LAG COMPENSATION and players imunity ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. LT_Latency

    It just a fact of playing online games. They can't change physics
  2. Stew360

    YEP IT could happen online one in a while ... once in a week or a month ... but happen this much ? i doubt it is legitimate if region lock is need then so be it because rigth now iam tired of those unfair stupid dead it happen way to often to be acceptable

    [IMG][IMG]Still need to be fix


  3. LT_Latency

    People have friend they may want to play with they may not live close to them,

    Enough with the pictures bullets have travel time. 2 people killing each other doesn't mean anything.
  4. Stew360

    LOL yes and those bullets also have travel time that allow them to bypass walls and cover rigth ? its the magic bullets deviation from WANTED ?

    no i dont think so bullets have travel time but not that much travel time especially not upclose wich it happen most of the time upclose and never at range lol

    ALSO i do not care if X peoples want to play with Y friends

    At least theyll have to accept to have to have high ping problem related to this

    atm they simply screw up our servers quality and stability

    Why should i have to pay the price for those who want to play in my regional servers when they have a regional servers themself ?

    Do i have to ruins my experience for them ? did i know them ? totally not do they have regional servers ? Yes they do

    Aussie , Euro , chinease , etc.. they all have regional servers
  5. Thentar

    What you propose wouldn't work the way you think it would. If they introduced round trip hit confirmation then this game would be really broke. The no hit bug is a bug in its own right and has nothing to do with lag. The fact is if you introduced what you are saying this would actually become part of the game.
    Look at the [NEW BUG] Hits not registering post to about that bug.

    The model is a client side hit detection model and it has to be for this style of game with current infrastructure. It actually does hurt people with higher pings too. The issue is there is no way for the server to even know "who's got the right picture" and the server doesn't have that capability.

    Basically this is a fundamental requirement of having a MMPOFPS right now. They didn't use this mechanism to piss you off. They used it because it is the best way to do things at the moment given the infrastructure that we use for the Internet.
  6. LT_Latency

    Any travel time is enough to have to people kill each other. You both doing the same thing your both human. Some outcomes are going to be very very close.

    Yes some times you will get killed by lag, Welcome to online gamming
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  7. MistaN

    Problem is, is that it's getting worse in planetside 2 with every update....
  8. Thentar

    I'm going to exaggerated the situation here. TTK for botth players is .7s
    Player X has a ping of 1.000s
    Player Y has a ping of 0.100s

    Server receives player position data from Player X & Y at 12:00:00.000
    Server sends Player X's position to Player Y
    Server sends Player Y's Position to Player X
    Player Y sees Player X at 12:00:00.050s
    Player Y starts shooting Player X
    Player X sees Player Y at 12:00:00.500s
    Player X starts shooting Player Y
    Player Y confirms a kill of player X at 12:00:00.750
    Server receives kill of player Y at 12:00:00.800
    Server sends data to Player Y that they are dead.
    Player Y confirms Player X dead at 12:00:01.200
    Player Y receives death notice at 12:00:01.300
    Server receives kill information of Player X at 12:00:01.700
    Player X receives death notice at 12:00:01.750

    Now the reason this has to be is because of the following reasons.
    A. There is no way for the server to properly time stamp data in a synchronised manner.
    B. We aren't just dealing with 1vs1.
    C. You can actually send your own death notice to the server. IE if multiple people are hitting you then your the one that will send the indicator to the server that you are dead.

    The model they used has to be used because of the latencies involved.

    Trust me, people with a lot more understanding of the technical details involved then you are responsible for these systems. At the core of PS2's game play mechanics is that throwing more money at your system shouldn't give you an unfair advantage. This is just part of that game play mechanics.
  9. Stew360

    Iam sure you do not , also have you ever refer to lag compensation ? and do you know whats it is technically ? may i help you to understand ?

    Lag compensation is the notion of the server using a player's latency to rewind time when processing a usercmd, in order to see what the player saw when the command was sent. In combination with prediction, lag compensation can help to combat network latency to the point of almost eliminating it from the perspective of an attacker

    Lag compensation

    All source code for lag compensation and view interpolation is available in the Source SDK. See Lag compensation for implementation details.
    Let's say a player shoots at a target at client time 10.5. The firing information is packed into a user command and sent to the server. While the packet is on its way through the network, the server continues to simulate the world, and the target might have moved to a different position. The user command arrives at server time 10.6 and the server wouldn't detect the hit, even though the player has aimed exactly at the target. This error is corrected by the server-side lag compensation.
    The lag compensation system keeps a history of all recent player positions for one second. If a user command is executed, the server estimates at what time the command was created as follows:
    Command Execution Time = Current Server Time - Packet Latency - Client View Interpolation
    Then the server moves all other players - only players - back to where they were at the command execution time. The user command is executed and the hit is detected correctly. After the user command has been processed, the players revert to their original positions.
    Note:Since entity interpolation is included in the equation, failing to have it on can cause undesired results.
    On a listen server you can enable sv_showimpacts 1 to see the different server and client hitboxes:

    This is one of the most common problems like dying behind cover and been kill by a dead are mostly and probably mainly created by lag compensation value
    Network latencies and lag compensation can create paradoxes that seem illogical compared to the real world. For example, you can be hit by an attacker you can't even see anymore because you already took cover. What happened is that the server moved your player hitboxes back in time, where you were still exposed to your attacker. This inconsistency problem can't be solved in general because of the relatively slow packet speeds. In the real world, you don't notice this problem because light (the packets) travels so fast and you and everybody around you sees the same world as it is right now.

