Latency 200-300 ms (connection Poor or Bad)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by kokosda, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. kokosda

    I'm experiencing 200-300 ms latency from last week. My usual latency is between 70-100. I'm playing Cobalt and it has the lowest ping for me. How long it will be?
  2. n3r0k

    same :O
  3. Genetic

    These Pings are getting beyond funny now , im getting 200 to my so called local EU server (from 40 miles out side London) and anything from 200 to 500 to East Coast US servers.

    I understand that its the holidays but surely there is at least a tech monkey left in the office that can throw the server reset button and if the problem goes deeper than a server reset FIX IT !! surely an issue that just makes the game simple unplayable should take priority over every single thing else !
  4. Dj Gus

    I thought it was a problem on my end, when i had constant "Connection Quality: Poor" indicator... For the whole playsession.
    I play at "dead" hours, don't even want to login at primetime... Cobalt is horrible, right now.
  5. RainbowDash9

    i bounce anywhere from 90-1000ms every 10 seconds and it makes playing rather difficult.
  6. day ofm one

    Also over 200 for me, Cobalt as well.
  7. SilverUnicorn

    i used to play EU on 180 ping few months ago now its constantly 280-320 whats going on? when can we expect stable ping!
  8. Pootisman

    I get lots of lag on Cobalt too. Up to 300ms. Connection seems to be unstable, even at 80ms ping, enemies are sometimes rubberbanding. I dont have lag problems in other games.
  9. Hammerlock

    my spikes up to 700ms+ dont know what it causing it ... blame the poor servertech for it
  10. fdykn

    At the moment i have between 250 and 15000ms. Quality shines in green o_O
  11. volth

    Server lag :/
  12. exFINN

    same here,100-250
  13. detomasoSconX

    same problem...this poor connection stuff is really hard to accept at the moment (incl. freeze)
  14. Genetic

    Not that SOE gives a crap but I've cancelled my sub yet again due to this issue , SOE seem to have a knack at the moment of releasing patch after patch that snowballs out of control to the point they hold all development on the game to focus on *fixing* things , instead of squashing bugs as they put them in
  15. Noktaj

    Miller. Spiking from 80 all the way to 2000 every 10-20 seconds or so. Unplayble. o_O

    EDIT: checked on Emerald, 120 to 150 stable. What the actual faq...
  16. Moisted

  17. detomasoSconX

    its good to hear this...@smedley

    @soe: we dont need new content (at the moment), so long the tech problems are not save. you will not make (more) money till you not fix game and servers. fix the problems and than you can expect new memberships, player etc..
  18. p33pl

    Having a 40ms is no better than having 500 "good"ms which ofcourse, reserves respect right mr dev?
    When the 40ms still translates to an amazing 5 second delay, only in ps2.. this is ridiculous.

    Prolly time to get back into other games again, as nothing has really changed here still. Shame on you SOE.

    Things are still "coming soon" and we're only 2 years later now, players thingy is still beta, ping has gone crap, the usual nerfs and buffs, dalton still shooting flammable dustballs, camo was overpowered? I wonder if the worlds army's take that into account?

    And where the shid are the update notes, you silly goons!
  19. Unsp0kn

    I'm constantly 250+ on Emerald and it spikes over 40,000 frequently with insane spikes over 100,000. It's really frustrating to be in a good fight and all of a sudden it's chaos, I die and then it hangs for ever and a day while I sit there getting pissed. It was NEVER this bad when I started playing last March.