[KOTV] vs [INI] on NEXUS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yamiks, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Wecomeinpeace

    Weird, the [ini] guys i met in the game were all nice people and didn't sound so much like elitist douchebags. Don't ruin my impression here guys lol.

    As for K/D (SPM doesn't really tell that much due to boosters/no boosters, afking, etc.): A good (shooter-) player will most likely have a better k/d. But someone with a low k/d ratio is not necessarily a bad player or a "burden". Sometimes throwing bodies at the enemy and wasting his time is strategically the best thing to do. Or suicide runs to achieve a goal (hacking, repairing gens). Couple that with playing support roles and you may have someone who is useful for the team, but doesn't have an outrageous k/d ratio.
    On the other hand someone who sits in his aircraft all day, kills squishies and never leaves to take a point (but has an insane k/d ratio) is quite a "burden" for his team on a strategic level.
    K/D Ratio is an indicator of how well someone is doing at the shooter part. But it's not an universal scale how to measure a players usefulness. This isn't quake.
  2. Thuggernauttt

    Many scrubs up in dis thread
    They see Thuggernaut's stats and hang der head
    MLG pro u betta get wit it son
    Less than 2kd u be our farmin fun
    They be mad we Get da dough
    They jelly we rich MLG Black OP Pros
  3. Raraldor

    That's odd, cause looking at your killboard you aren't an amazing player yourself :p take away those lightning kills (as I basically never use vehicles for combat) and your KDR is worse than mine.
  4. Primarkka

    The fact you've met only nice people is because they're intelligent enough not to write in the official forums.

    Every smart person should recognize that I am not representing the view of 66 people on my own. My views are entirely my own and differ as much as there are people in my outfit.

    We sure do discuss the matter of statistics in our own forums. The baseline is "do not die like an idiot". That is how you get over two kills to death ratio during normal play. We have to play the most efficiently since we normally up to three squads at the best of times.

    PlanetSide 2 infantry K/D ratio is purely made out of situational awareness since winning fights relies so very heavily on your knowledge of how the hitreg works. Pre-firing into a room will win you the fight every single time.
  5. zomg

    Discussions sometimes get heated :)
  6. senondo

    My opinion regarding the K/D -> Skill is as follows:

    the way K/D used to work (revive does not take one death away) it is a small indicator of skill (depending on playstyle)
    the way K/D works now is much less of an indicator because your K/D depends even more on your play style.
    and if you change the way the K/D works mid way it becomes a complety obsolete stat, they might aswell could have taken it out when they changed it.
  7. Thuggernauttt

    Says the .3 kd scrub
  8. senondo

    1.75 actually ;)

    dont get me wrong, i like stats and interpreting them.
    I just think without looking deeper and knowing the player its hard to get a acurate picture.
    also, as you might have noticed. I didnt like the k/d change they made ;)