Lame Pilots

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Pella, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Pella

    All faction's, Old and new players have gotten into the habit of logging off to deny a death.

    Where is your Honor?

    The final straw for me, was last night on Esamir. A NC pilot i wont name decided to simply turn his Reaver around before i even fired a shot and he logged off. What was the point in that?

    Seriously grow some balls and die with some dignity. Or put up a fight.

    My next Video is going to be titled. No Honor. Which i have a ton a footage of incompetent pilots logging off.
  2. Dictatorfish

    To be fair, if I were NC, was getting shot at, turned around and saw that the guy had the tag "INI", I'd probably log off out of sheer panic too.


  3. PS2Freak

    reaver "nose", scratch that, reaver chin gun.
  4. CHDT65

    Coming from IL2 sim, I would never do that.
    Nevertheless, when attacked in combat, I hit with my ESF trees, mountains, buildings and everything you can collid into, not because I want to deny points to my attacker, but because of the...... panic !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)
  5. drNovikov

    Wow, a mozzie pilot asking about honor! Where is lolpodder's honor when he lolpods a single infantryman and then repairs an 0 cost in no time? Where is lolpodder's honor when he spams a spawn with 0-skill rockets?
  6. Pella

    I hardly use Rocket pods. (Ninja Modded - Let's play nice now.)
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  7. pnkdth

    Gotta protect that KDR. It is what matters, after all.
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  8. drNovikov

    Good for you. drNovikov.
  9. Xil

    You REALLY expect honor in this game? This is one reason people are just ASKING for the K/D stat to be removed. If the kill and death wasn't recorded, this sort of behavior would likely diminish (disappear, no).
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  10. AquaKiller

    How do you think Daddy got his position and KDR? Sure he has skill, but most of the times you got him almost killed he logs off.
  11. Kairis(TR)

    if im going down i go down with my lib/mossie everytime, most people I fight against also do the same hardly notice people that log, but yeah lame I guess (just ignore them?)
  12. Justicia

    I've been seeing this a bit less recent times on Miller. I usually play Indar at night time though.
  13. Prodigal

    If this game was anyhow about honor, the cloaker and sniper wouldnt have been merged in one single class.

    The weak in courage is strong in cunning, says William Blake.
  14. Varnos

    I decon when daddy tries to kill me. Other than that? You're welcome to my death/reaver!
  15. Arquin

    I always bail out, but I would never log off.

    That's just more trouble than it's worth, honestly.
  16. Kaiaiaia

    Daddy taught me that trick.
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  17. Volccis

    I wouldn't care of bailing out if I wouldn't need XP/certs. If my enemy bails out, he lost the battle to me and I count it as a win. Seriously do people even look other people K/D's? Sure people who have played this game like half an year will have good K/D, but only thing which matters is the skill at the moment. If you have +10 K/D, it doesn't mean you are instantly better than a guy who have 2 K/D. The another guy may just have been played infantry or have done something random things. This game has alot of more to do than wh ore your K/D up. E-pe en is also probably most sad thing I know, 99% of players don't give a sit how big your E-pe en is. The rest 1% is measuring their E-pe en together etc.
    Back to bailing out, I do it because other people do it too. The only way to get a kill is to kill before he reaches the ground level. At start I couldn't care, but soon I realized that nearly 70-80% players will fly to ground when they catches the fire. Got so annoyed when lost all those XP's so I wont give any XP to other bailers too. There may not be a bailer, but most of time the guy who is chasing me would bail if he would lose. To me its not the K/D as I will die anyway when I jump out, instead I dont want to give XP to all those wh ores who don't give XP to me too. So.... thanks to those people who started this, we rest people follow.

    Dunno who is Daddy, but probably a guy who started this and also a dick. Never understood those people who have a little dick IRL so they have to enlarge their E-pe nis to compensate. Just sad.
  18. Maarvy

    Your not even in the same league unless your running a macro with pixel detection and auto logout . :rolleyes: