LA39-Bruiser : missed during all balance passes or ... ?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Anantidaephobia, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Anantidaephobia

    I knew the TTk was pretty low in PS2 and I got used to it (not prone on beating that dead horse). Something that does bug me however are insta-gib weapons for infantry, and though I thought none of them did exist in this game the events proved me wrong.
    This evening I was killed maybe 8 times (didn't really count) by the same light assault wielding an LA39 Bruiser. Sometimes I saw him, sometimes I didn't, but each time the same thing happened : one (unmissed :rolleyes:) shot and I was dead. I've been killed while playing LA, Engy, (unshielded) HA, you name it. It seems that only MAXes have any hope of escaping an instant death from that shotgun.
    The problem lies in this : what are we supposed to do vs someone who can kill us before you can even get through his personal shield ? Stay away ? Well you can't always do that, especially when you're trying to defend a capture point inside a small room. And anyway a light assault shouldn't need that or several adversaries to be defeated. I've used a shotgun too, but most of the time it takes 2 shots to kill anyone.
    So, any chance that weapon is getting looked into and balanced ? Just so that it takes at least one more fraction of a second to kill ?
  2. Grimtou

    Both pump shotguns will one-shot infantry at short range if you land any pellets on the head.

    The counter is pretty simple - you should be playing alongside an infiltrator who has deployed recon darts or the motion sensor so you can effectively stay outside of the effective range. It's not hard to stay outside 8m or so.
  3. cruczi

    The best counter to a LA with a shotgun is a HA with a shotgun.

    Or well placed proximity mines.
  4. ToastyMan

    pump action shotguns one hit in cqc. Due to this, they have huge tradeoffs, it takes so long to rechamber, if you miss your first shot your dead. They have a large spread, making using them past point blank absolutely useless. They can be countered by nanoweave, overshields and mines. Pump shotguns are quite balanced, giving the user a high risk high reward situation.
  5. Alarox

    I've lost count how many times I've aimed center mass at someone from <5m away with the Bruiser only to have the pellets magically curve around his body, resulting in me getting mowed down in <0.5s (faster than the Bruiser can fire another shot).

    You trade all ranged capabilities, and even viability at around 10m, in order to dominate <5m encounters. But even then this weapon requires perfect accuracy and for the spread to not arbitrarily screw you over. Seems fair to me.
    • Up x 2
  6. cruczi

    Your ping?
  7. AssaultPig

    do people generally prefer the bruiser to the claw? I was thinking about getting a PA to mess around with as LA
  8. Alarox

    1.) Client side hit detection means what I see is what happens (and in these situations I still get hit markers and take them down to anywhere from 5 to 50% health). So it shouldn't be a case of lag. It is simply that the spread on the bruiser and the nature of shotguns makes this possible.

    2.) 50-90ms
  9. DocteurVK

    I find Shotguns always had weird mechanics, sometimes, their pellets magically spreading around your target at <5m
    and some other times, all hitting at further distances...

    But, TBH, a single LA will never do much more than 2-3 kills before he's shot down, unless he is in a situation with a lot of covers, a lot of various paths to escape...

    Since they can't ADS while flying, they are even more vulnerable when moving...
  10. Vikingo

    Are you talking about pump action shotguns in general or are you upset about the LA39 bruiser specifically?

    If it is the latter the buy the deimos va29 as that is the exact identical weapon on the vs side.
  11. ZeroErrorz

    shotgun la is just anoying,pump shoty wielding heavy camping the point is diferent story, full auto shoty with slug heavy is basicly a man with steroid AR, but still i think pump shoty to be more skillful than smg since they need you to be REALLY close and acurate any error would result insta-dead in 1v1.
  12. MajiinBuu

    I love the pump action shotguns. I use the Deimos(Bruiser equivelent).
    Sometimes, even within 3 meters, not all of my pellets land. I swear, cursor in the center of their body, no kill.
  13. Epic High Five

    Like AI mines, pump actions are not nearly reliable enough to justify the costs their use demands. To me, at least, but take this with a grain of salt because I dislike using all shotguns and only kind of enjoy the Jackhammer, because it is basically a single one of my beloved Mattock arms with a pump action alt fire.

    If it's bothering you, pull a MAX. It's not a bad idea to do in tower fights in general unless you're the LA sprinting around or tossing revive grenades, because while you'll probably score more kills with an LMG and a rocket launcher, the much more forgiving TTK on a MAX makes tower fights way more fun.

    Best counter I've personally used against tower stalking infils and pump action LAs is to spam recon darts everywhere so they lose the element of surprise or (my personal favorite) pull a max scout radar flash so they can't even hide if they are motionless :D
  14. EverestMagnus

    I prefer the Claw personally. The tighter cone of fire give you a better kill range and it also fires a bit faster. The bruiser has the extra damage, but you really have to be on top of the guy to kill them, and it's slow. I Araxiumed the claw and wanted to do the same with he bruiser but it's less fun. But each gun has advantages. The bruiser is better if your trying to kill a max as a light assault, but otherwise I'm a claw man.
  15. Corezer

    Normally I like gen 1 pumps better, except the bruiser, cause it has a stock, which makes me feel like more of a man.