Leaving A Bad Relationship

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Atrus2g, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. Atrus2g

    This on again off again has to end for me personally. Ive done it about 3x in the last year and a half hoping that maybe, just maybe they'd notice people complaining on the forums and voting with their wallets but of course no. Literally every patch release of consequence has been riddled with complaints and apologists re those complaints, very very few 'we needed this' posts to be found. So many changes have happened to force this game to become infantryside, combined arms seems like a joke in this regard. Air and ground vehicles only seem to play a role in getting people to the next infantry fight then slide into the periphery.

    Weakening the air and ground vehicle game, while buffing infantry makes it clear what type of game the devs are trying to morph PS2 into. The problem with this is -as Ive said on the last 3 'why would you do this' posts- is that this game is going to get waxed by any A level dedicated FPS made in the last 2-3 years in terms of performance, playability, graphics etc etc. You can only leverage the 'look at these massive battles!' exclusivity but so far, especially when the maps are being rendered less and less populous (i play Connery) because attracting and retaining players is becoming increasingly difficult.

    I wont waste my breath on what I find outright asinine in the latest release, because, you know, everyone here is already doing that. The point of PTS and an active user community is you listen to feedback, the fact that you have these things but sit an accountant at the head of the table feels disingenuous. When a near unanimous chorus of your users are vocal and beseech you to consider the consequences of a patch but you dont, it makes this 'community' seem like a farce. Will let my membership expire for the last time, a 1080ti FTW is in my imminent future and greener pastures await (preferably physx grass enabled). Reductio ad absurdum, will hop back into to PS2 (dont see PS3 ever coming with all of these issues) in a few years to marvel at the proof of iterative dev Darwinism:

    A single class, capable of short flights, immune to fall damage, that can cloak for a few seconds when needed, that never runs out of ammo, that can self revive to 25% health, and has a rocket launcher, primary, secondary, melee weapon and a second rocket launcher lite a.k.a. 'tool'. The class can further be specialized with a range of equipable enhancements purchased via DBC or certs.

    TheyBreakGames, I know that your're trying to make PS2 more profitable, but profits come from paying subscribers. Fleecing loyal customers (yes the implant debacle) while trying to make the game more appealing to crossover players from other titles is a horrible way to achieve this. Wish there was a way to gift certs, Ive met quite a few friends and helpful elites on Auraxium that I would love to see use mine to cert there way back to the implant level they had a week ago.

    *P.S.: People please stop blaming Wrel, without question he's privy to a host of info that we are not and does not have cart blanche to veto decisions inimical to the player base that he knows so well
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  2. FateJH

    I was going to write a reply to your post but, upon reviewing it, I noticed you used the quote phrase.

    You form reductio ad absurdum by building up a silly premise, carrying it to a ludicrous outcome that must (necessarily) derive from it being true; but, in pointing out that outcome is indeed ludicrous, you indicate how the original statement could not be correct. In other words, the argument as it is literally expressed is sarcastic or tongue in cheek and you do not believe the initial premise.
  3. Niamar

    To many words, wrel gets what he deserves. Nerf a gun, class, ability to sell a new item, I can't insert enough cuss words to relay my anger. I would buy said item without them gutting something. Twist my arm enough and I'll pay another company for my entertainment.

    But I'm not complaining about the implants, I like the changes, spent $85 and 12k-ish certs to get what I want, it is just not new player friendly and is paytowin in its current form.
  4. Cyropaedia

    Hasn't Wrel always been largely infantry-focused in his videos before being employed at Daybreak? Some of late nerfs (thermals, Hornets) and revamps (AA buffs, implants) probably coincide with his gaming philosophy-worldview (kept secret at the outset). The massive vehicle battles are a major draw to Planetside 2. Now they are "revamping" one of the best vehicle battlegrounds between Quartz Ridge and Indar Ex? Yikes!
  5. ColonelChingles

    I'm just waiting to see how the "combined arms" update goes.

    Then again these are the Devs that promised they would significantly nerf infantry AV weapons back in August 5, 2014. For the most part nothing has come of it really, more vehicle AI nerfs than infantry AV nerfs. It's been 969 days for the Devs to fulfil that promise to hit infantry hard with the nerf bat. Still hasn't happened.
  6. CrimsonEclipse5

    The space between indar ex and Quartz ridge is a huge open space. I wouldn't exactly say that constitutes one of the best vehicle battlegrounds - it's simply ******** for infantry.
  7. Cyropaedia

    Sure but how many large "open areas" do you find for vehicles (not including space taken up by construction bases) except for the Indar Ex and Howling Pass regions? While we don't know the details of this revamp, there's a high probability that they will "shrink" it (i.e. when they cut out Red Ridge and shrunk Scarred Mesa).
  8. adamts01

    I think cover and concealment are equally as important for vehicle play as they are for infantry combat. That place was absolutely ****, just one firing line vs another and not much room for aircraft to play much of a role. I much prefer vehicle combat anywhere else on the map so I can get away from the masses of idiots and do some flanking behind enemy lines.
  9. Cyropaedia

    It's better to have a diversity of battle spaces (opened or closed) than one homogeneous (idealized) space replicated everywhere. You admit to having options to go to other hexes for your type of play. I've seen some awesome and best tank battles at Indar Ex.
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  10. Liewec123

    wrel has ushered in sooo many long overdue changes,
    pistol optics,
    auraxium weapon buffs,
    weapon rebalances across the board (buffs for loads and OP ones made fairer)
    new weapons like masamune, heavies have long been asking for a wire guided RL.
    class specific infantry abilities.
    HUGE buff to new players, even being given competitive stuff like nanoweave 5 for heavies and 1500 certs to splash around.
    medkit godmode fixed, LONG overdue.
    ability to pull vehicles right away without running to terminals.
    engi pilots given auto repair to discourage bailassault and encourage saving your ride.
    PPA actually made useful.
    and a whole load more.

    imho its been great having a player who loves the game become part of the team, and i think it is disgraceful that everyone
    wants to hold him personally responsible when "the suits" make changes to the game that are obvious money grabbers.

    In Wrel We Trust.
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  11. TR5L4Y3R

    why should they be nerfed now though? also what exactly is so bad against infantry AV weapons .. like seriously this post is confusing .. like isn´t it better to have a slight survivalchance as infantry against armor? direct shots kill you as were indirect heat or HE depending on range of hit from target takes more shots .. were is the problem again?
  12. BadCoding

    That you can't balance numbers:
    Vehicles require a certain amount of space but infantry of the same faction has no collosion with another.
    Now it just depends how many players are on each side.
    Infantry costs no nanites, tanks do. Depending on overpop yes or no and to which degree vehicles might stand no chance.
    Infantry is more mobile and has spawn options, tanks require a place to pull from and need to drive to their target destination.
    Part of the problem is the fact that Lightning tanks are paper tanks.

    The actual problem is that there's no good option for either side to handle the situation. Tanks can't destroy parts of the base, the defenders can't pull vehicles while under siege because there's usually only one spot and that's the one being camped. If you pull a tank there you'll be shot, either at the terminal or right after pulling your tank.

    It's a design and feature issue.

    Imo tank vulnerability is fine as it is and hits in the back should hurt far more, C4 dropping shouldn't be the only viable option to instakill a tank but a shot in the back with a Decimator from close range should do the same. That on the other hand would require (unguided) rocket launchers to deal less damage to ground vehicles the further the enemy is away which currently isn't the case.

    Bla bla bla. In short: Deal with it, it's gonna stay this way for who knows how long.