[Suggestion] LA wall-running feature/power

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by bad_handwriting, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. bad_handwriting

    After dropping down and ghosting my enemies, I always cling close to a wall in hopes of reaching that corner or climbing atop a roof so as to evade enemy fire. Having incorporated this persistent activity throughout my time as light assault, I came to realize that I fancied a wall running power for the LA class. This doesn't have to be a separate jet pack ability, this can be, and I prefer it being, a momentary feature where if you find yourself aside a vertical plane, you can use some of your jetpack fuel to wall run on that plane. Of course this will incur a penalty on your fuel different from your regular vertical thrust activity, perhaps the fuel burning much faster when wall running. Thoughts?
  2. DHT#

    Been playing some Titanfall lately, have we?
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  3. bad_handwriting

    It's a sound design I feel.
  4. asdfPanda

    The jetpacks in Planetside 2 are too weak and sluggish to be synergistic with the type of wall-running gameplay that you propose. It sounds fun though.
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