Last fridays's FNO: Infiltrator/Recondrone info

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Scan, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Scan

    Could be a interesting watch for you guys.

    ArcLegger starts playing INF (poorly) and talking about the Recon drone from around 59:00 ish.

    He did score a headshot somewhere. Guess what happened: "BING" no kill.

    So later he says, "Only have 4 assists... that's how good I am"

    Well ArcLegger, I don't think it's just your poor skills giving you problems mate.

    Nontheless some interesting content:
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  2. Get2dachoppa

    Haven't had time to watch all the Infiltrator parts but two things when he tries playing a sniper Infiltrator: To be fair, I think that headshot was on a MAX so not surprising it didn't score a OHK.

    The other I couldn't help notice when he switched from LA to Infiltrator was the difference in loadouts and weapon medals. Auraxium medal with a decked out GD-7F. Even had a copper medal with the Flare gun. Running nanoweave armor (assuming NW5). Then he switches to Infiltrator. Doesn't even have a suit slot equipped. Nothing in utility slot. Only a copper medal with a bare bones Bolt Driver and same with the Mag-shot. Recon Device at level 1. Quickly switched over to play SMG Infiltrator and that's as far as I've gotten in watching so far.

    Make of that observation what you will but didn't leave me with a good impression they know or understand the class, especially the sniping aspect. I'll try to watch more later tonight, see if the SMG gameplay changes my opinion.
  3. Scan

    Your opinion won't change.

    When asked what would be the coolest thing about stalker cloak, this guy said: "I look forward to use the cloak to sneak behind my enemies, and shoot them all with my commisioner, or behind enemy MAX units and blow them up with proximity mines.

    I faintly remember that he did score a headshot on a standard infantery unit, before he headshotted the MAX. The rest of his shots he totally missed. Yes Arclegger, that's how "easy" it is to snipe.

    The only guys that seemed to have an idea what they were talking about regarding infiltrators, were the guys playing the game, asking him the questions.

    To summarize: there's quite some ideas still to be carried out, but at the moment the optimisation process is still eatin up all their time.

    They're really making us wait.... but I do think that once they're done with the optimisation process, Infiltrators are one of the first things that will get attention. There's been so many people asking questions about the recon drone, the stalker cloak, and the other stuff, that I can't imagine this not being introduced once they get their hands free.

    Let's hope Arclegger is better at replacing "pink objects" than he is at playing Infiltrator, otherwise we'll be waiting for atleast another 6 months. :-D
  4. Rohxer

    Ugh. That was sooo painful to watch.

    First, regarding his infiltrator experience:

    "Sniper" -> 00:57:30 - 01:04:00
    "CQC" -> 01:04:00 - 01:09:30

    No weapon attachments installed (he did cert up his SMG before his "CQC" session)
    No suit slot
    No utility slot
    Recon Tool level 1 (!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    And later in the video he claimed that he was using his "real play character" that he uses for realz when he plays.

    I really hope they have people proficient in the class looking at us, because that guy clearly loathed the class from his comments, was totally inept at its use, and couldn't wait to get into a different suit.

    And regarding the recon drone - It offers absolutely nothing to the infiltrator class, and nothing they stated changed my perception of it.. Yes, you can fly around and spot, but we've already got darts - that can be in more than one place at a time. AND we can move around while the darts work autonomously, AND we can actually shoot things and be otherwise useful while the darts continue to work for us and our team.

    As a squad/platoon leader OMG it could be extremely helpful, but calling the drone an "infiltrator tool" is a disgusting joke, and will be presented as a benefit to our "class". This thing should be on the squad leader cert tree independent of class.

    For all intents and purposes, the recon drone is basically just a vehicle. A vehicle that when you "exit", you are right where you started. Any class can use any vehicle. This should be the same way. In fact, what it should be is a vehicle used by any class, and let the infiltrators cert up a wraith module attachment for it if they want to throw us a tiny bone.

    This thing as its currently designed is only going to be used for one of two things:
    1) Platoon leaders (great use, but WHY infiltrator???)
    2) C-4 deliver method. Which is NOT an infiltrator role. I can already do this by having a teammate plop a C-4 on my body as it is. I do this occasionally for laughs, but I don't think we were meant to be suicide bombers.

    They did hint in the video that they were thinking about the possibility of weaponizing it somehow, but that wouldn't be until sometime after the initial rollout. Maybe that will change my mind, but I'm not going to rest my hopes on a random musing from a dev who has no idea how to play our class.
  5. zaspacer

    I've seen this idea (that all PS2 Devs are tied up on optimization) pop up a lot on the forums. And I need to communicate how false this is.

    Devs are headed up by (1) Producers and the workers consist of (2) Programmers, (3) Designers, and (4) Artists. Of those, only Programmers will be tied up dealing with optimization. Producers and Designers can't affect optimization (at least not in a game without NPCs), and Art can't affect optimization without massively overhauling whole assets (textures, polygon count on objects or buildings, etc.).

    That leaves Producers, Designers, and Artists with time to work on things. Things link new content, tweak existing content, fixing bugs that are not Programmer related, or working on the Infiltrator Update. Most the content for the Infiltrator Update is Designer based. Things like working out which stats get buffed/nerfed/changed or figuring out what abilities to stick on a Recon Drone.

    If anything, I would think the massive staffing cuts would have had a bigger impact on crippling the man power that could be put toward the Infiltrator update. Besides the SOE layoffs, traditionally Devs layoff staff for a game after launch and move to a smaller/cheaper team that can tackle maintenance and small content releases.

    Regarding the delay with the Infil Update, I think (as many have noted) that the Devs don't really know what to do with the Infil Class. They don't really play it, don't really enjoy playing it, and don't have a genuine interest in spending time learning the class as it's currently being played to any degree of depth. Also, the Class doesn't really have a natural fit for the core gameplay outside of a few niche abilities (Hack Terminal, Recon Dart), and those abilities aren't enough to flesh out an entire class.
  6. CuteBeaver

    Sony needs and FNO infiltrator panel.

    There are some fantastic players on these forums who could provide excellent insight into the class. ItZmurda and Mustarde come to mind as pretty down to earth people who Sony could trust on camera. I guarantee if Sony had questions both of those players would have fantastic responses and solutions to discuss. I am sure there are others that would be able to provide feedback in a positive way as well. Koolaid has a wonderful way of explaining things nice and simple and breaking things down for newer players and we have other incredibly helpful personalities on these boards as well.


    You guys are right, its very clear this particular Developer does not have much personal experience with the class. It really showed, and that is unfortunate. Even if they had the best intentions... we can see through the inexperience. Credibility unfortunately comes into question and undermines our trust in Sony to deliver solutions.
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