[Suggestion] Lasher X2 buff

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Syreptious, May 31, 2015.

  1. Syreptious

    EVERYONE knows that the current Lasher could use a buff, I'm not saying its a terrible weapons (personally i love it) but it could be better at 1v1 combat.

    I think it should have an alternate fire mode with (possibly) a higher rate of fire and (definitely) the lashing mechanic from PS1. The alternate fire mode would no longer have splash damage and the lash would only affect the player closest to the shot. This would make it better at 1v1 so that all us Lasher users don't have to run around with our Commie or Underboss out like some sort of Heavy-Stalker-Infiltrator. A shorter reload would be nice too, yes, it has a 75 round mag (150 with ext mags) but short reloads is Vanu's faction trait... either that or the heat mechanic.

    The main fire-mode (the current one) should have higher velocity ammo or give HVA as an attachment option.

    Also, a 'custom' attachment or trait (yes i know it has splash but i think it trades its ROF in for that) would be nice too, the T7 MCG has its Ballistic Rapid Refire Toggle (allows it to spin up faster) and the NC05 Jackhammer has the 3x burst mode (which is insta-death to nearby Vanu and Terran).
  2. thebigbortishbort

    this might not be my place to say , but as with all the heavy specific weapons the lasher is extremely situational , having seen them on the battle field their niche is suppression / volume of fire , damaging multiple people and so on , this fire mode would give it more versatility instead of helping its main purpose comparing it to BRRT which assists this purpose but giving up ext mags in return , unless im seeing it wrong it'd be interesting to experiment with.
  3. cobaltlightning

    The way I see it, the Lasher's actually in a decent place.
    If you're gonna 1v1 anyone that's not a MAX, make sure you're in CQC and Aim at their Feet. The second bit is true for anything with Splash Damage v Infantry, and comes from playing TF2: They may not take the full damage, but at least they shall not escape unharmed.
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  4. RedArmy

    the lasher is more of a support weapon, like a constant bombardment of grenades, keeps people from turtleing. one does not hide from a lasher
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  5. Vargs

    I find the lasher to be pretty garbage. It's not much better for suppression than just firing any other LMG with a large magazine (which few people do because it's pointless). It serves to block your teammates just as much if not more than the enemy. The glowing sperm trail pinpoints your location as "the distracted guy with a very low dps gun" very clearly. The lasher is also 100% unmitigated trash if you don't have the high ground, which is going to be the case a -lot- of the time. There are extremely few situations in which it really shines, and those very rare opportunities are often far too fleeting to switch out loadouts. So unless you just run the lasher 24/7, which is the worst idea imaginable, you don't get many chances to make good use of it.

    I bought it on my VS alt and definitely regret doing so. As a primarily NC player, I never even remotely feel as though NO COVER IS SAFE when fighting the Vanu. It's a complete non-factor and I really miss the good ol' jackhammer when playing purple.
  6. Kulso

    It's a weapon that's used to not kill people. But wait, weapons are supposed to kill. This thing needs a buff in some shape or form.
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  7. xMaxdamage

    please dont buff the lasher, it's perfect as it stands now.
    I have more than 5k kill with it and IMHO if you buff it it will become overpowered.

    it's not a gun to be used or judged like other weapons, it is deadly effective because of its unique combination of tight hipfire CoF and AoE damage. you SHOULD be hipfiring ALWAYS when engaging at <15 meters and NEVER go for bodyshots, unless they are not firing at you. aim to the feet, you will be amazed of how much this weapon is strong in close quarters, while still being extremely damaging at long ranges aswell.
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  8. Eyeklops

    This is the only change I want.
  9. Imp C Bravo

    Lasher is pretty trash. Friendly Fire issues, low DPS, slow projectiles that are laughably easily dodged. It does nothing for your team besides annoy the user.
  10. actionpark

    What armor protects against the Lasher?
    Is it Nanoweave or Flak?
  11. Syreptious

    Splash damage- flak
    Direct hits- nanoweave
    Splash damage- none
    Direct hits- nanoweave

    Also, MAXs take the full damage from the splash, they do not have a resistance property to it
  12. CMDante

    Let's do a count of how many primary weapons can hit you from around a corner; one.

    Please don't buff the lasher, the whole point of the weapon is the oddity of it and it's just fine at killing people.
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  13. Syreptious

    You have a point, but im not saying to make it briliant at everything, im just saying that it needs some changes to make it usable in other situations. The Jackhammer and MCG are both great at 1v1 and can lay down 'supressive fire', so why cant the Lasher do its job and allow you to live when you arent on higher ground, at medium range, with a friendly solider or 3 with no enemies shooting at you?
  14. CMDante

    Not arguing that it's a niche weapon, but so are the other ES HA weapons. The Jackhammer is, well, a shotgun and the MCG has a spin-up time that limits it's usefulness in spontaneous engagements.

