[Suggestion] Lattice needs a change!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JOups, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. JOups

    Hello Guys

    Since so many people complain about the Lattice, small Squads/Outfits claiming to be useless, many say no strategies and only huge fights left. So i decided to make up my mind to present you a solution.
    In short: The new mapstyle will be a mix out of Lattice, Hex-System and Influence mechanics.
    All of this system were already ingame, so no new system will be needed to invent. They just have to be combined.


    So on this picture you cansee the Lattice links. Most of them are more or less the existing paths.

    But now not every Outpost hast to be passed to, lets say get from Hvar Techplant to Allatum Biolab. The yellow lines are the links between big outposts and facilities.

    Example: To attack Hvar Techplant you need one of the following places: Indar Baypoint, Quartzridge or Allatum Biolab. To attack and hack Hvar. There is no direct link needed. Not, the amount of links, especialy the new (orange) ones, have to be discussed and tested. Im not quite sure about the amounts here. So tell me what you think.

    The regions and territories


    Here can you see a map with all Regions. So basicly, every large outpost and facility has its own territory. Its based on the adjacent hexes around it. Some Regions have one or two or even three territories. If you have Lattice link to a Mainbase, so the heart of a region, you are able to hack and capture all territories, but a hex link(an adjacent territory is required.


    The Blue lines show you the very first targets you can attack, if you have only the warp gate. North indar needs a bit tweaking, otherwise there would be to many possibilities.

    The influence System

    Now that we have regions and territories, we have a lot more options, back-hacking, bypassing, Gen-holds etc. Strategy now again gained stronger, but the situation might change faster as well.

    can decide: Do I fight my way right to a Big outpost or facility, or do I attack it immediately, but take the risk that the enemys can spawn everywhere around me and fall in my back. The Zerg will role on the lattice links, taking the short and best rout to a big post. The small fights will start next to that main road.
    Giving this Outpost a meaning is the next thing. Here comes the influence to
    take part.

    will, like in beta, effect the time and the amount of control points, that a required. So small outfits and squads can influence a battle: - gaining influence and – setting more attackways.
    So a defender Zerg will have to react and not just bunker inside. Again,
    the main force remains, the smaller one fight for territories.

    Resource flow
    to bring resources into this play, you can test some new ways of the flow.

    Let it like the lattice lines right now, change it back as it was in beta, or let every Region gain their own resource pool, but whoever holds the capital of the region, so the big outpost or the facility, gain the resources for the territories that belongs to them.
    • Up x 1
  2. capocapone

    imo...they should toss this whole concept in the garbage.ruined the game.Or if they add new maps,do not use this system at all..kinda why i hate pc games,they change to much.
  3. JOups

    Well, the lattice itself is not bad it all. But its kinda unfinished. Some options are missing. Hex itself is not so great. Its to open. Lattice right now is to limiting.
    Yes I finally admit this.
    So I think with this option everyone could get happy by just combining old and new systems. It will feel like a hex, but limited. And beside resources, every territory will have its purpose.

    So what do you actually think about my idea. Not about the systems.
  4. Marsodian

    Pc games that aren't finished change a lot... yes they do!
    I'm pretty sure planetside is nowhere near V1.0, am i right? help please! :)
  5. capocapone

    ya they need to toss it in the garbage and give it to ps4 and xbox.....gonna suck if we have to get the same updates as them,this one making the game a one way street feels more like a xbox or ps game
  6. JOups

    well if PS4 develops good, we will be happy, if we get the same updates, beacuse of the new content.
  7. JOups

    hust hust
  8. Ash87

    I would say what needs to happen is the following:

    -Keep the lattice as is now.
    -Lattice links have a hex territory that they sit in the middle of.
    -Resource nodes should be placed in the hexes
    -Bunkers and other forward towers or what have you should fill out portions of the territory to provide more defensible locations
    -A vehicle needs be introduced where that you can deploy the vehicle and create a new link in the lattice between territories adjacent using hex rules.
    -Links require 2 vehicles to create the link
    -When the link is created, it is two way and both vehicles go neutral
    -The link determines which base supplies energy to the attacking force, and can also be used to redirect the energy supply of an attacking force from one base, to another (Thereby shuffling the logistics between multiple bases).
    -The moment the link is created it also creates a wormhole between the two bases that can accomidate troops. If the base is taken, the link persists until that base has gotten connectivity on the main lattice once more.
    -If one of the vehicles is destroyed that has created the link, the link collapses.
    -XP is granted to vehicle drivers for people passing through the wormhole, and for the energy supplied.