    Here is the better explanation for those who cant understand this basic principe HERE »»»»

    Planetside 2 Feature lag compensation so all your pretty knowlege about thing make me smile lol
  10. Stew360

    Even if i could post those pics for days and i dont get them all

    this one really need to be show to show how stupid and unfair this is i kill the guy whith a headshot nothing less and he still kill me a sec or half a second after he die but the best of this is it said that he as 50 % health remaining in the Killcam lol


    GOOD job lag compensation you just save this guy 1.0 kdr ;) and ruin my game
  11. Chipay

    I'm sorry OP, but i can't take you serious when you're Talking like this this and spamming pictures everywhere.
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  12. LohaMoha

    A totally agree with Stew360, this is a game breaking issue, and the devs needs to know that.
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  13. Stew360

    From now on i will update picture everyday showing what i see on a regular basis iam still reasonable since i could at least post hundreads of them every days iam just using few of those unfair and stupid lag compensation kills
    As a exemple where you can clearly see that i got the kill first in the servers battlefeed and where you can also see i got revenge xp bonus on a guys who die first but who at the same time die last lol
  14. Phazaar

    Aside from the hilariousness of having written higher and lower the wrong way round owing to the need NOT to write posts when one should be asleep, I'm not sure why you're so confident in your aspersions about my understanding of the technical details here (I just finished coding a micro-economy database that requires real-time communication. I'm pretty good with network latency tbh)... Nor why you felt the need to write the worlds longest Player X vs Player Y when you could just as easily have said:

    'Both players shoot immediately when the server gives them a target; one player receives this information first, and thus sends the 'kill report' first. The player with higher latency receives the target second, but a window is created where he can still shoot and send the 'kill report' before he receives his own kill report.'

    I think no one here is failing to understand that...

    A: No there isn't, but there's no need for it to be as bad as it currently is.
    B: Not seeing the relevance here.
    C: Relevance/Proof? I've always felt it was pretty obvious that there is no 'kill report'; the kill is -always- reported by the player getting shot at. I'm quite sure all that is determined client side is the hit/miss and the damage of each shot; each shot's damage is sent to the server and the server sends these out (frequently as batches during higher latency periods) to the player. This is why you're able to take damage after getting around a corner, and also why targets getting revived will die some time after getting shot. If it were modelled your way, well, that would certainly explain a whole lot of the latency issues, and would also be an easy fix to working more efficiently.

    So yeah, none of that in any way shows that it -has- to be as bad as it currently is.

    That 'core' is still a mistake and a fallacy (at which point do you draw the line, and why). What I'm stating is not a request for an advantage, it's a request for improvement. There is (as you said) no way that improvement will help out people with 800 ping, but there is no -reason- for them to have a better experience of the game than someone who is playing on the correct server with an average connection. I'm not asking for playing on a lease line to give you invulnerability and 56k to be a death sentence, I'm asking for it to NOT be the other way around.

    I can easily get 20K/D with my eyes shut if I max out torrents on my connection; that's simply inappropriate in any game trying to be competitive. It's exactly the same a cloak not working on Low graphics settings.
  15. Liquid23

    I don't know if it's lag or a bug but last night I ran into a weird situation... I opened fire on these 2 guys I got a jump on... first one went down fine... the second one appeared to be incorporeal.. I fired a good 20 rounds with my LMG and not only did he not flinch/react but the rounds seemed to go through him and spark on the wall behind... now he wasn't moving just standing still... he then promptly raised his rifle and killed me... upon my death my killscreen said he still had full health/shields... I respawned at the Sundy which was close and ran into him again (it was only a small group fighting over a small outpost).. me and a squadmate opened fire and he finally died leading me to believe it wasn't something he was doing on purpose otherwise why would he stop?

    first and only time something like that has happened to me that I noticed
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  16. Thentar

    could be a version of the no hit bug...but even with the no hit bug you usually see particle effects from the target hit as seen from my dozens of youtube videos on the subject...that is a new one to me.
  17. Liquid23

    ya I was just like WTF... I thought maybe my I had lost connection or something at first... but then he killed me lol
  18. LibertyRevolution

    I ran into this same thing last night on waterson server..
    Some VS guy was standing in front the spawn shields at the spawn of a tower base, we shoot him the bullets hit the wall, he doesn't even flinch, they go right through him, then he turns and shoots us and kills us.
    Look and acts like total god mode, taking no damage from multiple people, but able to just turn and kill us when he chooses..
    No flickering, no visuals of lag, just nonchalantly standing in front of the 1 way shields taking no damage, turning and kill people when the walk by..
    I have seen some wacky desync type issues, but nothing like this.. he was getting shot from 3 directions from half a dozen people and nothing...
  19. Liquid23

    I'm on Waterson also but the guy I ran into was NC
  20. Stew360

    This is the no hit bug but it as nothing to do with the lag compensation and (( double revenge kills )) , but its related to player imunity part of this topic ... and this is a nasty one frist introduce in the last part of the beta and keep staying around since....

    the lag compensation value is another problem that need to be adress ASAP
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