    The Lasher is a fantastic suppression weapon, far better than the other two due just to that fact that it's has AOE damage, just shoot the ground near people and they'll duck back mighty quick. The DPS is low but not so low that people will just laugh and walk into the line of fire. On its own its so-so. But 2 or more and it's annoyingly good at pinning people down.

    And then there's the point I mentioned earlier, it is the only primary in the game, that I know of, which doesn't require you to actually see whom you're shooting. I see Lashers firing at the ground in doorways all the time and taking people down.
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  15. Goretzu

    A JH cannot "lay down surpressive fire" a JH can fire pellets that tickle at long range all over creation..... but that is NOT the same thing at all!

    I honestly don't know what the closest equiverlent to the Lasher the NC have, the EM1 with extended mags maybe? (which would be a poor, poor substitute).

    The problem is the Lasher currently does something that no other weapon really does, the closest Infantry based weapon is probably on a MAX and the Pounder.

    Take the JH it has two modes of fire 1) which makes it more or less as long ranged as the longest range shogun (without Slugs anyway) and 2) that gives it a competitive TTK with PA and Auto Shotguns (but gives it terrible range, worse than even PA Shotguns).
    So it is flexible (for a shotgun), but not especially powerful.

    The Lasher is currently an amazing surpression weapon and there just is nothing else like it (unlike JH and shotguns), they'd need to bring in PS1 Thumpers or something to match it.
    So if you keep it amazing supression AND give it great 1on1 it becomes a be all and do all weapon......... something every VS HA would use all the time and that way lies the PS1 Lasher 2.0! :eek: o_O
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  16. Liewec123

    so much lasher hate! >:-(
    it is the most powerful drunk weapon in the game!
    i've linked this before, but here is a clip i got a few months back

    i've got lots of others (hopefully i'll make a drunken lasher compilation some day) but this one just tickled me :p
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  17. Idiocy

    Eugh, the people killed in that clip. They apparently forgot how to shoot their guns.
  18. Syreptious

    when i said the JH can suppress i di did not mean in the conventional sense
    say there are enemies pouring through a doorway, you could camp ontop of that doorway and just fire burst upon burst into the enemy, that coupled with other friendlies shooting would be a pretty good suppression tactic i think

    i dont want it to excel at 1v1, i just want it to stand a chance, or even give us an attachment that helps negate the negatives, like the MCGs Ballistic Rapid Refire Toggle
  19. Goretzu

    Well if you mean that the JH "supressing" in an "unconventional" sense by firing pellets that tickle by any reasonable suppression range all over the place, then yes (and so can literally every other weapon in the game), but in the context of what the Lasher can do - the JH simple is NOT a suppression weapon, really the only other thing that comes close is the Pounder.

    It does stand a chance 1on1, just not a huge one.

    However it is never going to get much if any better 1on1 ability AND keep its current pretty unique and rather powerful surpression ability...... as I have said that way lies the PS1 Lasher 2.0, a be all and do all weapon that 90%+ of all VA HAs would carry, and the servers turning entirely pink again whilst the VS claim it isn't overpowered at all. :D

    My "best" memory of the PS1 Lasher 2.0 was the NC setting up on a 500m long bridge (and in PS1 it actually had proper water so the bridge actually functioned at a choke point). The NC had multiple AMS, Vanguards, Lightings, Artillery, Air support and MAXs and Infantry. The VS had 1 AMS and a Lasher zerg..... the VS overran and killed everything within 5 mins just by charging across the bridge and firing their Lashers.

    I suspect there's enough left at SOE/DBG that remember the sheer imbalance of the PS1 Lasher 2.0 to make sure it doens't happen again.
  20. Vargs

    What kind of world are you guys living in where negligible amounts of splash damage is "amazing suppression"? I'd like to reiterate that I primarily play NC and I do not care about or fear lashers at all. I'm never suppressed by them any more than I am any other random LMG.

    You're firing a gauss saw nonstop through a doorway? I probably won't go through it. You're firing a lasher nonstop through a doorway? I probably won't go through it, and if I want to stand right next to that doorway for some reason I've got to step 5 inches back. I also have a much better chance of running through that doorway and shooting your dumb lasher head off because you're firing a low dps gun that very clearly pinpoints your position.

    I'd also like to point out that the main reason I wouldn't go through that doorway is not because your nonstop gauss saw/lasher fire is so intimidating, but because it gives away the fact that an enemy is having a staring contest with that location and is probably in a good camping position. If you weren't wasting your time, ammo, and attention "suppressing" I may have just run through, and you'd have annihilated me instead. Now I know you're there and can take an alternate route to kill you while you're distracted. "But 6 people firing lashers into a doorway makes it impossible for enemies to use!" 6 people simply pointing any guns at a doorway makes it impossible for someone to run through.

    Relegating yourself to suppression is garbage in general and the lasher is only barely better at it than anything else while paying an extremely heavy price. I also cannot even fathom why people are saying that the lasher is good because the jackhammer of all things can't suppress. It's like saying the ranger is in a great spot because it's better than the orion against aircraft. You know what the jackhammer can do that the lasher can't? Kill people super well.
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