mature, since you obviously haven't read it) in the Code of Conduct of the very outfit you are in?

    Otherwise, may as well bump while I'm at it. I haven't seen a lot of Legion 13 as of lately, but I always see them loading up in a galaxy at warp gate, so I'm assuming you guys are up to something :p. Most definitely the place you want to be if you are looking to stand in the crossroads of skilled players and organization (BRSN, and TT6 respectively). Though still growing, word around waterson is that they still pack quite the punch, and will be one of the powerhouses of waterson if they keep up the good work!
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  17. Lampjaw

    Agree with Pandemic here. That was pretty uncalled for. TRAF has improved significantly since the merge and it's clear Weatherford is moving the outfit in a positive direction for the server. Keep up the good work!
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  18. Nerfley

    I'm also in agreement with Pandemic. Although I am a former member of Hostile Paradigm and I haven't always had the highest opinion of TRAF or Weatherford, I have seen TRAF more as an ally and less as a detriment to the TR since the merge. I don't even consider TRAF much of a "zergfit" anymore, as other outfits on the Waterson TR are more deserving of that title. Props to Weatherford for reigning in this massive outfit and to TRAF as a whole for doing their part during combined operations.

    Here's to further cooperation in the future and the strengthening of a budding friendship between all the sons of our beloved Jaeger.

  19. LieutenantHuge

    We're okay with TRAF.

    Also, lol @ last night. Multiple NC Platoons for a few TR squads.
  20. doombro