Knife Infils out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CactusLynx, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. stalkish

    Actually its a game.
    Sidestepping on a real battlefield will not stop bullets from hitting you due to your body not actually being where everyone else sees it....
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  2. typnct

    yeah... go run in a battlefield! just like in an amusement park
  3. pnkdth

    Always run in a serpentine fashion. If you get the reference you get the reference. :D
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  4. Arskov

  5. entity009

    The problem is definately with latency and hit detection. What you see is not what they see. My experience:

    I ran up onto a landing platform and heard a power knife click on as I passed. I sprinted several meters and jumped doing a 180 and began to fire into the cloaker who was running directly at me while i landed more than enough hits to kill him. I died with the death screen showing minimal damage to the cloaker. I was curious and asked him what happened on his screen. He said that he knifed and killed me as I was in before I even fired. My ping at the time was around 100.

    CQC 1hk weapons +latency and hit detection greatly favor the cloaker in most situations. What you saw happen is not what happened on their screen. Many many times you will land more than enough shots to kill on a cloaker who is charging you yet you will die anyway.....because they were actually several steps ahead of where you saw them and you were actually dead half a second earlier with them only taking a small fraction of your shots. This is even with minimal ping.

    The lesson I learned from this:
    adada-ing and trying to throw off their aim is much more effective than relying on their apparent distance from you because in reality they are already in your face.
  6. Stunpi

    Almost no game uses pure client-side/server-side hit detection, only some of the oldest peer-2-peer games do, and they were restricted to LAN connections where there was almost zero latency. I have in PS—many times—been shown a kill message after I die, then seeing my enemy go down shortly thereafter even though he had killed me and looked like he had health moments before, clear evidence that the server corrected my game state. Unfortunately, we both end up dying due to latency and packet loss. That's not the developer's fault nor is it something they can feasibly fix.

    Latency Compensating Methods in Client/Server In-game Protocol Design and Optimization