I'm having issues sniping, mostly crouching and holding breath at the same time due to the location of the keys on my keyboard. I have tried the default and am currently using a swapped crouch and sprint binds where crouch is left shift and sprint/hold breath is left alt. I was wondering if anyone had found more optimal binds for crouch and hold/breath in a way that I can still freely move with WASD if needed and not need to overstetch my pinky/ring finger to reach left shift while crouching with with left alt (or vice versa). Any insight is appreciated, even if it's different than usual.
There's a crouch toggle and crouch hold button, defaults ctrl and c, you dont need to hold c to crouch. Beyond that, I think the idea is that you're not supposed to move during hold breath.
i toggle both crouching and running. I don't feel like holding keys all the time. The behavior is sort of annoyingly inconsistent though - when you zoom in, your always-run mode gets disabled and you need to reenable it (it got killed me more than few times when guy bumrushed me during scoping) - when you have both crouch and run enabled, you automatically get up when moving forward (can betray your position) also i moved grenade away from G key. I threw grenades all the time while trying to reach H for bigger map or when messing hand position and trying to use F for cloak. I am left handed and operating 3 different keys with pinky is not comfortable nor trivial. Also i've deleted entries for scroll weapons and used the mousewheel for scale map up down ([, ] by default) - it rocks.
I too use the toggles for sniping and sprinting, but it all depends on the situation. If I need to hold my breath, yeah I use the toggle, but if I'm running and just quickly wanting to get to cover I just hold the ctrl. Though I do have to say that it's kinda annoying that if you have sprint toggled on and then you toggle crouch and more forward it automatically jumps up and starts sprinting.