Lancer buffs incoming!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkhand, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Darkhand

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  2. Alpharius111

    Eh, already got the ap canon for lightning with the certs i was saving for lancer... But, i doubt it'll suddenly become non-garbage, since it needs cof and damage degradation over range removal, not charge range/charge time buffs. :(

    Its not like shooting faster and further will do much good if you are unlikely to hit anything at more than 300 or so meters...
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  3. P4NJ

    Great. It sounds like it will be fun to fight against, and seeing tons of lancer projectiles flying around shouldn look quite epic.
  4. drNovikov

    I think it should OHK infantry when fully charged.
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  5. Zorro

    Finally, maybe it will become useful at range.
  6. Rustler

    Allright...Give us that MCG Buff.

    You know No more stupid wind up time for MCG.......MCG is worthless compared to SMG's and other weapons.
  7. Shockwave44

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  8. QuakerOatsMan

    No, this is perfectly good. It will place the lancer more in line with the other ESRLs in dps, since charge time seems to be a big issue concerning the total dps output with one clip. And no, it should not one-hit infantry. That would effectively turn HAs into snipers and make the lancer far too versatile. This is an AV weapon, not an AI weapon.
  9. hawken is better

    In my opinion, the Lancer should have no CoF at all. It should hit dead center in the aiming reticule every time. You also need to be able to choose when to fire the fully-charged particle. Charge it up, then store it until you're ready to fire.
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  10. Shockwave44

    As long as the "look at me!" tracer goes away too.
  11. LineTrap

    Absolutely not, because they would have to keep the weapon's all-around accuracy low to maintain balance in that case. Maximum accuracy, medium damage to vehicles and Maxes, light damage to infantry: perfect!
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  12. drNovikov

    How exactly it would hurt balance? The very fact that you need to charge and you can't keep that charge forever + limited ammo capacity limit the AI use of that weapon.
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  13. Veri

    I can hear Higby and the NC grumbling at this decision.
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  14. Mxiter

    75m range, not more please, 600m will be already awsome for a no bullet drop RL. (100m more than lock on!)

    The others quoted stuffs needs a buff, i agree.

    About the cof, it still need a very slight COF in semi auto mode. It musn't be one while charged. This weapons should requires skill and situational awareness, not luck :p
  15. LineTrap

    Several reasons. 1) it wasn't designed to be an anti-infantry weapon (just like the Phoenix, which can OHK infantry and is already getting a nerf to that capacity), 2) there is no warning on the charge (unlike a dumbfire rocket, which travels 6 times slower than a Lancer bolt and has a highly visible particle), 3) ammo capacity doesn't factor largely into infantry weapon balance, as in most scenarios there is either a resupply terminal or friendly engineer nearby.

    If the weapon could instagib stationary infantry, Higby would have to leave the accuracy where it is now, or, even worse, return it to .5 cone, where it was on release. This cripples the main purpose of the weapon: accurately hitting vehicle targets out to maximum range.

    I'm confident Lord Higby will fix this weapon, not ruin it.
  16. Shockwave44

    Just like the magrider and lasher...
  17. drNovikov

    1. Oh please, it's a rocket launcher. There is no reason why a rocket should not instagib infantry.
    2. Sniper rifle does not warn people, can be silenced, has a better scope and more ammo.
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  18. Grotpar

    Ehh, don't really think storing it is necessary.. Just need to be able to hold the charge indefinitely.
  19. Ashtarid

    It would have to be some buff because currently as it is, out of all the rocket type weapons lancer is one of the worst of them in my book and that's including the old existent models.
  20. freeze

    a range buff will literally do nothing, unless the damage falloff is removed.