Koltyr and why it sucks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rentago, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. Tatwi

    As a person who deleted all his launch-day characters a while back, but decided recently to play again, I can confirm that there are some really sad people who come to Noob-land and reverse maneuver around towers while lolpodding hapless new players. The one I spoke to about it was actually happy that such behavior may well cause new players to leave the game, never to return. I don't know why people act like this, but they do. Heck, I even encountered no-clipping hackers who entered enemy spawn rooms to kill people on Koltyr. How pathetic is that? lol...

    More than 200 Directive Points or a session SPM or KDR over noob-level? Warp them off the continent. That place has enough issues without ****** bags ruining the experience for others (Daybreak seriously need to add the tutorial back in, because it was NOT COOL that I had to answer the question, "how do I run?").
  2. Taemien

    And they run to cover to a control point, only to be mowed down by your carbine, LMG, or Assault Rifle. What are you doing there if not to 'play with noobs'? How is what you're doing there any different than the guy in the ESF? Making someone's hp = 0 is the same whether its from a nose gun, rockets, or infantry weapons.

    How about you start up squads and guide people if you're going to play over there?

    1. Directive points are circumnavigated by new accounts. Accounts are a dime a dozen.
    2. SPM, KDR can be spoofed. But more importantly any noob in a tank can get lucky and being kicked off for it doesn't make sense.

    Koltyr was an interesting idea on paper, but doesn't work. 9 players out of 10 (actual stat from Executive Creative Director of Daybreak) are not staying. There's no way anyone can say 'fixing' Koltyr will help. Even the ECD doesn't believe the mini-continent is working.

    You want to help new players? Stop farming them with your carbine and lead them instead. Or stay off Koltyr and get out of the way of people who will.
  3. DeadlyPeanutt

    So the reason for the Koltyr is so BR100s in alts can farm the newbies? And that's OK because you had it tough when you were a kid?

    Tortured logic, to be sure.

    Put in a system where anyone getting massive kills is bounced... even if they're not an alt. Anyone with a 10-1 KDR is ready for the big kid servers anyway: Boot them.

    Oh and make any weapon or camo or helmet from higher ranking characters invalid. Idiot alts should not have access to high powered weapons without certing them out.
  4. CrossFitForLifeBRAH

    I tried out the new zone on a new char and felt bad about killing new players. I helped a few with in game commands and tips but, by and large I felt most of them didn't have enough info to know how to respond to /tells or anything of the sort.

    I understand people wanting the zone limited by something other than battle rank. I too saw the ESF guy(s) just farming away. I talked to him for a second and he did not feel bad about using unfair advantages of having unlocked weapons etc. He left the zone when I took his esf out twice and killed him on the ground once (caught him before he could redeploy). - The real problem with limiting the start area is it limits the people who do go there to help a new player friend or the player who shows up and forms a squad to help provide information that might help the players progress and enjoy the game.

    Look, I don't know the answer or have a fix for the problem. I wish we could rely on people's consciences and have nothing done but, we can't.
  5. Rockit

    I think what they are going to do is put a sort of empire specific sanctuary in game like PS1 had and have Koltyr attached to that as an improved VR/Tutorial area. Or maybe just make a modified version of Koltyr as a sanctuary.
  6. CrossFitForLifeBRAH

    what if they changed -

    - Koltyr kills and deaths should not be counted on any of the stat sheets; let new people die and kill each other and vets who make new chars and mass murder the new guys should get nothing to show for it
  7. Cesious

    In 5 deaths on Koltyr with my account directive score of a whopping 95, I've died to 2 people over 1750 directive, 2 over 1000, and 1 over 500. No one lower. I don't think anyone lower bothers flying because high level, experienced players are hovering around with their reverse maneuvers, out playing the noobs on the noob continent.

    I've now made it my goal to crash into these players to find out their directive ranks to see if anyone is actually low, and the lowest I've seen is a 275 out of around 10 players, and that's the only player below 500.
  8. fogartyfreaks

    One way to solve the higher rank players dominating koltyr, is if they have to buy a leadership cert that lets them get into koltyr, and when in koltyr, they can only use assistance classes, so enigie or medic, and they have base weapons, no sights or anything, and all their station cash weapons are stripped and only cosmetics are allowed; no cert purchases are allowed either.
    For vehicles, you could have lightnings restricted, or half damage, and and ESF would be a teaching tool, the leaders could only fly, no shooting, and maybe it can't ram either, so no landing pad roadkills would happen. All vehicles would be restricted to default weapons, zoom would be allowed.
  9. Tatwi

    It's different, because I am one of those people you say should be there helping lead.

    I pulled punches all the time.

    I placed defensive sunderes and replenished offensive ones to keep fights going.

    I commented helpful things in yell, including helping clearly clueless enemies get to better positions rather than shooting them.

    I focused on doing what I could to repel lolpodders, while leaving the clearly new people alone.

    I submitted 5 bug reports.

    I reported several hackers.

    I went all out against every high directive player that I encountered.

    The place was better off for having me and the handful of others like me.
  10. Rentago

    I'm fine with ESFs doing what they do everywhere else, but my problem is simply that new players aren't given any real usable counter to MLG pilots. One arm flak on a max doesn't cut it and neither does stagnant base defenses, a good pilot only has one weakness and that's a better pilot for F2P scrubs. Experienced players by now have bought the necessities and likely with real money in order to keep that kind of stuff under control, but not new players just trying this game for the first time.

    The analogy was pretty funny though. I mean you said what you said, I had to make you realize how ridiculous it sounds.
  11. QQmore

    The analogy is solid. Again a pair of basilisks on a sunderer with a grand total of 4 certs spent is more than enough to chase away a single ESF with rocket pods. AA turrets at bases while somewhat boring are perfectly effective in their role. A single flak arm again will not be enough to kill all but the worst ESF pilots but it will effectively chase them away with a little thought and positioning.

    Like I said, this game is about using the tools within the game to fill a role. Unfortunately many players lack the capacity to understand this concept. This is no ones fault but their own. A good tutorial would be useful but isn't all that necessary as thousands of players got along just fine without. Let's not lower the bar for this game to cater to a section of gamers that are most likely 1. Children 2. Not buying DBC.
  12. Kaitos

    Koltyr is not a continent for New players, Koltyr is the continent to start with an awesome KDR since BR1.

    Bunch of farmers that's what it is. There are few players that help, typing tips in the /yell chat, giving advice to newbies. But the VAST MAJORITY of the players in Koltyr are BR100 with an alternate char.

    DBG Needs to find a way to let only helpful players inside Koltyr (Like a trainer perk) but without weapons, or only support classes with default loadouts, and one can only drive vehicles.

    Cause right now is FREAKIN' BAD, the worst players are in that place farming newbies in so many merciless ways, its even WORSE THAN NORMAL GAMEMODE.