[Suggestion] LA adjustments

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by lawn gnome, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. lawn gnome

    this is all coming from the perspective of a heavy assault, so i apologize if what i am saying is totally ignorant.

    ok first point, i think it can be definitively established that it is easier for LA to plant C4 than HA, medic, or engineer, because of the extra mobility provided by the jump jets. now here is the part where i start inviting death threats.

    this is the FIRST suggestion, so please read on after this to see if my other suggestions make up for this.

    here goes nothing! light assaults should not be allowed to use standard C4 charges, INSTEAD the light assault should get access to 4 half charges. these smaller charges would each do half damage, but with 4 of them the max possible damage would remain the same. the bad news, destroying vehicles would take slightly longer for LAs, BUT the good news! with these half charges, most tanks should be readily brought down with 3 leaving one more charge to blow up infantry or another weakened vehicle. these half charges would also, be much more useful for AI work (like in those bio labs you guys seem to love so much). also the throw range of these half charges and the standard C4 charges should be increased (not to grenade ranges, but enough that they can be lobbed a meter or two [more if you have altitude])

    now for the SECOND suggestion, which is an outright buff to LAs. light assaults should have full access to all of the specialty grenades except for the stun grenades (you already have flash bangs) and revive grenades (revive grenades and jump jets would likely be OP). with AV grenades you could solo sunderers, sticky grenades could be planted on MAX units in bio labs as they are running back to their large group of friends, EMP grenades could soften targets up just before you jump down into them to unleash death, etc...
  2. cruczi

    I like this idea, but...

    ... I dislike this one. Use of explosives for AI work should be discouraged. I hate getting killed by HE splash, while getting killed by other vehicle AI weapons like Kobalt doesn't bother me. If anything, this game needs fewer cheesy no-skill AI options instead of more.

    Perhaps the LA charges should do a little extra damage to vehicles, allowing you to blow up a Lightning with 2 x half C4, an MBT with 3 and a Sundy with 4 (no blockade armor). Meanwhile they would have smaller explosion radius, which would have two consequences: (1) AV damage would be very minimal unless the charges are glued onto the vehicle itself, and (2) versus infantry, you would need precise, well timed detonations, and taking out groups at once would be impossible with just one charge.

    Why? The LA is already more mobile than other C4 wielding classes, the whole point is to use the jets to get the C4 where you want rather than throw it where you want it.

    Another no from me. LA needs more unique class tools or abilities. Being able to use the same grenades as other classes would just dilute the class diversity unnecessarily.
  3. Iridar51

    1. What's the point, effect seems largely the same. So it'll take 7.5 seconds to OHK a tank instead of 5. And explosives against infantry are cheese anyway.
    2. We can already solo sunderers with C4 + crossbow and/or UBGL.
  4. lawn gnome

    as for your first question. that is the whole point. light assaults can fly and as a result have an easier time placing C4. the increase in time spent planting charges would bring them more in line with the other C4 laying classes, without stripping them of their abilities.

    as for the grenades, when i see light assaults flying around, i personally imagine them specializing in grenade use. the AV grenades are one example (although with the bandolier, this would allow LAs to reliably drop blockade sunderers much more easily). i think LAs could stand to have more utility so i think they should gain access to most if not all of the specialty grenades. the grenades themselves do not define the classes, according to my experiences most players almost never use them, so giving LAs access to the specialty grenades would add more options and tactics (tactics being an LAs primary strength in my opinion), without requiring major game balancing or new resources to be created.