Lancer is pretty good now, once the charging and zooming in bug is fixed it will be a great launcher for taking out things at range.
How about being able to cancel a shot? I hate having to waste all that ammo because the target I was looking at was destroyed or moved out of my DLOS
It's a precision weapon that you don't want to be precise? Can't have a sniper rifle and expect to hit anything accurately, especially beyond 400m. The telescopic sight is what makes the lancer, a lancer. Otherwise its just another grunt weapon.
You can switch weapons to abort a charge. I have very nearly a 100% hit rate against Libs. They're just too large and ponderous. My biggest trouble is actually not being able to tell when they're in range; I've made plenty of shots that would've hit, but the projectile fizzled out before getting there, meaning they were beyond 700m. Poor Libs. I'm calling it now, Libs are going to wind up getting special resistance to the Lancer. They just get eaten up by it far too well. ESFs have it better, they're small enough and fast enough that they can actually attack and maybe not get obliterated, but even then, it's rough. I typically run with a buddy that also has a Lancer, and even with just the two of us, we've instagibbed a fair few ESFs. For a weapon that scales this well, it's a bit concerning. If there were more people using the thing and good with it....I have to admit, I have no idea what TR or NC vehicles could hope to accomplish. The Lancer is kinda game-breaking.
Really? It's game breaking? And really, you're taking down Liberators by yourself with a Lancer? I dunno dude.. you should try out the Striker first before you declare the Lancer 'game-breaking'. Sure, ESFs can pop a flare, but usually Libs aren't running flares, and Strikers really can hurt Liberators. They'll probably eventually buff all vehicles due to the new ESRLs, but I fail to see the Lancer in it's current form as 'game-breaking'. I've been in a few good sized battles with a few Lancer's so far and it's just not as insane as you make it out to be. Sure, if everybody had one, then yes, it would be incredibly OP, but they don't and they won't, so it's not. A 10-20 man Burster squad can also utterly destroy air, but the Burster isn't OP. If the Lancer was awesome vs Infantry or Maxes then your point would have more weight, but it's not the easiest thing to hit moving infantry/maxes with, and after you hit them once, they're moving. Bursters are currently pretty good against Infantry for some reason.. Lancer's are good AV.
Learn to Play! The Lancer auto fires after 5 seconds, but you can manually release a maximum damage 3rd level charge after 3 seconds.
there's a point where the "skill-requirement" to use a wepaon becomes obsolete. as I said... it's like the NC demanding that their phoenix rocket should fly slower. they try tod ecorate it with stuff like "then it's easier to counter and it's good for balance" when in reality all they want is that rocket to be easier to steer. same for the lancer. a zoom would make it easier to use. I don't want that thing to be easy to use. if something is easy to use then every ****** and his mother will use it and its effectiveness will be nerfed.
Going to have to disagree on your statement on the CoF. The primary reason I (and many others) did not pick up this weapon was due to the CoF. I played with the Lancer after the first CoF fix (0.3) and I marked out 100m, 200m, and 300m. I tested repeated shots on a lighting tank. At 100m the CoF was not an issue. At 200m I had a few shots miss, and at 300m I was missing more then I was hitting. Granted a lighting does have a low profile but at 200m and beyond I would traditionally use the annihilator. With the miss rate associated with the 0.3 CoF there was no reason to use the lancer.
Meh, I don't want the rocket to be any slower. It's not like we need maximum maneuverability to take down fleeing tanks or oddly place sunderers. Since there is no longer a need to target small infantry targets, hitting large buses, floating purple stuffs and stationary red stuffs is easy enough. There is no need for 100% accuracy.
Yeah, I am. Usually they turn back on the first two zaps; the ones that don't abort early wind up under 50% HP before they even start trying to return fire; I assume they're not even getting my tracer beams on their client before then. Since you only need to get LOS on them for a moment, you can be behind cover nearly the entire time, and there's not really anything they can do about it except on open terrain, and this is just me, by myself. To be fair, they usually bug out hugging the trees, or just plain crash, before I get the kill, but that's the case for any air combat. Lock-ons and flak just don't compare - their effective ranges aren't remotely in the same ballpark. Outside of 300m, flak is a nuisance, not a threat. Lock-on missiles give you plenty of warning and are completely spoiled just by momentarily passing by obstacles. Heck, just on range, lock time and flight time, I typically land four full Lancer charges before my first Nemesis shot would've even hit. Huge difference. The Lancer is an outright a better weapon than either of them, by itself. Considering how much better it scales also, due to its much larger area of ground to overlap fire from, it's pretty troubling. Against ESFs, I'd rather have flak, because it's more reliable damage on evasive targets, but for Libs, the Lancer is pretty much the best weapon in the game. It's easier to use, poses less risk to me, and kills a Lib faster than my Scythe does. Speaking of which, my experience directly contradicts your "Libs usually don't run flares". Pretty much any Lib on Connery with camo or a non-default loadout can be assumed to have flares. I load A2A missiles most of the time on my Scythe, primarily for chewing through Lib HP, and it's a rare occasion to find one not flaring. There's not really anything else worthwhile to put in that slot. The 400 meter mark for my damage dropoff tests was on an almost perfectly rear profile on a Lightning, and I was hitting about 5 out of 6 shots on it with the 0.3 COF. If that 0.3 is in degrees, after all, (which is a random probably-useless guess, but hey) then at 400 meters, you've got a 2-meter wide grouping. I never found it very troubling for tank-hunting. I will admit, though, it's nice to be able to pop AV MANA turrets at max render range.
Well if they can't steer it, then that's a problem, wouldn't you say? If it doesn't do the job its supposed to do, then it should be fixed, with video proof of course. You're living in some dream land. The lancer isn't good at anything yet, has nothing to do with it being hard to use. All you do it point and click but if you can't even see the target you spotted behind a tree, 500m out, then what good is it? If your car's steering doesn't work and you keep flying off the road, are you just going to say, I don't want it to be easier to use otherwise every ******* will be driving on the road! Oh and its effectiveness is still UP so how the hell can you worry about it being good? It's like you're not asking the girl out because you think if you ask her out she will reject you. My point is, HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WILL BE NERFED? Stop making up stupid ****.
almost all weapons in this game have a wide choice of scopes, why not Lancer? makes no sense. Whoever doesn't want it, just don't cert it.
I am fully aware charges can be manually released thank you very much, even then that legimates my point that the reload time shouldn't be longer than the charge time, and I don't see how reload time can be overcome by any certain degree of skill.
Tried using an LMG with 4/6 times scope for homing in on targets? Its hard against moving targets but pretty good against stationary targets.
I think removing the COF was a fundamental improvement given the weapon type. I think there is still something wrong when tapping out 3 shots is higher dps than hold charging for one big shot. I saw a video of this issue.Video here example at 18 seconds And I think getting more scope magnification than currently (<2x?) on there is a fair request for this weapon type. It is expressly for long range engagements. Give the user some scope to use it as such.