Evening. Recently, the messages saying "You Killed [Name]" has started to act strangely, and are not showing up. A long time ago, apparently, it was caused by (I presume?) a bug when you were in an outfit, which I am. Now, they do not show up at all in the chat log. None of the notification-settings makes the messages comes back. Anyone with similar issues?
Well, I got killed by someone just now and it showed his avatar picture but the rest of the kill screen just said "0 dmg" and a skull and crossbones - no name or weapon (like when you suicide). So I guess the kill/death reporting function is buggy atm
I have the same problem, and i find it especially annoying. Because whenever i accidentally TK someone, i stop everything im doing, click their name in the killchat and click send tell with a "sorry" message. When i TK xXxdatAuruxensykorgplebdestroyer360xXx and his name doesent show up in the chat, i have to tab out, go to my player page and look at my killboard there just to get their name.
Please bring back who we killed in chat. Especially important so that we can apologize for the occasional TK...
I notice if I get TK'd, it doesn't say who killed me in the chat (so no way to get some C4 revenge on dumb drivers.) It also doesn't name the friendly I just TK'd, either, so no way to apologize and avoid C4 revenge when I'm being a dumb driver. For enemies it's hit or miss. Oftentimes I'll be engaging a target and it'll say "200xp kill" on my screen, and the enemy does indeed die, but I get no name. Happens 100% with mines, too: doesn't say who I killed, doesn't say who killed me.
this! it sucks having to V+8 instead of actually being able to apologise when lame vehicle physics causes your tank to go sliding down a hill sideways at 60 mph and roadkill an ally. also why do we still get construction spam notifications "X lost a core!" "Y gained a core!" "a core has gone neutral!" but stuff we need to know like who killed us or who we killed is a low priority?!